Showing posts with label luna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label luna. Show all posts


Incredible UFO Sighting in St. Martin (With Real UFO Footage), Nov 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 29, 2016
Location of sighting: St. Martin island

Here is a rare island sighing by a surfer at St. Martin island. Its a UFO in the shape of a thick half disk. The wind sound very powerful, and yet this UFO is just hovering above him with pulsating lights. I just wish he had more footage of it. Only the last minute of the video has the sighting. Just goes to show, that UFOs come out in all kinds of weather. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
As a surfer, Jason had been living on the island of St. Martin in the caribbean in search of warm water waves. Over several days, he had a stretch of incredible UFO sightings. On one occasion, he took his iPad to the beach and did his best on getting actual evidence. The real authentic UFO footage is a bright light, hovering over the ocean pulsating. Clearly, it's not a plane (you'll see it zoomed in) and yet, it doesn't resemble a star. In this video, we show actual proof - video evidence of the UFO captured by Jason, along with him detailing the footage. Also, he discusses another incredible sighting he had just days after capturing this footage. You won't believe Jason's unreal UFO encounter!

How To Find An Alien Space Station On Google Sky Map. Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 30, 2016
Location of discovery: Between IC 2031 and NGC 1475
1st method used: Google Sky map
2nd method used:
Coordinates: 03 57 08.63,-07 11 26.2

While checking out Google sky I noticed something interesting. That every once in a while there was an unusual structure in space. These structures are usually balance and geometrical in shape, but sometimes rounded, with metallic tint to them. 

This particular one is cube, made up of smaller areas that are also cubes. Google Sky map was not as clear as I wanted, so I went to and found a similar sky map, but the quality of the detail is more focused. These are the photos above. Below are  the photos from Google sky. 

The size of this space station is unknown since Google ruler is inaccurate in the sky version. However it looks Earth size or bigger in my opinion. 
Scott C. Waring

Below are Google sky photos. Below the blue Base is another metallic gold base. 


Green Glowing UFO Over Mexico City On Aug 5, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 5, 2016
Location of sighting: Mexico City, Mexico

This UFO was caught by a reporter in Mexico City last week. Its a UFO hiding in the clouds, but its propulsion seems to be making this green glow around it. It is triangle shape. This happens more often than you would think. Somethings they are shooting though the clouds, and they notice you on the ground watching them. They move as fast as lightening, but when they notice you they will either stop for a few seconds, or they will circle the sky, sometimes both right above you. Yes, I have experience such an event before. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states:
Galarza journalist Saul captured extraordinary images of a green light in the skies of Mexico City. Located on Madero Street, in the center of the city, he managed to catch the August 5, 2016, around 21:45 hours. Atmospheric phenomenon UFO?


UFO OVNI over Coahuila Mexico July 15, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 15, 2016
Location of sighting: Choahuila, Mexico

This is a dark UFO thats moving across a overcast sky. The UFO is dark, barrel shape, and has a slight thin dome over its top. Mexico is notorious for its UFO sightings, maybe because they are so close to the ocean where underwater bases existed for thousands of years, or maybe because of all the bases below the volcanos for thousands of years. I believe the ancient Mayans and Aztecs are descendants of one of these alien species that lives in this region. 
Scott C. Waring 


Police car in hot pursuit of UFO in Gorey, Ireland On Aug 4, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 4, 2016
Location of sighting: Gorey, Ireland
News source:

Here is something extremely cute and out of this world. A hot pursuit right out of Fast And Furious, of a UFO being chased by a police car in the small town of Gorey, Ireland. Sure its only for fun, and not at all a real UFO, but sometimes you need to kick back, smile and laugh a bit, and this does the trick. 
Scott C. Waring 

News states:
A video has emerged online appearing to show a low-speed pursuit between a Garda car and a flying saucer on the streets of Gorey, Co Wexford.

In the video posted over the weekend on Facebook, a UFO proceeds down the street, closely followed by a squad car with its lights flashing.

However, a Garda spokesman told The Irish Times that it was less of a “pursuit” and more of a friendly escort.

The “UFO” in this case is actually an installation for a space-themed art show created by local artist Ali Kemal Ali.

“The gardaí gave (Ali) a little escort around the town to show the UFO off,” said the Garda spokesman, quelling rumours of an intergalactic invasion. “It was all in good faith,” he said.

No aliens have been arrested at this time.

Earth Size Borg Cube UFO Sucks Solar Material From Our Sun On NASA photo! Aug 4, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 4, 2016 01:06
Location of sighting: Earths Sun Surface
SOHO camera: EIT 284

I found the cube near our sun again yesterday. It was not just near the sun, but actually pulling part of the sun out to it...sucking the surface into the cube. This may not be a occupied ship, but actually an massive drone that is the size of Earth itself. I have been carefully monitoring this cube for over 5 years, and was the first to report on it. Its till coming, about ever 2-3 months, like its following a cycle or rotation, but then again, there may be thousands of these in our solar system and they may use the solar material to recharge the ship. Also its possible the cube is a space battery of sorts...that recharges with the sun and carries it off to the alien civilization that created it. 
Scott C. Waring



Date of video: Aug 3, 2016
Maker of video: Prince Ea

This is a cool video by Prince Ea of Youtube. I've been following him for years and he really gets it...the bigger picture. He can see beyond the now, beyond the walls around us...and so can you if you try. But then there are those UFO skeptics out there. Those that are no different than a frog in a well. The will never change. They will continue to fight us all the way. 

I got into this because I wanted to create order from all the chaos I saw in the UFO community, but what I wanted was a bit unrealistic to most, but very possible to me. I wanted to raise the level of awareness of humanity. I have already succeeded, and yet, I still continue, because it helps others around the world to learn about the truth. 

I have also inspired hundreds of others to make their own UFO sites. These sites are just awesome and I love that they did this. Only by sharing, can we raise the worlds awareness. 

Prince Ea...he is cool on many levels. 
Scott C. Waring 

Huge UFO Over Cleveland Lake Erie Awaits Humans To Respond, Aug 3, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 3, 2016
Location of sighting: Cleveland, Ohio, Lake Erie, USA

Orlando Bosca states: 
The UFO, after making a presentation flight exhibiting from all angles, parked waiting for human response.

This UFO was discovered over Cleveland yesterday on live cam by Orlando Bosca of Youtube. The UFO has a tail area and seems to have slight wings on the edges, but its difficult to say since the focus of the cam is a bit blurry. This is not a blimp. This doesn't have the normal upper and lower back tails that blimps usually have. Also this object does not have the 3 tail wings that the Good Year Blimp has. This UFO is thinner and longer than the Good Year blimp. Also the front section is much thinner and seems to be a separate section than its bottom area. Quite remarkable catch. 
Scott C. Waring


Three Amazing Faces On Mars In Single Rover Photo, Aug 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 2, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars

I found a few faces on Mars in the Spirit rover archives. The faces are actually made well, but the material they are made with seems to be lumpy and awkward to have worked with. As if it was made with many clumps of clay layers on one handful at a time, each being a new lump. Very cool and strange faces. An old man with a beard. A reptile or fish face (above), and a bear like face below. Faces from stores or perhaps their travels? You be the judge. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


10 Mile Spaceship Found In Crater On Earths Moon, April 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: 2001-2002?
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source photo:

Now this is some old stuff, and I think either Streetcap1 or I found it long ago and still have the post somewhere, but this is a nice video going over the area. However I do believe that what he calls a road may actually be a long over developed error in the film itself. There are also a lot of strcuctures in the photo, I only highlighted the ones near the ship. 
Scott C. Waring 


Alien Face And Structures On Moons South Pole, Sept 13, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 13, 2015
Location of discovery: Earths Moon, south pole
ESA photo:

Guys, I was looking at a ESA photo. Its a small sampling of some craters at the south pole of our moon. I found a few structures and a some faces. ESA used a blur program that not only distorted the photo focus, but also created pushed up lines in most places. Way to screw up a photo ESA! 
Scott C. Waring
 Yes there is another face in this photo above, but I want to focus on the one with the best detail so others can see it. 

 The structure below has a force field-like roof over it. That causes the small square blurs. Not done by ESA. This force field comes in black, grey, semi-transparent and transparent (below).
 Below is a pyramid-llike X shaped black structure that I often talk about being on the moon.


Two Dark Towers Seen On Earths Moon With Backyard Telescope, Aug 26, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of Video: March 29, 2015
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Date of finding Towers: Aug 26, 2015

Yeah, I know this is an old video, but he caught something he didn't know he caught. Its a dark tower (at 1:13 and 1:42sec) with a large opening at its top. I've never seen this before and its has to be shared. The opening at its top looks like a spaceport for ships to come and go. Also at its base, its straight in some places and curved in others. There is also a second tower he caught. Its at the 2:58 mark. So many details the human eye misses. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Backyard telescopes, they are good enough to show the moon like this if you want to go deep into orbit, or go wide to see the full disk. In this case, I'm using a small backyard telescope, and watch what can you see when the terminator line comes to your field of view...


Ship in NASA moon photo disguised as surface of the moon, the perfect camouflage to hide from humanity. UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 20, 2015
Location of discovery: Earths moon
Source photo:

This is a great photo of the moon in high quality. However there is one odd thing about it. A piece of it is breaking away. As Streetcap1 of Youtube states, "This looks like a piece of the moon is breaking away." 

It is possible that aliens have evolved so high, that living longer is the gold of their times. So to accomplish this, they create ships and buildings that blend into the environment. This could be a ship leaving the surface, and if astronomers see it moving through space, they will believe it to be an asteroid. SCW


Sphere UFO Near Moons Surface On Google Moon, July 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 2015
Location of discovery: Earths moon, near
Google Moon coordinates:
26° 0'14.42”N 2°52'59.52"E

Eyewitness states:
The researcher Marcelo Irazusta shows this new and stunning discovery. This time a luminous UFO flying 11 meters in diameter on the moon. As it is clearly casts a shadow on the lunar surface. In the video, the coordinates are displayed for all to see and to give its judgment. I invite you to see this new and surprising discovery.

El investigador Marcelo Irazusta nos muestra este nuevo e impactante descubrimiento. Esta vez un OVNI luminoso de 11 metros de diámetro volando en la luna. Se ve claramente como proyecta su sombra en la superficie lunar. En el video se muestran las coordenadas para que todos puedan verlo y emitir su apreciación. Los invito a ver este nuevo y sorprendente descubrimiento.


UFO Tries To Imitate Moon To Confuse The Public In Russia, May 30, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 30-31, 2015
Location of sighting: Krasnodar, Russia

This UFO tried to make itself appear as if it were the moon, in order to confuse the people that look up. The object moves much to fast to be the moon and changes its glow. Smart trick on their behalf, but smarter people are catching on to alien tricks. SCW

News states: 
In the night from 30 to 31 May at the sky over the Krasnodar appeared mysterious ball of light like the moon, and then abruptly flew to the sky !!


Alien Ship In Shape Of Cross Found In Old Soviet Moon Photo, June 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 2015
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source photo:
NASA URL with link to mental landscape:

Yeah, you know I can't look at just one Soviet Luna photo. As I continued my voyage though these intriguing photos. I came across an alien ship in the shape of a cross. This ship probably was parked here long ago. I noticed that I have found hundreds of abandoned ships on the moon...remember Deporte crater...there are two there...a cigar and a triangle craft. 

Anyways, this UFO looks a lot like the legendary Nazi cross structure that was found back in the 1970s, but the original source to it has been lost. I have been looking for that structure and this is the closest I have ever come to it. This structure is proof that the Nazi building is real and out there waiting for us to find. SCW
 Below is the legendary Nazi Cross Structure/craft in crater. Source lost.


Astronomer Finds Moon towers or edge of crater, Jan 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 2015
Location of sighting: Earths moon

An astronomer was looking at the moon and was fortunate enough to catch these two towers on the edge of a crater. There are a lot of alien artifacts on the moon. That much I promise, but many are difficult to see, but can be seen if you have an infrared camera looking through a scope. This guy doesn't, but still caught some megaliths. If you have an ir camera, please check out the moon sometime. You will be blown away. SCW

Eyewitness states:
1/7/15 Sylmar, CA 2 days after full moon. Captured footage with 12" Meade LX (no motor). Celestron zoom. Captured with Alpha 6000 at 60fps. Comes with a few fun moon facts. This looks like a huge megalith outside a football stadium. Just having fun looking at the moon.