Showing posts with label LASCO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LASCO. Show all posts


UFO over Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Texas on Thursday, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: April 27, 2023
Location of sighting: Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

This object was flying much to slow to be a meteor. It's actually about 10X slower, so yeah, much. The object was recorded passing over Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Texas on Thursday and was actually recorded from 37 different eyewitnesses across the US on Thursday. This was a UfO. UFOs that are large will have to find a way to disguise themselves so everyone on the ground who sees them will shrug away thoughts of it being nothing important. So the UFO will create a long tail, no fire, just a gaseous tail and powerful white glow, but it moves as slow as a passenger jet. So yeah, didn't fool me at all there. Watch the video below and judge for yourself. Aliens are intelligent and pride themselves on being smarter than humans. Nah...not today aliens. Not smarter today. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Burning orbs Over Lakeland, Florida, April 1, 2023, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: April 1, 2023
Location of sighting: Lakeland, Florida, USA
Source: MUFON

UFOs are often a frightening subject for many people, because the movies, TV shows usually show aliens as attacking Earth and exterminating humanity. However that view is not a true image of intelligent alien life. Here we see two glowing orbs playfully moving around, showing that they are not dangerous, not to be feared, just wanting to be seen. Yes, UFOs do perform for eyewitnesses sometimes. Especially if the UFO senses through telepathy that the human or humans watching are curious about them. Then, they may movie unusually in loops, circles above the eyewitnesses, and even stop and change locations all while monitoring the thoughts of the eyewitnesses through telepathy, recording it. Such info is useful data to aliens for the future if they want to reveal themselves to huge populations all at once. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Eyewitness states: I like all I can see is that it was doing loop the loop in the sky right in front of me. And look up and see this fire thing going down going left going around in a circle and coming down that shooting up. It was just too weird. This is one of two videos that I will be submitting. Second video the objects were stationary then one of them shot straight up then left it was incredible to see.


UFO Recorded Over Kingman, Arizona, March 28, 2023, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: March 28, 2023 1PM
Location of sighting: Kingman, Arizona, USA
Source: MUFON

Like many UFOs, the digital eye often catches sight of what the human eye misses, such is the case here. UFOs sometimes move so fast that we just don't notice them or we think its our eyes playing tricks on us. But the digital camera sees all. Kingman is home to a very famous sighting back in May of 1953 when eight UFOs disks were seen in the sky dogfighting and three were reported falling to the ground. A US Army retrieval team from Indian Springs (now Creech AFB) took the crashed. Indian Springs is also the location closest to Area 51, Area S4 and closest to the location of the Tall Whites alien base which the USAF gave to them in exchange for technology, all the land back there is off limits to the public.  
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: I did not see it when I took the picture, only later did I see something in the picture that looked like a UFO.


Lights Over Montreal, Quebec Building, Canada 3-2-2023, UFO Sighting News


Date of sighting: March 2, 2023
Location of sighting: Montreal, quebec, Canada
Source: MUFON

Now this one is very intriguing to me. The craft is almost like Phoenix lights just not as long and shorter time span. What I thought was a plane at first, clearly was something much, much bigger. For this to be a plane, it would have to be 3-4 side by side maneuvering perfectly synchronized together. It's not, it's a UFO. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: I felt my room vibrate and this low vibration in my stomach before looking outside and seeing this absolutely massive object passing by my window. I scrambled to grab my phone and record it within the next 12 minutes I saw another massive object, this time it wasn't boomerang shaped, but instead a straight diagonal line going the same direction with the same vibrations and low humming and rumbling sound. Afterwards I saw a star like object moving and got a good recording of it moving.


A really tall tower in the center of a crater on Earths moon, UFO Sighting News.



Giant Triangle UFO Below Surface Of Sun, Dec 29, 2022, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Dec 29, 2022
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

Guys this is huge, a triangle object was sticking out of our sun, visible below the surface for a few minutes today. The object was big, about 25X the diameter of Earth. Yes thats big, too big for humans to make right now, but after a billion years of technological evolution our species will have such abilities too. The sun is a huge power station and aliens have learned how to harness and use its power. Imagine charging up that ship for free! They did it, so it can be done. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


UFO Fleet Falls Over Boise, Idaho Dec 15, 2022, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 15, 2022 2:10 PM
Location of sighting: Boise, Idaho, USA

Watch this amazing catch of five massive smoke trails falling from the sky. It looks like some SpaceX debris, but I don't think such a thing would happen, unless it was over the ocean, since Elon Musk is a stickler about important details. These UFOs are clear and obviously trying to get noticed, meaning, disclosure is nearing. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: The five craft were flying in formation over Boise, Idaho on December 15, 2022 at 14:10 hours. The five craft were surrounded by vapor and left visible vapor trails. There is a possibility that the UFOs are airplanes since there are three nearby airports, Boise Airport, Air National Guard, and Mountain Home Air Force Base.


Crew chosen For SpaceX's first private Starship mission to the moon, UFO Sighting News.


Crew chosen For SpaceX's first private Starship mission to the moon, 10 total crew members, including two backup crew, will join him on the roughly week-long flight that was originally scheduled to launch in 2023. That timeline will likely push to 2024. 

Guys this is cool. A Japanese billionaire has funded the entire civilian program. This is mind-bogglings stuff. I mean most NASA missions have hard core military, CIA, NSA. I can see by the faces of these individuals picked by SpaceX that they are none of the above, they are us, the people. I can't wait to hear and see what they encounter on the mission. Photos and video is going to be raw and unedited. Don't think for a second this doesn't share the shit out of NASA. The truth coming out, and making NASA look like a fool for lying, always does make the lier look the fool. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan