
Mars Discoveries, Coffin, Finger, Faces NASA Links, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 22, 2023
Location of discovery: Mars

Hey I made a new video, please like and subscribe to my channel on Youtube called UFO Sightings Daily. I found some ancient artifacts in three different Mars photos. 

I found a stone coffin in a photo. The stone coffin even has a lid laced so well on it that you couldn't even squeeze a piece a paper between them...that how well it was made. Also the lid of the coffin is black stone, there the lower box of the coffin is a brown stone. Very similar to ancient Roman coffins 2,000+ years ago on Earth.

I also found a finger. The finger is near some long fossils and the Mars rover apparently took a really close up photo of it so it has amazing detail. The finger looks very old, wrinkly and has a finger nail at its end. How did it get there? Well, I did show you a coffin did I not? Maybe some coffins on the hills broke open and body parts rolled down the hill side. 

Something that was most intriguing to me was the three faces on a hillside, looking outward to the horizon. What was intriguing was not that they were faces, but that they were faces of three different designs and possibly three different species. You see, one face looks like our ancient Greek god Apollo with wings on his helm and a strong chin and nose. The second was a more square shaped face similar to ancient Mayan and Aztec carvings on the pyramids in Mexico. The third is a face similar to those from ancient Mesopotamia with a well pronounced beard, forehead, head band and  nose, eyes chin features. 

This is not only 100% proof that intelligent aliens once existed on Mars, but also also proof that they had cultural values and rituals to protect the dead in coffins. Not to mention the uniqueness of the faces indicating three different species and cultures in themselves. 
Scott C. Waring