Showing posts with label species. Show all posts
Showing posts with label species. Show all posts


UK Delivery Driver Spots UFO, Oct 2021, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 8, 2021
Location of sighting: Stonehaven, Scotland
News source:

Often people mistakenly say this is a lenticular cloud...yeah, made by a freaking alien UFO hidden inside the freaking lenticular cloud. Seriously, humans wear camouflage when they go hunting, to blend into the environment and not get noticed. So it is not difficult to understand that aliens have rules that forbid them and their ships from being seen by humanity? Aliens do not want to cause a frenzy on Earth and just want to observe and record data. Why? Because most alien species evolved on planets that were billions of years old, maybe even ten billion years old...long before Earth ever existed. Thus...they are so old of a race that they probably lost most data of events millions of years earlier. We as humans don't even know 100% what happened a hundred years ago, a thousand years hundred thousand years ago. We are lost for answers...aliens...look for developing civilizations like ours and watch, record and thus learn about their own earliest evolution. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

News states: A delivery driver was stunned when social media users suggested his photo of a ' UFO -shaped' cloud could be aliens. John Stephens was out delivering groceries when he snapped the amazing sight over the hills of Stonehaven, near Aberdeen, but after posting it online on October 8, some people were quick to suggest it could be a visitor from outer space. The 57-year-old soon discovered the 'interesting-shaped' formation was likely to be a lenticular cloud, which commonly forms the shape of a flying saucer due to wind direction. But his Facebook post has attracted almost 1,000 reactions and 60 comments from people noting its likeness to a spaceship - with one even suggesting it 'took the wrong turn' and ended up on Earth.John, from Inverness, said: "The first picture does look like the shape of a UFO. "If I see something interesting, I'll just take a picture of it. "When I saw it, I thought 'there's a cloud'. It's just a cloud. It's a reasonably interesting-shaped cloud, but I wasn't thinking half the things that some of the people commenting thought. "They're saying it's a lenticular cloud. They form over the hills and mountains and make layers. "People seem baffled by what it is. There are some scientific explanations too - but only a few."

Photo of UFO and eyewitness...John Stephens.


Huge UFO Over Munich, Bavaria On Oct 15, 2021, Photos, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: October 15, 2021
Location of sighting: Munich, Bavaria

The eyewitness spotted a disk cloud moving across his city of Munich, Bavaria yesterday. The eyewitness states, "I saw this this morning from the window of a moving train." The disk cloud which is known to hold a cloaked alien ship also has a long thin contrail moving from the ground to the cloud itself. This means the the break of dawn...was on the ground for an unknown amount of hours...possible allowing the pilots to get out and explore the city of Munich. They then get noticed by someone walking past and they make a bee line for their ship and shoot away up, to the mothership which already has a cloud around them so they can continue to observe. Very fascinating photo and 100% proof that aliens not only observe...but they also come down and to the ground level to explore and examine things. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Animal Found on Mars, Six Legged Lizard Creature In NASA Rover Photo, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 29, 2020
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1448

 While looking through Sol 1448 of Mars, I noticed a strange creature on the hillside. The object seems to be a species of lizard, but unlike anything we have here on Earth. This create has massive hind legs and two front thinner legs. Six legs in total. The animal has a short reptile like tail that curls at its end. The head of the creature is more similar to that of a mammal than a reptile. Its tall ears bent forward like a dogs, its long snout area and thick mouth area also similar to that of a dog. Perhaps its living species of pet that people on Mars preferred to keep company with? Hard to say, but it would be nice if the rover drove a bit closer to see this animal in more detail. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Alien Structures Found On Mars In NASA Photo, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Feb 2020
Location of discovery: Nile Crater, Mars
Source photo:

This is a great video by Youtuber Jean Ward. He found some incredible structures on Mars that is without a doubt absolute proof of an ancient civilization once living on its surface. The structures perfectly balanced on both sides, with some impossible 90 degree curves that would be found on most structures here on Earth. The structures look mostly intact and could probably be a great place for humans to start up a colony. This is amazing! This is 100% proof of an ancient alien race once living on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Ancient Alien City Discovered On Mars Shows Complex Primitive Culture, Faces, Pyramids, Statues, March 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March11, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

When you find one alien artifact on Mars, its thought provoking, but when you find dozens of artifacts in the same becomes indisputable evidence. Well...that happened today. 

At first, I had only found one interesting object in this photo...a white object which could easily be...a living species...of the Mars. I believe the white object is actually a freshly made statue, which means a sparse population of this alien species still live here. 

Then...I let my eyes adjust to the photo and slowly I saw the doorway to the right of the white object. A few seconds later I noticed the pyramid...and then when I thought I had found it all...I noticed the lion face near the doorway. And yet a few seconds later I noticed the second doorway to the left of the white creature. Needless to say...I realized that I had just discovered an ancient city in this location. 

Further out in the photo were a lot of other alien artifacts, proof that aliens existed once on Mars, but they were scattered and often half buried in Mars soil. I'll put a few of the artifacts below. 

This one photo of enough to change the beliefs of most non believers instantly and yet, most of the world will never get to see it. So I ask you, please share this post. Reposting it on any social site or news site you can find. We need to let the public know the truth...that intelligent life once existed on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring


Glowing UFO Over China During Sunset, July 18, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 18, 2018
Location of sighting: Chongqing, China

This eyewitness caught a UFO over China last week. The UFOs you see in this video are actually just one craft. These glowing lights are part of its propulsion system. Bob Lazar said the smaller craft he worked on in Area S4 inside Area 51 had three main engines that glowed at certain times. Reminds me of the sighting over the Chinese airport years ago that shut down the airport. 
Scott C. Waring


Golden UFOs Seen Leaving Mountain Peeks Of Sedona, Arizona On March 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2018
Location of sighting: Sedona, Arizona, USA 
Source: MUFON #90899

Bright golden lights were seen at Sedona this week in the mountains. The bright lights were caught in two different photos, always in the same location. The mountains would make a great exit area for UFOs that were leaving an underground base in the area. Also in the clouds above the mountains is another golden UFO. 

Its unknown if the lights were seen by the eyewitness or when they got home, but often cameras catch the full activities of the moment, where the human eye is more flawed and processes much less. 
Scott C. Waring

Home Security Camera Records A Fairy Visiting In London, England, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 10, 2013
Location of sighting: London, Great Britain
Source: MUFON #90907

This report took place back in 2013, but was reported today. Look closely at the objects that were caught on a outside home security camera and you will notice a strange resemblance to a fairy. Could they be an alien species visiting this planet? Yes, most likely. Stories of fairies have existed for hundreds of years. For a story to last so long, some truth must be in it.

Humanity only knows a small percent of the life that exists on our own planet, and this could be a species that has visited often enough that stories of the little flying people have spread far and wide. 
Scott C. Waring


Cat face and human-like face found on Moon, in NASA photo, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 3, 2017
Location of discovery: Earths moon

I found these items today. Two faces, one looks human and from the side view, the other face is that of a cat-like species. This sounds ridiculous, but a cat species tried to communicate to a Russian control tower and the whole conversation of the feline sounds with the control tower people warning them was on Youtube for years. I reported it the day it happened, so yes, its real. So real, that every video on Youtube with the voice has been deleted out of each video. Very odd, I remember hearing the cat like meowing when I listened to it long ago. Here is a video link some of the videos of it, but the meowing is gone! A 2011 sighting. Some dark force is going through the videos, deleting sections that it doesn't want people to hear. Its just 5-7 seconds of meowing, so why is this so secret, that then needed alien tech to delete this info from Youtube and the net?

Scott C. Waring


Alien face found in nebula 400 light years from Earth, Sept 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 19, 2017
Location of discovery: Rho Ophiuchi cloud Nebula
Source: BBC News at

This face was found by me today when I was dreading the BBC News. Sometimes the most amazing discoveries are left undiscovered...right in front of our own noses. 

This photo unknowingly contains a giant alien face in the nebula. This is the second face in a nebula that I have found, the first was also here to view old post. 

The face is of an extraordinarily ancient species, 8-14 billion years old, because only an ancient species has the ability to manipulate a nebula this way. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan



Ancient Temple Ruins Found On Mars In Rover Photo, May 2017, UFO Sighting News.

The above photo is how it would look had it not been damaged. I copied 50% and flipped it over to show its fully. Below is normal view.

Date of discovery: May 2, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1432
Source photo:

Sometimes the ancient artifacts I find just blow me away, but maybe its just me. The photo above has one angel wing in it and a god like face next to it, so it stands to reason that the god has angel wings. The photo directly below has a face of a culturally significant individual from a intelligent species that once lived here. I really wonder how long NASA is going to keep up this lie they keep telling the public, that there is no life on Mars? Its there, the evidence is beyond overwhelming. This is enough evidence to convince any archeologist that they have discovered an ancient city, and yet, just because its Mars, it goes ignored. 

UFOlogy and searching for ancient artifacts is becoming a new area of science. Its just a matter of a few years before its totally accepted in scientific circles. 
Scott C. Waring