Showing posts with label Chinese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chinese. Show all posts


UFO Caught On IR Video Shooting Past China Shenzhou-9 Rocket, June 2012.

Date of sighting: June 16, 2012
Location of sighting: exiting Earths atmosphere

Several unidentified objects with light were seen about four minutes after the Shenzhou-9 launch on Monday. Although some might say the two UFOs in the back have to be rocket tanks being dropped, the UFO that shots from the opposite direction was undeniable. Clearly aliens did a flyby to check out this China rocket as it made its way to its single room space station in orbit. This is a big step for China and their space history.  


UFO Caught Over Chengdu, China On April 2012 News Video.

Date of sighting: April 2012
Location of sighting: Tianfu Square, Chengdu, China


Chang'e Orbiter Moon Structures Discovered In Crater, March 2012.

Below is 3 faces, can you see them? They believe we are not intelligent enough to notice them.
Notice the structure below?
Date of discovery: March 2012
Location of discovery: Earth's Moon

A comment at our site alerted to the Chinese Chang'e Orbiter Map location and I went to check it out. In the first five minutes of looking at it I found numerous structures and faces in a crater. The map does not give me the names of the craters, however this one is located on the far lower left of the map. Sorry I didn't talk during the video…I thought the speaker wasn't working so I didn't bother. My mistake. SCW

Source Map:


UFO over Guangzhou, China causes panic along a river, Aug 30, 2011 UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 30, 2011
Location of sighting: Guangzhou, China

Now this is the third video of this craft. At first the detail seems to good, but what makes me think it may be real is the reflection in the water. Note, the reflection is perfectly symmetrical with the buildings reflections. Also note there is a slight disturbance in the water below the UFO. Tell us what you think about this video.

I can hear a girl say, "Wo cone boo!" Which is Chinese for, "I'm very scared!"

China News Source:


500 meter UFO Closes Down China Airport For Hours, Actual Photos, July 9, 2010, video UFO Sighting News.


Leaked Email to US spy website states: 
UFO shuts airport. Really.
By Wang Xiang | 2010-7-9 | NEWSPAPER EDITION

EAST China's Hangzhou City shut down its Xiaoshan airport for one hour late=
Wednesday night after radar detected the hovering of ... something.

Airport officials called it an unidentified flying object.

The UFO showed up on the airport's radar at around 9pm. The airport authori=
ty immediately notified passengers to stop boarding and grounded all flight=
s about to take off, Xinhua news agency reported yesterday.

The object forced many incoming flights to land in neighboring airports in =
cities of Ningbo and Wuxi. It also caused about four hours delay for flight=
s taking off.

The UFO looked like a twinkling spot and disappeared very soon, Xinhua quot=
ed a passenger on board an incoming plane who claimed he witnessed the obje=

The Xiaoshan airport has resumed normal operations, its spokesman said. He =
refused to provide more details, saying an investigation was still going on.

An airport worker said the UFO was only visible to radars at the airport an=
d none of the passengers or workers on the runway could have seen it with t=
he naked eye.

But just hours before the airport shut down, many residents in Hangzhou sai=
d they witnessed a glowing object hovering in the afternoon sky and moving =

The object, glowing in golden light, was moving slowly toward the ground dr=
agging a comet-like tail, said a city bus driver surnamed Yu. It changed tr=
ack after moving downwards for about six minutes.

"The thing suddenly ran westwards fast, like it was escaping from something=
," Yu said.

Hangzhou meteorological authorities said what these people reported might h=
ave been sunlight reflected from regular airplanes.
Read more:

Zhejiang UFO still a mystery

Source: Xinhua | 2010-7-10 | NEWSPAPER EDITION

AVIATION experts were last night no nearer to identifying the unidentified =
flying object that disrupted air traffic over east China for an hour on Wed=

An investigation team, comprising police and aviation officials, were still=
trying to identify the UFO that was spotted over Zhejiang Province.

"No conclusion has yet been drawn," Wang Jian, head of air traffic control =
with the Zhejiang branch of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, sai=
d yesterday.

There was speculation the UFO might have been a private aircraft, based on =
the increasing number of privately-owned aircraft in the province. But an i=
ndustry insider who declined to be named yesterday ruled that out.

Wang said the private plane was "just a guess."

Xiaoshan Airport in Hangzhou was closed after the UFO was detected at about=
9pm on Wednesday, and some flights rerouted to Ningbo and Wuxi airports.

Read more:

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯

 These are actual photos of the UFO that closed the Chinese airport in 2010.


UFO Sighting of Alien Craft hovering over Shenyang, China (Close Up) August 1, 2011 video.

Date of sighting: August 1, 2011
Location of sighting: Shenyang, China

This is an interesting close up view of a UFO hovering over the city of Shenyang, China yesterday. I do not think the object changes shape as much as its anti gravity propulsion causes it to appear this way. A steady hand, close up view makes this a great capture. At about 3:30 into the video he zooms out and for one second in two moments, the UFO is clear. I took two screenshots and posted above of those seconds.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and "Dragons of Asgard." ☯


China UFO sighting happens on Roswell UFO crash anniversary, CNN. UFO Sighting News.

Two UFO sightings were recently reported in eastern China
One incident shut down operations at an airport.

Talk about eerie.

One of two recent UFO sightings in China occurred almost on the 63rd anniversary of news that a "flying disc" had been found in Roswell, New Mexico.

And like in 1947, people either choose to believe or be skeptical that visitors have stopped by from outer space.

Nothing has officially been ruled in or out by Chinese officials, who are looking into whether the objects were private or military aircraft, rocket flares, reflection in the sky or something else.

The first sighting occurred at Hangzhou's Xiaoshan Airport, in the eastern part of the country, according to the state-controlled Xinhua news agency.

Eighteen flights were delayed or rerouted and operations shut down after twinkling lights were spotted above the terminal around 9 p.m. July 7, the agency said. According to Xinhua, speculation has centered on a private aircraft. The state-run China Daily quoted a source saying the object had a military connection.

"No conclusion has yet been drawn," said Wang Jian, head of air traffic control with Zhejiang branch of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, and the investigation continues.

Purported photos of the unworldly object have appeared online and on YouTube.

Meanwhile, The Shanghai Daily reported some UFOs appeared above the city of Chongqing on Thursday.

Witnesses said four "lantern-like objects forming a diamond shape" hovered for an hour above a park.

"I stared at it and it did not move," one resident told the newspaper. "After hovering for an hour, the thing started to fly higher and finally out of people's sight."

UFO sightings around the world are common, but a little rarer in China.

The International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico, educates visitors, conducts research and receives sighting reports.

Its website summarizes the Roswell incident, which came to light July 8, 1947. "Once it became public, the event known as The Roswell Incident, the crash of an alleged flying saucer, the recovery of debris and bodies and the ensuing cover up by the military was of such magnitude and so shrouded in mystery, that 60 years later there are still more questions than answers."
The U.S. government has long contended that no aliens or spaceships were found.

Source: CNN

--Please check out my books at, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring or at YouTube and search "TaiwanSCW" to see my personal UFO dicovery videos.