Showing posts with label CBS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CBS. Show all posts


Propeller UFO Found On Mars Leave Huge Trail Behind it! NASA Source! May 5, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 5, 2017
Location of discovery: Meridiani Planum, Mars
NASA source:

 I found a crashed propeller shaped UFO on Mars this week. The UFO has left a long crash trail behind it as proof from the direction it came. As the UFO fell slowly to land, it hit the edge of the rock cliffs and broke the cliff. Then it slightly rotated and the tracks turn about 45 degrees then go straight to the UFO. The tracks are the same width as the UFO bottom, so this is 100% evidence that the UFO did make the tracks behind it. This is the first time I ever found a propeller shaped UFO, however its not the first time I ever saw one.

I once recorded a propeller UFO that turned like a wheel over my apartments here in Taiwan about 6 years ago. The UFO was about the size of a motorcycle and it rotated inside of a cloud. I had it on infrared video, however, back then I didn't know how to keep the resolution of the video and when I uploaded it to Youtube, the resolution dropped, so the UFO was almost impossible to see. It was already hard since it was just 3 propeller blades rotating slowly in the cloud like an upright wheel, slowly rotating, churning the cloud. IR video recorders are the only way to get the hard core evidence quickly that you want. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Fleet Passes NASA Space Station On Live Cam, Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 2017
Location of sighting: Space station, ISS

This amazing catch was by Streetcap1 of Youtube as he watched the space station and caught a fleet of UFOs doing a fly by of the ISS. They came in close and they came within about 30-50 meters, so the aliens were fully aware that they would be seen on the live Internet cameras and they just didn't give a flying f@#$. You see, on Earth, aliens in the most part, have to follow our rules, especially the rules made by former presidents that say that alien cannot reveal themselves to humans...yet. But in space, its their home turf, and that means, their rules. As you can see for yourself, they do as they please. 
Scott C. Waring

Two Suns Seen Over Slovakia During Sunset, Video, UFO Sighting Daily News.

Date of sighting: February 2017
Location of sighting: Slovakia

This week a person was watching the sunset and noticed two setting suns. Now I have said time and time again, if you want to see a UFO, watch a sunset. The setting suns angle creates a problem for anything cloaked, so that any UFO is revealed for a few minutes. This UFO was huge and in the direction of the sun, but pocking though the clouds. A glowing orb UFO, which is very commonly seen over places like Dome of Rock and Denver, Colorado mountains. Great video posted by Martin Mikuas of Youtube. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien Hacked NASA Voyager Probe As It Exited Solar System, Video, UFO Sighting News.

I have often wondered about the Voyager probe shut down and this video sums up most of our worries about it. When it shut itself down, many of us suddenly thought back to that Star Trek 1979 movie where V'ger returned after making contact with aliens. Lets hope nothing like that happens, but if it does, hopefully when Voyager returns we will be ready to communicate with it and learn from it about the alien species that found it. 
Scott C. Waring

Video states: 
SHOKING!! NASA ADMITS: VOYAGER HAS BEEN HACKED BY ALIENS! 2016 NASA admits: Someone took control over our aircraft, we received messages from an unknown language Space probe “Voyager 2” during its path through space sent a message to the base of the Earth in a quite unintelligible language. NASA after over six years did not know the reason, but they know that it can not be accidental. “Voyager 2” is the first spacecraft to leave the solar system in 2010 and it was in the moments when the spacecraft could enter into interstellar space that a strange thing happened, that NASA would consider “someone or something” had assumed control over it. “At a distance of about 15 billion kilometers from Earth, the probe suddenly started sending data in a language which they could never understand,” said NASA expert Kevin Baines, reports Physics Astronomy. “Something or someone changed the communications system of the space probe Voyager 2,” added Baines.

Bases On Clementine Moon Atlas, Oldies From The 1980s, Feb 16, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Some of the most amazing photos I have ever found structures in were the Clementine Moon photos. And guess what, they were not put on the internet, because at that time, there was no internet. So I guess they never got around to do it. Anyways, there are load of crappy photoshoped alien buildings in it. 

Now the photos I saw came from a large NASA book that I believe was called Clementine Moon Atlas, but it was a 1st edition. I assume they edited out the buildings from other editions. It looks like many others found the same structures I did in this book. That was in the mid 1980s. 

These photos are from a site dedicated to saving those early photos that NASA didn't place on the Internet. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Files Released From US Forestry Service, Recent Sightings In It, Feb 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Christian Mace, a French UFO researcher just sent me over a message that The US Forest Service has declassified UFO files that they release. The files are more detailed that a lot of Blue Book files and many are UFO reports that took place just a few years ago with photos. This is very amazing to see recent UFO reports. For instance the first report is from February 7, 2017. 

We also need to thank the UFO site THE BLACK VAULT for petitioning  the US Gov under the Freedom of Information Act to get these files. 
Scott C. Waring



Giant Cities Found On Mars On Google Mars Map, Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Feb 2017
Location of discovery: Hellas Basin, Mars

These structures were found by Youtube user TuzenRha this week and shows not one, but hundreds of structures built in the Hellas Basin on Mars. This construction shape, size and how they are built near each other is very similar to how humans construct cities. This is a remarkable discovery. 
Scott C. Waring

Alien Statue of a Reptilian Humanoid Found in Peru, Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: Feb 2017
Location of discovery: Peru

This alien statue was spotted in Peru this week. It looks like an alien reptilian, similar to the faces we have found on Mars. Many reptile faces have been found on Mars over the last few years, making this very likely. Peru has had more than its share of UFO sightings and contact cases, so it is very possible the artist was one of those contacted by aliens and either met or was taught about the reptilian aliens. The signs are all around us, if we care to look.
Scott C. Waring

Video states:
The Mochicas considered the Iguana Man as a powerful character who helped to descend the dead and be the mediator between the world of the living and the dead. ​The Paseo Yortuque located in the province of Chiclayo in Peru, offers various representations dedicated to the ancient Mochica, among which stands out a statue of Morrop or the Iguana Man, former deity moche, related to death. Although the sculpture of Morrop has been represented using concepts of sculptors of the present time, its construction was based on the descriptions of the old Moche.

UFO Over Yellowstone Park, A Sign Trump May Sell Its Land Soon! Feb 12, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 12, 2017
Location of sighting: Yellowstone park, USA

UFOs have an important recourse that humans don't...they know the world history and future events, because they have time travel. Traveling to the future will cause them to want to go to the past to see the things that no longer exist. 

What I am saying is that President Trump may be thinking about selling off the Yellowstone park land to pay for his wall or other projects. And if Trump did do this, the park wont exist in the future, so aliens may want to time travel back to see it. 
Scott C. Waring

Person states: 
My friend Shawn caught this on tape around 9am a cloud shaped ufo or something else we don`t know about it was very strange and he was baffled by this mysterious unidentified flying object phenomenon; Could this be a ufo over Yellowstone let me know.


Pot Sasquatch Recorded On TV News Trudging Through Snow Storm, Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 9, 2017
Location of sighting: Massachusetts, USA

Now this gave me a good laugh this morning so just had to post if for you. A news caster talking about the snow storm was speaking to the camera when a pot Sasquatch just happened by. I love how the newscaster tries her best to ignore it, but by god, I want to see the pot Sasquatch! 

As the story goes, the owner of a pot show saw the news cameras setting up and thought, hey, awesome time for a pot Sasquatch sighting...and boy was it. Sure its just a guy in a costume, sure its real news trying to avoid a cute and funny story while reporting boring snow, but this will make your day.

Since Sasquatch is said to be an alien...not the costume guy, but the real one in the moutons around the world. Oh and several Sasquatch creatures were seen climbing Mexican volcanos at 5X the speed of an expert mountain climber. Big real, just not in this video.
Scott C. Waring



Biological Entity Moves Past NASA Sun Satellite On Feb 2017, Amazing Video Here, UFO Sighting Daily.

Date of sighting: February 2017
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

This UFO was found by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube. It shows a UFO shooting across the sun, but may be very close to the SOHO image satellite, so it may only be about 100+ meters long. The object doesn't seem to move like a ship, but seems almost alive in its behavior. I have long believed that animals, intelligent or otherwise could be living in space like animals live in water. They may not be carbon base life forms, but its seems that the activity around the SOHO images and those of the space station would concur with my conclusion. 

I altered the photo to show that it has a solid outside, not just a white glowing object, but it has a surface area. 
Scott C. Waring


Two UFOs Shooting Across Sky Over Lincoln, New Hampshire on Video, April 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 21, 2016
Location of sighting: Lincoln, New Hampshire, USA
Source: MUFON #81792

As you can see from the closeups, these are not jets. They are UFOs and one of them is making a trail behind it to disguise itself as a jet. The second one in following the first. Excellent capture that proves that UFOs wont to manipulate what you think you see. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I was reading on my deck around 7 o'clock. I am told that military pilots train in the mountains around where I live and I've always enjoyed seeing them fly through. This happens all the time, jets and helicopters are a common sighting. So I naturally saw the jet and did a double take, because there was something following it. I immediately thought I was witnessing some strange aircraft, possibly military but it was not a jet. I knew it wasn't a jet because it was actually right behind one. The jet it was chasing left a long contrail behind it, but the UFO did not. The UFO was gaining on a jet. No helicopter could do that. I was blown away and luckily got out my phone in time to take a video. I watched the object gaining on the jet for about 10 seconds when i lost them in the trees. I was very excited and anxious. I felt I has witnessed something very hard to dismiss as a "weather balloon" or some obvious type of aircraft. Shortly after the jet and object left my range of sight I saw 3 more jets and 1 helicopters going the same direction (in my opinion chasing the UFO). I also got another video of those other aircraft. I would like to show the video to an aviation expert and maybe get an explanation.

10 Meter UFO On Legs Hauled In Trailer Across Missouri At Midnight, Feb 2017, Videos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 2017
Location of sighting: Central Missouri, USA
Source 1:
Source 2:

There are two reports of this craft being hauled on a trailer. One of them also has a video, and says its probably headed to Area 51. As you can see, this is an all new video of a disk being carried by military personal with a police escort. The disk is huge, about 10 meters a gross and stands on three legs. These two reports back up each other and are proof it occurred. 

Some people will ask, if its a UFO, why don't they fly it where they have got to go? Because if it was recently traded from aliens to humans, like in the past, it takes a lot of time to practice flying these things to get the hand of it. Also the USAF don't have UFO pilots just hanging around doing nothing. The last thing the USAF wants is a UFO crash in the middle of some city because a pilot thought he could handle it, but was wrong. 

Also, if it wasn't a UFO, then why are they hiding it by transporting it at midnight? 
Scott C. Waring

Report states: 
Occurred : 2/1/2017 22:15 (Entered as : 02/01/2017 22:00) 
Reported: 2/2/2017 9:20:57 PM 21:20 
Posted: 2/3/2017 
Location: Fort Leonard Wood, MO 
Shape: Disk 
Duration:1 minute driving north 15 miles north of fort leonard wood on I-44 north last night at exactly 10:15 pm. saw line of police cars spaced out about a mile with no traffic coming southbound. noticed more police cars with lights keeping traffic held back in the distance about another mile. a semi with flatbed was in the center. As the semi approached, i couldnt beleive that the semi was carrying what appeared to be a saucer shaped object. i passed within a hundred or so feet of the semi going in the opposite direction. the semi was moving at a moderate speed.. the area was somewhat illuminated and my 16 foot penske truck was elevated so i had a clear view. it was dull metallic grey, thick short legs coming from the center bottom like fence posts. thick central body and tapering to very thin edges. it encompassed the whole trailer. it was hanging over the edges. no cockpit or windows or markings, etc., wide central body. about 50 percent body and 50 percent winglike or sauce! r like edges. any other reports? large drone? Thanks


Giant Disk Seen Orbiting Earth Over Melbourne, Australia On Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 3, 2017
Location of sighting: Melbourne, Australia

This UFO was caught by UFO Lou of Youtube. He lives in Australia and used a night vision scope to capture this footage. At 2:49 into the footage you see a large UFO moving in Earths orbit. The UFO is too slow to be a meteor and too big to be a satellite and is shaped like a classic disk. Amazing thing to see in night vision isn't it?
Scott C. Waring


Tiny Alien Strolls Across Street In National Forest In Chile, May 10, 2004, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 10, 2004
Location of sighting: The Parque Forest, Santiago, Chile

This is one of the most amazing alien catches I have ever seen. An alien was caught walking across the street in a protected forest area of Chile. This particular little species is very interested in all areas of human activity. For instance this same small species of alien flew and crashed a UFO on a farm back in 1896 in Aurora, Texas when it was so busy looking at things that it missed the fact that it was about to hit a windmill on the farm...and then the UFO exploded. Metal fragments were found, and a tiny alien pilot about 1 foot tall was found and buried in the local cemetery. This species takes a lot of risk to gather their evidence, and they like to do it in person, instead of using computers and drones. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
Report from the witness, Civil Engineer Germán Pereira: 

I'm from Concepción and have been working in Santiago for little over a a year. On May 10 this year I decided to take some photos at Parque Forestal, taking some 10 shots which I downloaded to my PC the following day . 

I thought it would be interesting to photograph a group of Carabineros (state police) on horseback patrolling the sector. The photo was taken at 17:40 hrs approximately from the corner of JM de la Barra and Av. Cardenal José María Caro, in front of bellas Bellas Artes and looking east. 

It was a cloudy day and the sun was hidden, for which reason my digital camera ( Kodak DX6490) adjusted to low speed (1/10 seg.). 
This is the reason why the photo shows motion (those knowledegable about photography will know the reason why)Furthermore, the Carabineros were som 20 meters distant, and I employed the camera's optical zoom (10x) which added to the blurred result. 

The fact is that I am very impressed by this image. I attest to the fact that it is not a fraud nor anything similar. For this reason I have made it public and I contacted the staff of CIFAE Chile. I would like to know the true nature of the image that appears in it and if anyone has ever caught anything similar in a photo. Nothing more. 

Germán Pereira A. Ing. Civil Mecánico 

Researcher Erick Martínez, of CIFAE Chile (left) and the witness, Civil Engineer Germán Pereira.

Doorway Into Pluto Found In Latest NASA Photo, Jan 31, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Jan 31, 2017
Location of discovery: Pluto 
Source photo:

Pluto is 18% the size of Earth, and yet it has no shortage of alien secrets on its surface. Here is an entrance to an underground alien base on Pluto. This dark rectangular opening is close to 500 meters by 100 meters. You see, if you stay young forever, you will want to make sure you are safe in the location you are at. Underground living is actually many times safer than on the surface. But, the bad news is, if underground living is preferred to surface living, then it must be dangerous out much so, that living underground is preferred. 
Scott C. Waring

Feb 2, 2017: PS, I've included below a great video UFO Mania of Youtube just posted today. 


3 Meter Tall Alien Body Found On Mars, Jan 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 2017
Location of discovery: Mars
Photo source 1:
Photo source 2:

Wow, this is a great discovery. A bipedal skeleton on Mars and he has two sources as evidence. The skeleton is of a bipedal species like our own, having two legs, rib cage, back bone. The head and arms are gone, broken off from time. Remarkable discovery. The hight of the alien would be about 3 meters tall when compared to the hillside its on.
Scott C. Waring

Dark UFO Over California This Week, Jan 30, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 30, 2017
Location of sighting: California, USA

Secureteam10 is reporting this dark UFO over California this week. The UFO has sharp edges and is easily hidden in the smoggy sky. The UFO almost looks like a b2 stealth bomber on its back end, but that jet cannot perform such a manoeuvre. Excellent catch.
Scott C. Waring


Alien Abducted 19th century Locomotives rest on the floor of the ocean, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: About 2008
Location of discovery: Ocean, 8 miles off New Jersey Shore

Lets face it, aliens steal stuff all the time. Jets, planes, ships, sailboats, people just disappear and we accept it as...normal. Well, here is a great video of not one, but two train engines that were found 8 miles off the New Jersey coast. There is no clear and exact explanation about how these trains got out there, but we can easily figure it out, once we realise that aliens love examining the most recent technology that humans have created. Like Hollywood Paparazzi, aliens seem overly anxious to get their grubby little green mitts on them. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

White Ceramic Building Found On Earths Moon, Jan 27, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 27, 2017
Location of discovery: Earths moon
Source photo:

Found by Streetcap1 of Youtube, this structure has many right angles and was obviously constructed by aliens. One of the 3 main types of structures found on moons and planets in our solar system is the white ceramic structures. These are incredibly heard to record with photos, due to the incredible reflectivity of its surface. They are however not the hardest to photograph. I found that the clear pyramids and clear structures with lights inside are actually the hardest for a camera lens or screen recorded to record. Found several in one Apollo photo, but could never for the life of me get once single shot of it. Very odd, and irritating. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan