Location of sighting: Mars orbit
Source: https://www.cnsa.gov.cn/english/n6465719/c6812028/content.html
Guys, I'm a USAF vet living and working in Taiwan. If Taiwan is taken over by China (which could happen by noon today) then all posts and news from this site will end. China would stop all outgoing news by pulling the plug on wifi, 4G and 5G connections. Also possible China is practicing for later this month on attacking social media platforms before it takes Taiwan for real.
I just woke up at 5:59 am here in New Taipei City, Taiwan to the sounds of a Taiwan F-16 fighter jet flying about 200-300 meters up. Very low, hauling ass in the direction of the ocean nearest China. Every day China has sent 30+ military jets over Taiwan airspace, yesterday it sent 56 jet. The aircraft included 34 Shenyang J-16 fighter jets, two SU-30 fighter jets, two Shaanxi Y-8 anti-submarine warfare (Y-8 ASW) planes, two KJ-500 airborne early warning and control aircraft (KJ-500 AEW&C), and 12 Xian H-6 bombers.
It's very possible that China will take us over by noon today. The media outages worldwide may be Chinese hackers trying to stop the spread of news of them taking over Taiwan on social media so it slows a response by US and its allies. Can't leave, sons passport is in limbo in Taiwan embassy for last 6 weeks for unknown reason. It looks like outlook for Taiwan is FUBAR.
In case this is it, its been fun reporting for you all and I hope you continue supporting the UFO community by also supporting other UFO reporters worldwide.
Thank you for everything,
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan