Showing posts with label entrance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label entrance. Show all posts


Entrance To Alien Base On Indonesian Island On Google Earth Map, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 13, 2020
Location of discovery: Indonesia
Google Coordinates: 1°13'42.00"S 129°48'49.43"E

I found an entrance to an underground base on a secluded island in Indonesia. The doorway can easily be seen with Google Earth map and when you add contrast to a screenshot...the detail really comes out. We can even tell from looking at it that the UFO that flew through this doorway was leaving the underground base. How do we know this? Because the deeper insides of the tunnel are collapsed and closed in, but the outer surfaces area is still open. This is the perfect place for an underground base...on such a secluded island were few people ever wander. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Three mile glowing doorway found in Earths Moon, ET Entrance to base, Nov 1, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 1, 2017
Location of discovery: Earths moon
Map link:

While the world is making Trump into a global celebrity and Hollywood is turning into Hornywood...Hollywood being my hometown by the way. I decided to take a closer look a this moon map and in about 30 seconds found a glowing rectangle entrance into the moon. 

There is also a long above ground transparent tunnel that glows at night like lightening. (Click here to see the night photos). This glowing rectangle is absolutely unexplainable by any scientists in the world...because its real. Even NASA will refuse to respond to such truth, because their lies have already boxed them into a room where there is no truth, only lies built upon lies. The glowing entrance is about 1.5 miles by 3 miles across. 

I am Scott C. Waring, here to show you the truth that you demand. 


Doorway Into Rock Found In 3 Mars Photos, 100% Proof That Tiny Aliens Existed On Mars, UFO Sighting News.

Source photo 1:
Source photo 2:
Source photo 3:

Guys I found the door again, but this time I found 3 different photos from different angles, all show that the door does exist in this strange stone. I say stone, but surly its not stone, but the outside walls of a makeshift home. The doorway is perfectly symmetrical to the ground so that someone can step from the ground into the doorway easily. The doorway is about 3 inches high by 2 inches and is 100% proof that a tiny alien species with intelligence once existed on Mars. I am sure there are hundreds of other UFO researches out there that would agree with me. 

The real question is, how has the Mars Curiosity Rover overlooked this doorway? And why hasn't NASA reported it immediately. I can easily find it in at least 10 more photos, so surly NASA has seen it. But then again, NASAs secret real job is to drip feed the public information about possibilities of life in space. Therefore NASA would get gov funding for the next 50-100 years before they decide to tell the public. 

But, you have me...and I don't give a shit what NASA wants or doesn't want. I'm going to give it to you straight and if NASA doesn't like that, then they can go explore each others Uranus in the NASA Johnson air brushing room. But then again, they probably already are. 
Scott C. Waring


Doorway Into Pluto Found In Latest NASA Photo, Jan 31, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Jan 31, 2017
Location of discovery: Pluto 
Source photo:

Pluto is 18% the size of Earth, and yet it has no shortage of alien secrets on its surface. Here is an entrance to an underground alien base on Pluto. This dark rectangular opening is close to 500 meters by 100 meters. You see, if you stay young forever, you will want to make sure you are safe in the location you are at. Underground living is actually many times safer than on the surface. But, the bad news is, if underground living is preferred to surface living, then it must be dangerous out much so, that living underground is preferred. 
Scott C. Waring

Feb 2, 2017: PS, I've included below a great video UFO Mania of Youtube just posted today. 


Alien Leg Bones Found On Mars Near Buddha Statue, Dec 4, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 4, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars

I had a look at this amazing Mars photo and soon found some very thick and long leg bones. Its foot and heal bones were only made up of three or four separate bones. Its toe bone was just a single thick a single bird toe. The front and back of the leg bones have a fibula (main) and a tibula (thinner) bone, like humans have, but instead this species two bones are permentatly attached and there is a third tibula bone on the other side. This is a genetic manipulation to make its bones stronger, harder to break. 

I also found a head which is probably a sculpted head, but it is highly detailed and made of a different material than all that around it...which explains how it survived so well in its great condition.

I also found a Buddha statue carved into the stone with a hat and on its hat is a two C shapes but each is opposite the the other. I colored the alien Buddha to make it easier for you to see it. 
Scott C. Waring


86 Year Old Buzz Aldrin evacuated from South Pole In Antarctica To Hospital, Dec 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of news: Dec 1, 2016
Location of event: Antartica

Here is an interesting video by SecureTeam10 about Buzz Aldrin who was part of a tourist group visiting Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station through White Desert. The trip was expected to last through December 12, but was cut short for Buzz when a health scare occurred. Buzz, 86 years old seems to want to keep active, and use this life to its fullest. A great example to us all. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
Former astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second person to walk on the moon in 1969, has landed in Christchurch, New Zealand, after being evacuated from the South Pole when his medical condition deteriorated, according to a release from the National Science Foundation. He is 86 years old.

Aldrin landed at 4:25 a.m. December 2. "Upon arrival in Christchurch, the Antarctic program's logistics hub in New Zealand, Aldrin was transferred to a local medical facility," according to the foundation.

He "currently has fluid in his lungs but is responding well to antibiotics and being kept overnight for observation. His condition is stable and his manager, who is currently with him, described him being in good spirits," according to an update from luxury tourism company White Desert.

His manager, Christina Korp, said Aldrin is recovering. She also tweeted photos showing that Aldrin reached the South Pole, which was his goal.

600+ Meter UFO Turns Night Into Day Over Colima Volcano, Mexico, Dec 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 2016
Location of sighting: Colima Volcano, Mexico

This UFO was noticed by Streetcap1 of Youtube this week over the Colima Volcano in Mexico. The  UFO may have just left the volcanos mouth and seems to be charging up to leave the area. This UFO is bigger than the 600 meter wide mouth of the volcano. It seems large, but in the future people wont build spaceships...robots will, and robots don't need work breaks, phone breaks, games or food and drinks...they work 24/7 until the job is done, so making a giant ship like this would be done 10X faster than if the work was done by humans. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states:
It disappears then reappears way above the Summit. It looked strange. When you think about it, it is the perfect cover. Streetcap1.


Ancient Relief Found On Rock Wall On Mars, Proof Of Intelligent Life, Sept 2016, NASA Source, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 28, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, Murray Butte

This is an ancient relief. A relief is a sculptural technique where the sculpted elements remain attached to a solid background of the same material.

I found a few anomalies in this photo, but one thing stood out the most, an ancient carving (relief) on the side of one of these walls. I could see two extended arms, and in each hand is one short stick. I can also see elaborate bracelets on each of those arms. The person seems to have a tail and headers, but its legs are broken off between the upper thigh and the ankle area. I tried to sharpen it best I could, but if you can do it better, then please post the URL in the comments below for us to see. 
Scott C. Waring



Two UFOs Leaving Mouth Of Volcano On Live Cam, Feb 10 GMT, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 9, 2014
Location of sighting: Volcano near Mexico City, Mexico

This is screenshots from the live cam of volcano Popocatetl. I only had the cam on a few minutes when I saw this UFO or UFOs leaving the mouth of the crater. The camera only takes photos every 10-20 seconds so I saved the photos and tried to make some enlargements of the UFOs in the upper left corner of the photos. As you see, the UFOs change color from white, purple, green and even red. Its a well known fact with UFO researchers that there is an entrance to an underground alien base somewhere within the mouth of this volcano, but no one dares enters since there is a sheer 600m drop not to mention its an active volcano so many poisonous gases fill its crater. I made a gif and put it below. A gif is many photos put together to show a movie. I know a lot of people think these are stars, but stars at this cam move from top to bottom of screen. Those glowing orbs at the upper right of the screen are there every night and never move much. SCW




Amazing Five Mile Entrance To Zeeman Crater Lunar Base, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: unknown
Location of discovery: Zeeman Crater, Earths Moon

Hey guys, I know that I have reported this structure about a year ago, but this video shows & explains it better than any ever made. 

Check out the guys site at: 

Eyewitness states: 
Thanks to Brad my Australian friend for reminding me of this one! This is one that you may have seen before I am not the first to find this. It should really blow you away as it did me. I am still looking for the LO slide number so you can download the picture directly without using Google Earth.. Either way I thought you would enjoy. Here are the coordinates. 72°30'41.04" S 145°30'29.62" W Open Google Earth, Switch to Google Moon. Then put those in or type in "Zeeman Crater". Then make sure you have the Lunar Orbiter slides turned on (LEFT MENU). Then switch between that and the Visible Imagery.


Alien Base Entrance Discovered On Mount Adams, Near ECETI Ranch, UFO Sighting News, Nov 2, 2012.

Date of discovery: Nov 2, 2012
Location of discovery: Mount Adams, on the Oregon, Washington boarder, USA
Source is a world satellite map (free):

I had read about and researched the UFO Sightings at the ECETI ranch for many years and finally found a satellite map that would allow me to fully view the top of the ranch. The mass amounts of military officers and DOD people as well as news agencies who record these UFO have been baffled by what they saw. Glowing UFO orbs are seen nightly by visitors and people in the community. The thing that sticks out the most is that they often say, "it was coming from the side of the mountain," or "it went into the side of the mountain." This made me search for some kind of distortion in the photos, a glitch in their cloaking that would prove to be an entrance to a base. You see I work with infrared and night vision so I understand that certain light waves are not visible to the human eye, but the digital eye is a different story.  Here is a video I made of the results of this search. The entrance is real…now…how do we open it? Scott C. Waring


Alien Base Entrance Discovered On Google Mars Map, July 20, 2012 Close Up View.

Date of discovery: July 2012
Location of discovery: Mars at 45°56'46.91''N, 23°32'15.49''E

While looking over Google Mars I came across an entrance to an underground alien base. This may be an ancient base long since abandoned, but thats anyones guess. This area has a square like shape and you can make out the shadows which show it getting deeper and deeper on its right side meaning it is sloped. The shadows angle matches that of the nearby mountains and rocks so this is not an mistake in the satellite photo, but rather a real ancient entrance to an underground facility of some sort. To find the object just copy and past this into the Google Mars search area, 45°56'46.91''N, 23°32'15.49''E and you will be taken to it. You must zoom in to see it better. Very cool and easy for anyone to check out. SCW


Cloud In Shape Of Disk Over Famed Alien Base Entrance, Volcano Popocatepeti, Mexico 3 Photos.

Date of sighting: April 2, 2012
Location of sighting: Popocatepeti, Mexico

This Mexican volcano is a well known entrance/exit to an underground alien base. While watching the live cam last night at a volcano in Mexico called Popocatepeti, I caught this cloud cloaked UFO over the volcano. I am very certain of this since this particular volcano is notorious for UFO orbs and Metalic UFOs flying over it. There are two kinds of cloaks that aliens use, one the one that bends light around itself (invisibility) and second a cloud forming cloak.  For fun, in Google search type "Popocatepeti, UFO," in photo search. Amazing stuff. SCW

Source Live Cam: 


Mothership flies into the sun on NASA video on May 11, 2011, amazing UFO Sighting footage.

Mothership flies into the sun on NASA video on May 11, 2011, amazing UFO Sighting footage.

SOHO/NASA image of entrance into sun and location NASA plans to send their probe into in 2018.

Watch this amazing video that NASA explains is a comet about to hit the sun, but I believe it is a giant ship that is coming in for a landing. Yeah thats right, scientists around the world have been stating UFOs as big as Earth are orbiting the suns flames and not catching on fire all the while these objects move in erratic paths, not normal orbits.

No I would like to show you the entrance that the ship entered. This is a NASA photo they took back in August 2003. With cameras like this, why are we not seeing the sun closer up so we can identify the UFOs flying around the sun…because NASA does not want you to see it. They have the technology as you can see in the above photo of the entrance into the sun.


I ask you, why would NASA want to waste a billion dollar probe on crashing it into the sun?
Yes, that is their plan for the year 2018. Check out this video and wonder…what if the sun…was not what we thought? The scientist say, "We expect a lot of surprises."

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard”
For More UFO Information Please Come Visit My Main UFO Site, Click Here.


Doorway Into Moon Discovered in NASA Apollo Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Doorway Into Moon Discovered in NASA Apollo Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 23, 2011 by SCW

Source photos:
No hole:

No hole:

While exploring the NASA Apollo moon photos I (Scott C. Waring/UFOlogist) came across a photo that showed a black circle with slightly uneven edges like a crater. I found this odd since I could not see the bottom of the crater, but such black circle craters have been discovered before.

When I looked at the photo right before and after this one, the object was no longer there. Instead of an opening, there was a lunar gray surface. There black hole was not visible.

I knew from the past that there is record on April 29, 2007 when an Astronomer Alberto Mayer who lives in Busto Arisizio, Italy saw and recorded a giant black circle that moved across the lunar surface then then 75% across it turned at a right angle. This is one of my videos and can be seen at

It's because of that video that I consider that this might not be an opening but instead a mothership sailing over the surface of the moon.

I believe the door into the moon is also possible due to the evidence that the moon is artificially made. Look at my other youtube videos to see this evidence, but I cannot discount that it might have been a UFO mothership. Further analysis by more experts in this field is necessary.

Source photos at:


No hole

No hole

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯