Showing posts with label luna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label luna. Show all posts


UFO Over Hill In Apollo 12 Image, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 2014
Location of sighting: Necho Crater, Earths Moon
Chance of being real: 95%

This UFO hovering over the hills in the distance was found in a an old Necho crater photo. The UFO has a perfect hole in its upper quarter and a long arm-like base. Its metallic in structure and appears to be watching the Apollo 12 mission unmanned probe. The Apollo 12 mission started on Nov 12, 1969 and returned on April 20th. I think even NASA overlooked this UFO. Another amazing find by Streetcap1 of Youtube. SCW


Structures On Moons Surface, Sept 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: September 28, 2014
Location of discovery: Moons surface 

I was looking over some moon photos and found this one that had several buildings in it. The buildings stand out greatly from the rest of the natural environment. The shape of these buildings is nothing like what we would expect. There seems a chaos in the design, but it was made with purpose. It really shows how differently aliens and humans think. SCW


Giant UFO Passes In Front Of Super Moon, July 2014, UFO Sighting News Video.

Date of sighting: July 13, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

This is an interesting catch of the super moon seen this week. A black circle moves silently across the moon. This guy has amazingly powerful equipment that is catching this UFO. It doesn't look to be flying over the surface of the moon, but to be passing between the moon and the Earth. 

Check out an old video of an Italian astronomer who caught a similar UFO moving across the moons surface back in April 29, 2007. These two videos have caught the same UFO! SCW

Eyewitness states: 
Here is a fantastic capture of a UFO with a magnetic halo transiting the moon on the night of the super moon. I have filmed many of these objects but this is the largest to date.


Updated: 10.6 km Mothership On Moon in Waterman Crater, March 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Late 2011 
Location of discovery: Waterman Crater, Earths Moon

Hey guys, I just wanted to make an update video of this mothership before it got deleted or edited out by NASA. There is actually 2 of the 4 photos left of this UFO. So I will post the URL below. I hope making the color giff helps some viewers to see the craft. I heard from many people that they could not see it. After my computer burnt out with a virus in late 2010, I had to spend months looking for this ship, until Late 2011 when I found it once more. 

Please check out my site at
Also feel free to download this video and use it on your own channel. I allow sharing of all of my videos. Let's help teach together. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

A few things about me. I am Scott C. Waring, born in Portland, Oregon. Graduated from University of Oregon. I have a dog named Enzo and a turtle named Stan. My favorite color is blue. My favorite food is fried chicken. I have a wife and three kids, Susan, Albert and Betty.


Triangle UFO Miles Wide Seen Landing On Moon, Telescope Raw Footage, Feb 14, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Updated on March 13, 2015: The 3 videos below were made private, probably out of fear. Same video was found by other person and I posted it below. 

Date of sighting: February 14, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

This is a rare catch. Only a few UFOs have been recorded around and orbiting the moon and this footage is epic. The triangular craft which by the way, has to be massive in size to be visible from Earth would be several miles across. Why most people ignore recording the moon is beyond me. Its so close and so convenient...and yet ignored by people. Thank goodness this guy was watching and recording or we would have missed this incredible event. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
It is a pleasure to share my latest sighting of what appears to be a Triangular UFO hovering/descending towards the Lunar surface. This footage was taken using a 150mm/1400mm reflector telescope, from the vantage point of my backyard in Taylors Hill, Victoria, Australia.


New Moon Discovery Of Two Tall Buildings Found In Apollo 15 Photos, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 2014?
Location of discovery: Earths Moon

These two tall wall like structures stand out greatly from the surrounding area. They look like a buries entrance to an abandoned base. These are really cool looking structures. Perhaps if we take the diameter of Paracelsus crater which the wall is in, then we can find the walls size. Wiki says Paracelsus crater is 83km, so we can make an estimate that these walls are about .35-.45km across. That a good size structure. SCW

For more info on the makers of the video click a link below please. - Anomaly Website - Personal Website - Scholarship for Music - My Channel - Energy Field Information Network (WhatsUpInTheSky


Fleet of Three UFOs Caught In Front Of Moon In NASA Photo, Oct 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: October 2013
Location of discovery: Near Earths Moon

Mission: Apollo 9, 179 Nautical Miles above Earth, or 324km in orbit. 
Camera: HB Hasselblad, 80mm, 
Film: Kodac Ektachrome, Frame 23

UFOs that were over 2-3 km long have been seen and reported by pilots and other eyewitnesses, I myself have reported UFOs on the moons surface that were about 10km across in comparison with the nearby crater who's diameter is known.

Here again are three UFOs, long and giant in size flying past the moon and recorded by none other than NASA! Its a glitch, a scratch, a cheap lens on your scope...sorry boys, NASA buys only the best quality and highest performance parts for its observations, but thank you for playing. SCW


Stargate Discovered In NASA Apollo 17 Moon Photo, NASA Source, July 2013.

Date of discovery: July 2013
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Mission: Apollo 17 (last)
NASA source:

Take a look at this amazing ring like object on the surface of the moon. You really cannot see the detail until you enlarge the photo and add light to it. This has the appearance of an actual star gate. If this is true and if NASA knows about it already, then it has probably been moved to Earth. This would also explain Apollo missions 18-20 being suddenly cancelled. Is this a massive structure on the moon, a UFO or a doorway for small ships to pass through from one system to another? The possibilities are exciting. SCW


Email Report: Alien Base Discovered In NASA Moon Photo, July 2013.

Mission: Apollo 11, 1969
Date of discovery: July 2013
Location of discovery: Earths Moon

Wow, this is a great discoveryof a base on the moon. This photo is by no means small and took me a while to find the base. The photo is 40 MB in size so this is great to get good detail from. 

To me it looks like some kind of crystal tube with something that appears like an antenna or some kind of special weapon...not sure what it is, but we can figure it out. The first image is the original one which has lots and lots of unknown objects on the surface of the moon!

Scott Waring - Taiwan

Photo info
Filename: AS11-41-6155.tif
Nasaid: AS11-41-6155
Year: 1969
Creator: NASA
Mediatype: image
Rights:Public Domain
Publicdate: 2010-07-18 03:48:21
Addeddate: 2010-07-18 03:48:21


Alien Structure Of UFO Discovered In Moon Crater, Feb 2013.

Date of discovery: unknown
Location of discovery: Earths Moon, Sea of Tranquility 
Crater Name: Taruntius F
Date of image: Dec 21-27, 1968 Apollo 8 mission
Crater size: 10-15 miles across (NASA)

I was looking over NASA Apollo moon photos when I came across this odd structure or craft in a crater on the moon. It looks like an ancient building that has long since been eroded by time and space. I also checked out other NASA links with the same photo and the structure was edited out of the the photo, so apparently someone somewhere didn't want the public to see this, but it still exists on at least one official site. SCW


UFO Recorded Over Moons Surface, Jan 2013, UFO Sighting.

Date of sighting: January 2013
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

This UFO was seen on the moon this week and check out the detail of it. I myself have recorded UFOs at the right edges of the moon and yes, I saw 1 every 10-30 seconds pass its edge. I cannot explain if they are orbiting or inbound UFOs coming from another place, but one thing I can confirm…these UFOs are real and they are there. SCW


Two alien structures in same moon photo, Jan 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Click to enlarge.

I was looking through some old NASA photos of the moon and came across this one. In this photo I found two anomalies that I cannot explain other than they are the ruminants of an ancient culture. One is a massive tunnel like structure that comes out of the ground and the other is a black arrow that is pointing to a black underground entrance with other small structures near it. Another thing I am wondering is was the arrow really created by NASA or was it part of the landscape meant to guide alien craft in the area? Tell us your thoughts on these. SCW

Source: NASA Historical Data Book 1989-1998.


Fleet Of Three Giant UFOs Move Across Dark Side Of Moon, Dec 2012.

Date of sighting: December 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

I had to add light to the above screenshots for you to better see the three orbs. These UFOs change positions and look circular in shape, but know this is the view from looking down at them from above them. Many UFOs have been caught along the moons corona and only a very few have been recorded flying over the lighted side of the moon, but it is very rare to see them on the dark side of the moon. These are not stars and to prove it I drew the line where the moon is for you to see it more easily. A really rare catch of a small fleet of UFOs, but mind you they are large...probably several km across for them to be so visible on the telescope. SCW


Two UFOs Seen Flying Near Moon Viewed From Singapore, Dec, 20, 2012.

Date of sighting: December 20, 2012
Location of sighting: Viewed from Singapore

Eyewitness states:
2 unidentified flying objects flickering lights of blue, pink, red and purple were moving away from the moon. My iPhone could not capture what the naked eye saw.  Not a store or satellite. 


Oval UFO Passes Across Moon In Just Seconds, Dec 2, 2012.

Date of sighting: December 2 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

Watch carefully and at the top of the moon you will see an oval dark spot move across the moon. If it were a plane or aircraft there would be some lights flashing due to the intense power of the camera. This does look like a mothership crossing the moon at high speeds. The sped is a perfect match for such advanced technology. SCW


Multiple Reports Of UFO Sighting Near Moon On Nov 24, 2012.

1st Report

Date of sighting: November 24, 2012.
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

Many reports are coming in about a glowing orb seen near the moon on Nov 24, 2012. This object was hovering around and then passed in front of the moon. But in photos of it in front of the moon, it looks black. We also got report about this UFO on our comments area. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
This additional footage is to show the visual transition from the Moon to the object and answer the question as to why there seemed to be a cut scene in the original.Also important to note - the object was seen at the same location for three consecutive days around Nov 24, 2012 and was visible between 4-5 pm on each day, almost like it was on a scheduled pattern.

2nd Report

Date of sighting: Nov 24, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

3rd Report:
A reader at our site left this comment a few days ago which deals with this UFO.
Date of sighting: Nov 29, 2012
Location of sighting: Near Earths Moon

Eyewitness states:
We were taking pictures of the moon and noticed to the upper right what we thought to be a large star or planet; that was, until we realized it was moving. It traveled at a notable speed above our home in Worcester, Massachusetts, November 29, 2012, somewhere between (approximately) 5:00am 5:45am, only for about a minute or so, began to appear smaller and smaller, then faded out. Took a photo, but only a phone pic. Was interesting.


Ancient Alien Ship Crash Landed On Moons Surface, VIDEO.

Date of discovery: July 2011, posting of video Nov 2012
Location of sighting: Earth's Moon

Updated on May 8, 2014: Reader found coordinates in video. Go  116.E   10.5° N   It should be around there somewhere.

Apollo 20 mission (not the sci-fi movie) was suppose to be a recovery of alien technology for a long cigar ship, similar to this but in Deporte Crater. This ship is very similar in appearance. It's long but wider at the middle and end, however it looks like part of it has been salvaged at the back or badly damaged. Look at its upper lines…perfect. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
NASA's Apollo 16 captured a strange object on the Moon surface. This object is about 2,5 kilometers long (1,5 miles). It certainly crashed on the Moon, we can clearly see a huge crater behind it. The object looks broken, and damaged. We can also see a strange square-shaped face at the end of the object. 


Can Someone Do Me A Favor Please? Involving A Moon Book In The Library.

Above photo from Clementine NASA Database, but also in the book I describe.

Hey everyone,
I need a favor. I need someone to photograph the structures in an old moon book. I don't remember the name but the whole book was filled with moon surface photos close up. The book was published in the 1970-80 range. I live outside the US in Taiwan so I cannot do it myself, however no one has ever used the photos of the blurred out buildings to make a Youtube video. This is important and the book might be a Clementine Atlas of the moon or something like that. Above I put two photos that are similar to whats in the book, but in the book there may be 30-50 such structures. The cool thing about the book is that even though most the structures are blurred out, about 1-6% of the structures are not blurred out. So  this is great evidence of alien structures on the moon. Yes there are photo databases on the internet but these have been mostly edited or altered to hide the buildings. The book may be the last original photos of most of these structures. Even if the building is 100% blurred out…that needs to be recorded with its location (what crater is closest or degrees) so we know where it exists.

If you make a video please upload it to Youtube with the words, "UFO Sighting News," in its title so UFO researchers can find it and please leave the URL to find it in the comments of this post. If you posted it at your blog or site with screenshots, please leave the URL here. Thanks for your help and good luck. SCW


Hexagon Base Discovered On Moons Surface, Oct 20, 2012 Photos. UFO Sighting News.

Above and below photos taken directly from the LROC source.

Date of discovery: Oct 20, 2012
Location of discovery: Earths Moon 

This recent discovery of a hexagon shaped Building with a rectangle structure in its middle was recently found by Youtube user "Streetcap1."  I wanted to confirm his sighting by going to the source URL and finding it, which I did. However I also found a few more odd anomalies nearby it. One is some structures inside a crater, another is a starfish-like building and another a wide tower with a crown and an opening like a door on a massive scale. Clearly there are more structures to be found in this lunar photo. It is just to big to search it all right now. Feel free to cover it at the source and even make your own video of your personal discoveries. Just remember to post it with the key words, "UFO Sighting News," in its title so UFOlogist can find it. Thanks, SCW



UFOs leaving the Moon Oct 3, 2012, Absolutely Amazing Video!

Date of sighting: October 3, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

No I myself (SCW) have recorded such things a few weeks ago so I have to say this is 100% legit. I just want to know why so many are leaving and coming as of late? Aliens may be stocking up on employees to man the ship and possible move the moon away from Earth…that would be the undeniable proof that people ask to show that aliens exist. I'm sure they would only move it away a few days to prove a point. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
I shot three hours worth of video. I had over 50 UFOs in that time frame. I'm shortening them down to get to the good stuff. They seem to be appearing from the surface (could also be from inside the moon) and then they disappear. This is part 1.