Showing posts with label rocket. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rocket. Show all posts


Did these cracked areas on the rocket cause it to spin before it was self destructed? UFO Sighting News.

Hey this is odd. I was on Twitter and was looking at @elonmusk tweet of a rocket going slow motion. I noticed something was off. I found cracked areas in three locations on the rocket that exploded. Sure it exploded because they self destructed it to contain the spin the rocket couldn't escape from, but still, it could be the reason for the spin if gases or leaks of something shot out of one of these areas. I just think that maybe it matters and might help fix this spinging problem on the next launch. Look at the screenshots I made and tell me your thoughts on Twitter. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Two Energy Entities Enter Apollo 12 Astronauts And Exit When Walking On Moon, UFO Sighting News.

Above photo shows glowing astronaut and lighting striking Apollo 12 rocket. (100% real photos)

Date of sighting: November 14-20, 1969
Location of discovery: Earths Moon

Here we have a glowing astronaut on the moon. Its from the Apollo 12 mission from 1969. How is it even possible that an astronaut walking on the moon is glowing? It shouldn't be possible. 

We also know the its not a reflection, since there are other other things in the photo. Its not because the suit is white, because other things in the photo are white, but they don't glow. 

I believe an alien entity entered this astronauts body and the entity was leaving, and got caught on film. Why would I think this? Because the Apollo 12 rocket was hit by lightning on liftoff, not once...but twice! That is almost impossible. The odds of lightning striking twice in the same place are astronomical. Yet NASA stated that the Apollo 12 rocket was hit twice by lighting on takeoff and no damage was taken. The rocket should have exploded since it was full of rocket fuel to go to the moon and back to earth, yet it had no damage...let me tell you why.

So...twice means two entities doesn't it? The lightning was actually two energy entities entering the rocket and entering the bodies of two of the astronauts. Yes, so I wonder who the other astronaut was the carried the alien entity within them?

Energy entities are the most highly advanced of any species alien species out there. They probably wanted to see first hand (without interrupting the astronauts thinking in any way) how the astronauts reacted as they entered space and how they did their job from within the capsule. Energy entities don't use ships or drones, they just enter the objects to share the experience and learn from it.

May sound strange...that a alien entity is so powerful they could enter a human body, but one day humans may evolve to such a a few billion years.
Scott C. Waring - UFOlogist

November 14th, 1969, Apollo 12 is struck by lightning on take off.


UFO Disk Passes SpaceX Rocket, March 2020, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 18, 2020
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at SpaceX starlink rocket

Guys this was live streamed on March 18th and was reported to me by a friend on Facebook who noticed it. I went back to the original SpaceX live stream video and checked it out and yes it was there. There seems to be two of them within a 20 seconds, but the closer one is easier to see. Its detail is like a silver bowl...its domes on top and bottom are huge and fat, the side disk edges are small and thin. 

This UFO reminds me of the old Shuttle Atlantis UFOs that were silver orbs seen on live cam following the space shuttle near its payload bay doors long ago. 

I would be very interested in what Elon Musk thinks of this UFO and why he thinks its near his starlink rocket? I think the aliens are interested humanities latest and greatest technology. Aliens are constantly researching humanity, but not allowed to change things. 

Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Google Earth REFUSES To Map Nellis AFB Area Where Alien Base Is Located! Oct 2018, Videos, UFO Sighting News.

OMG guys, Tylor over at Secureteam10 made this awesome video and as I was watching he stated something that blew me away! Tylor said that this area that has gone unmapped for 8 years is at Nellis Air Force base at the end of old firing range...POW! That set me off! 

You see, Nellis AFB is famous for having an alien base of Tall Whites located behind the old firing range. I believe that a Tall White ship saw the moves of a F-16 as threatening and shot it down. For instance the F-16 could have locked its laser tracking missile system on the UFO...that could be seen as threatening. Tall Whites are said to be hyper aggressive. Tall Whites see themselves as superior to humans and have killed USAF soldiers before for such things as pushing a child Tall White away from your gun, touching a child Tall White at all, or defying any demand they make. Yeah, not the superior species many hoped for, but the US military seems to think there is a great benefit in having them there, probably for military trade of tech and information. Do you want to learn more about the Tall Whites at Nellis? Then watch this interview of a man who was a non military go between for the Tall Whites and the USAF. I will put the video below Tylors video. 

 Scott C. Waring 


Witness filmed this stationary cigar shaped ufo on the coast of Gulf of Mexico, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 2018
Location of sighting: Gulf of Mexico

This UFO was spotted over the ocean at the Gulf of Mexico last week. The UFO appears long, but I believe we are looking at a disk from its side. This UFO is clearly taking its time as it moves and it looks like the lower part of the UFO is semi cloaked, revealing itself ever few seconds. I don't believe they were aware that they could be seen. I think the aliens on that ship thought their cloak was working fully, but if they had recently come out of the ocean...then the water on the ship would cause a disturbance in any cloaking device for a few minutes until the water has dripped off. 
Scott C. Waring


Shape Shifting UFO Caught Following Space Station On Live Cam, Oct 24, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 24, 2018
Location of sighting: Earth orbit at space station
Source: NASA Live cam

I was watching the live cam and noticed this UFO in the far distance. The UFO moved slightly and changed shape from a round appearance to a long cigar shape. Its also odd that a new NASA red screen kept popping up about 6 times during the sighting. I believe the new color indicated an emergency that needs dealt with...a UFO. It may be a new AI system for detecting anomalies flying past. 
Scott C. Waring


UFOs appeared in the sky of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia,Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi and more, Oct 2018 UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 11, 2018
Location of sighting: Mongolia
Source: MUFON

This UFO made a remarkable appearance over Mongolia this week.  The governments of the region will probably claim its a rocket or fireworks or swamp gas, but we its a UFO. Watch the video and see how this amazing craft deliberately makes a trail that glows so that the humans below will see it. This is how alien are doing disclosure, little by little till we are no longer surprised or scared. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
At around 19:00 on October 11th, UFOs appeared in the sky of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia. Many onlookers took out their mobile phones and called them "ufo." It is reported that the object appeared in the sky in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi and other places during the same period, and it has appeared for the second time. 



UFO Descends From Space and Then Splits Into Two Over Ohio, Oct 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 2018
Location of sighting: Ohio, USA
Source: MUFON #95464

When an object falls from space with a trail this should in world news...yet nothing about this object exists except this one video by an eyewitness. The object is moving too slow to be a meteor or space junk. The speed is slow and controlled...and I don't want to say its aliens...but it's aliens. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 
"Thought maybe a plane was crashing saw a light descending then a black piece came off...My daughter and I were driving to the store. We both noticed a light in the sky ahead of us and it looked like it was descending. I said is that a plane crashing ? We couldn’t figure out what the orange like light was. I pulled over and we saw a black piece come off. I thought maybe an explosion was next and we stopped the car to look. Then the light moved and a trail seemed to follow. But then it hovered. We watched as it began to move again stop and then a trail. It was very slow. We were bewildered. Never saw anything like it. We decided to drive the direction but then lost it in the trees. We were both very confused for quite a while we kept looking for another half an hour. Not sure what it was, seemed to slow for a meteor or fireball. The black piece that came off was also very confusing"


Black Arrowhead UFO With Static Charge Seen Over British Colombia, Canada, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 8-9-2012, but reported today.
Location of sighting: Abbotsford, British Colombia, Canada
Source: MUFON #95361

Here is a UFO report just in. It took place back in 2012, but reported today. A black arrowhead shaped UFO shot over Abbotsford. The witness said it had a static charge around it. Such UFOs have been reported before during lighting storms when bolts of lighting were frequent. Its thought the they can deliberately cause a lighting storm in order to use the energy from the bolts in some way. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states: It looked like a dark grey arrowhead with a glowing static charge around it. 


Let me show you how I find Mars artefacts and chat. Oct 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 6, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars

Hey everyone, I just wanted to make a video post about how I find these object and chat about Mars, Apollo 20, aliens and such. So I made this 20 min video that will let you see the world through my eyes on a Mars photo that I have never looked at before. No preparation, no scanning over the photo before I made the video. Just you and me fresh and new checking out a photo and chatting. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Caught Over Tucman, Argentina Construction Site on Sept 6, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 6, 2018
Location of sighting: Tucman, Argentina
Source: Twitter report

This report just came into me on Twitter today. A person in Argentina was hired to make a portable water facility and took two photos to show his boss that he was doing on the job. However the second photo had a UFO over some of his equipment. The UFO...when enhanced clearly has a round dark window for a pilot and this craft is about half the size of a motorcycle, but maybe much bigger if its far back behind the equipment...not over it. 
Aliens know that the human eye is flawed, there are parts of the spectrum we cannot see and an object moving at a high enough speed would basically appear invisible to us. Absolutely a great photo that has excellent evidence that we are not only being visited by aliens, but also monitored by them. 
Scott C. Waring


Metalic Disk Recorded Flying Over London On Sept 29, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 29, 2018
Location of sighting: London, Great Britain
Source: MUFON #95215

This UFO was captured in London this week. Being the size of a car, the object floated and pulsated as it traveled. The object appears disk shape but curved. The dark rectangle area at the top is the pilot area. The lower bottom displays its true color which is a grey metal. Extraordinary catch. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 

The object was somewhere between 3 and 5 m large. Difficult to say. It was metallic and glowed a bright blue colour. Very visible because of the pulsating blue light. It was moving fast. The area in Herne Hill is very active in terms of UFOs, orbs, critters and anomalies.


Awesome UFO Footage Of Disk Over Mexico City, Sept 18, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 28, 2018
Location of sighting: Mexico city, Mexico
Source: Live Cam

ColourUFO channel of Youtube recorded this outstanding footage of a disk over Mexico City on live Internet cam. The footage clearly shows the classic flying saucer hovering over the city. Lucky for us someone was recording while watching that cam and caught this mind-blowing footage. The UFOs in Mexico City probably come from Colima or Popocatepetl which are both known for UFOs entering and exiting them. I have often said that alien bases sit 4-6km below those to volcanos in Mexico City. 

Now I have followed ColourUFO for over five years. I can honestly say he puts in more hours per week than 99% of UFO researchers worldwide. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Alien Faces and Technology On Mars In NASA Spirit Photo, Oct 1, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Source photo:
Date of discovery: Oct 1, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 413 Spirit Rover

I found a lot of unusual alien artifacts...all of which point to the existence of an intelligent, albeit unusual alien culture. One object is a face with white hair...but on closer inspection, its not hair, but a second face built upon the first. Maybe its a symbol of unity...ties between two great leaders to unify the people. Also there were some faces, alien tech and a crashed alien craft thats broken into there large parts. 

Hey, be sure to follow me on Youtube, sometimes I forget to make the post here and will instead just make a video on my channel. 
Scott C. Waring

Six UFOs Seen Over Caloundra, Australia On Sept 28, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 28, 2018
Location of sighting: Caloundra, Australia
Source: Twitter report

Here is a UFO video sent into me on my Twitter account. A person witnessed six or more glowing UFOs flying over their city in Australia on Sept 28th. The UFO video was great, however I did need to add a bit of light and contrast to make the UFOs more I explained in the video below. Australia is famous for its UFO sightings and the city of Caloundra is on the ocean, so most likely these UFOs came from an underwater alien base not far off shore. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Alien Skull With Antenna Found On Mars In NASA Rover Photo, Sept 28, 2018, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 28, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Source NASA Photo:

Mars...a dead planet as far as the public can see...however when you dive deeper into the photos NASA took using the rovers, you see that they missed a lot of details that a professional would not have missed. 

It like walking down the sidewalk with your friends and one friend behind you finds a $20 bill on the sidewalk that the others walked over not seeing. When you are too busy with other NASA is, they ignore the obvious details right before them. It other words...NASA is constantly looking at mathematical measurements, stats, winds speed, surface pressure and hundreds of other stats instead of doing their job...which is discovering and reporting signs of intelligent life.

I colored a few artefacts so they are easier to see. One is a skull that is broken open at the has an extended cranium, antenna, eyes, nose, mouth, chin and beard...which seems to depict a male warrior. I say warrior because his helmet has a ridge down its center of the forehead area to the center of the cranium as well as a ridge around the broken area. 

I also found a carved word, a long hollow object with a ridge. Two squares inside of pyramid top. There are lots of things here that NASA missed, but I think I do this more than any person in NASA does, with decades of experience, I don't think they could top me at my job. 
Scott C. Waring

The Importance and Implications of Discovering an Alien Skull with Antenna on Mars

On September 28, 2018, UFO researcher Scott C. Waring made a remarkable discovery while examining images taken by NASA's Spirit rover on Mars. He identified what appears to be an alien skull with an antenna, among other artifacts, suggesting the presence of intelligent life on the Red Planet. This finding has profound implications for our understanding of Mars and the broader universe. Here’s an in-depth exploration of the importance of this discovery, its significance, and the potential impact on humanity.

The Discovery

  1. Initial Observation: The image in question, captured by the Spirit rover and cataloged as 2P181495282EFFAERFP2293L5M1_L2L5L5L7L7, shows a rocky Martian landscape. Amidst the rocks, Waring identified a skull-like object with distinct features, including an extended cranium and what appears to be an antenna.

  2. Description of the Skull: The skull is broken open at the forehead, revealing an extended cranium. It has features resembling eyes, a nose, a mouth, a chin, and a beard, suggesting it could depict a male warrior. The presence of an antenna and a ridge down the center of the forehead and cranium adds to its uniqueness.

  3. Other Artifacts: In addition to the skull, Waring identified other potential artifacts, including a carved word, a long hollow object with a ridge, and two squares inside a pyramid top. These objects add context to the discovery, suggesting a complex and possibly advanced civilization.

  4. Challenges in Identification: NASA’s focus on collecting data on Martian geology, atmosphere, and climate often means that smaller, potentially significant details can be overlooked. Waring’s meticulous examination highlights the importance of scrutinizing these images for signs of intelligent life.

Importance of the Discovery

  1. Evidence of Intelligent Life: If the skull and other artifacts are indeed of extraterrestrial origin, it provides direct evidence of intelligent life on Mars. This would be one of the most significant discoveries in human history, fundamentally altering our understanding of life in the universe.

  2. Historical and Cultural Insights: The features of the skull, particularly its warrior-like appearance, suggest a society with social structures and possibly conflicts. Understanding the culture, technology, and history of this civilization could offer profound insights into the development of intelligent life beyond Earth.

  3. Technological Implications: The presence of an antenna-like feature on the skull indicates advanced technology. Studying this technology could lead to breakthroughs in communications, materials science, and possibly even medical fields if biological analysis is feasible.

  4. Scientific Paradigm Shift: Discovering intelligent life on Mars would prompt a major shift in scientific paradigms. It would challenge existing theories about the origin of life and the conditions necessary for life to develop, spurring new research and exploration efforts.

Implications for Humanity

  1. Philosophical and Ethical Considerations: The discovery raises profound philosophical and ethical questions about humanity’s place in the universe. It challenges our understanding of life, consciousness, and the moral implications of contact with other intelligent species.

  2. Space Exploration Priorities: Confirming intelligent life on Mars would likely shift the priorities of space exploration. Mars missions would focus more on searching for additional artifacts and understanding the history and fate of its inhabitants. This could lead to increased funding and international collaboration.

  3. Technological Advancements: Studying the technology and artifacts left by Martian civilizations could lead to significant technological advancements. This might include new materials, energy sources, or communication methods that could revolutionize various industries on Earth.

  4. Global Unity and Cooperation: The discovery could foster a sense of global unity, as humanity confronts the reality of not being alone in the universe. International cooperation would be essential in studying the artifacts and preparing for potential contact or communication with extraterrestrial beings.

  5. Cultural and Social Impact: Public awareness of intelligent life on Mars would have a profound impact on culture and society. It could inspire new artistic expressions, shift religious and spiritual beliefs, and alter our self-perception as a species.

Analyzing the Skull and Artifacts

  1. Image Enhancement: Enhancing the images using techniques such as contrast adjustment, sharpening, and 3D modeling can help bring out more details about the skull and other artifacts. This allows for a more thorough analysis and verification of their features.

  2. Comparative Analysis: Comparing the skull and artifacts with known biological and cultural artifacts from Earth can help determine their origins. This involves consulting experts in fields such as anthropology, archaeology, and astrobiology.

  3. Geological Context: Understanding the geological context of the site where the skull was found can provide insights into its preservation and the environmental conditions that might have existed when the Martian civilization was active.

  4. Spectroscopic Analysis: Spectroscopic analysis of the materials making up the skull and artifacts can reveal their composition. This can help determine whether they are natural formations or artificial objects created by intelligent beings.

  5. Robotic Missions: Future robotic missions to Mars should prioritize the investigation of these artifacts. Rovers equipped with advanced imaging and analysis tools can capture high-resolution images and conduct in-situ examinations.

Historical Context of Martian Discoveries

The discovery of the skull with an antenna adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting that Mars may have once harbored life:

  1. Previous Anomalies:

    • Face on Mars: The famous "Face on Mars" in the Cydonia region, captured by Viking 1 in 1976, has sparked decades of debate. While initially thought to be a trick of light and shadow, it remains a symbol of potential extraterrestrial life.
    • Water Evidence: Numerous missions have found evidence of liquid water in Mars' past, including river valleys, lake beds, and mineral deposits. Water is a key ingredient for life, supporting the possibility that Mars was once habitable.
  2. Meteorite ALH84001: In 1996, scientists announced that a Martian meteorite, ALH84001, contained microscopic structures that might be fossilized bacteria. While controversial, this finding suggests that life could have existed on Mars.

  3. Current Missions: NASA’s Perseverance rover and the European Space Agency’s ExoMars mission are currently exploring Mars, searching for signs of past life and preparing for future human exploration. These missions are crucial for validating discoveries like the alien skull.

The Broader Implications

  1. Redefining Life: Discovering intelligent life on Mars would redefine our understanding of life’s diversity and adaptability. It would challenge the notion that Earth is unique in its ability to support complex life forms.

  2. Astrobiological Research: The study of Mars' ancient civilizations would provide valuable data for astrobiology. Understanding how life developed, adapted, and possibly became extinct on Mars could offer insights into the potential for life on other planets.

  3. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The discovery would necessitate collaboration across multiple scientific disciplines, including biology, geology, anthropology, and engineering. This interdisciplinary approach would be essential for comprehensive study and interpretation.

  4. Educational Impact: Integrating the discovery into educational curricula would inspire the next generation of scientists and explorers. It would highlight the importance of space exploration and the potential for groundbreaking discoveries beyond Earth.

Future Research Directions

The discovery of the alien skull with an antenna on Mars opens up numerous avenues for future research and exploration:

  1. Targeted Exploration: Future missions should target areas with high potential for discovering more artifacts. This includes regions with ancient water flows, sedimentary layers, and known anomalies.

  2. Sample Return Missions: Sample return missions can bring Martian artifacts and soil back to Earth for detailed analysis. This would allow scientists to use advanced laboratory techniques to study the materials and confirm their origins.

  3. Human Exploration: Human missions to Mars would greatly enhance our ability to study these artifacts. Astronauts on the ground could conduct more detailed and flexible investigations, adapting to new findings in real-time.

  4. International Collaboration: Collaborating with international space agencies and research institutions can pool resources and expertise. This collective effort can lead to more comprehensive investigations and a deeper understanding of Martian civilizations.

  5. Public Engagement: Engaging the public through educational programs and outreach initiatives can raise awareness about the significance of the discovery. Schools, museums, and science centers can play a vital role in disseminating this information.


The discovery of an alien skull with an antenna on Mars, identified by Scott C. Waring, is a groundbreaking development in the search for extraterrestrial life. This finding challenges our understanding of Mars as a barren planet and suggests that it may have once harbored intelligent civilizations.

The implications of this discovery are vast, spanning scientific, technological, philosophical, and cultural domains. As humanity continues to explore the cosmos, findings like this remind us of the vastness of the universe and the mysteries it holds.

Through coordinated efforts, advanced technology, and public engagement, we can continue to uncover the secrets of Mars and the broader universe. The journey to understanding our place in the cosmos is ongoing, and with each discovery, we move closer to answering the profound question of whether we are alone in the universe.

Scott C. Waring’s observation serves as a call to action, encouraging us to look beyond the familiar, embrace the unknown, and pursue knowledge with curiosity and determination. As we gaze up at the night sky and study distant worlds, let us remain open to the possibilities they hold and continue to seek out the truth that lies beyond our own planet.