Three Silver Spheres Recorded In Double Rainbow, Illinois, Oct 7, 2021, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Over St Petersburg, Florida April 29, 2016, UFO Sighting News. MUFON
Location of sighting: St Petersburg, Florida, USA
UFO Sighting Of 2 Long Craft Over Clovis, California 3-10-2021, MUFON.
Location of sighting: Clovis, California, USA
Source: MUFON
Eyewitness states:
UFO Crash In Sverdlovsk, Russia 1969, Secret KGB UFO Files, UFO Sighting News.
Location of discovery: Sverdlovsk, Russia
UFO On UK TV Broadcast Feb 1, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Location of sighting: London, England
UFO Over San Pedro valle ,Colombia On Feb 11, 2021, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Orb Seen Over Oahu, Hawaii On Feb 7, 2021, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Location of sighting: Makaha Oahu, Hawaii, USA
UFO Fleet Over Israel Fired Upon By Iron Dome Defense, Dec 11, 2020, UFO Sighting News.
Location of sighting: Isreal
Source: Email report
UFO Sighting News: Glowing Lights Over Jersey City, New Jersey 11-5-2020, MUFON.
UFO Sighting News: Unknown Craft Over Waynesburg, Pennsylvania 8-2-2020, MUFON.
Location of sighting: Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, USA
UFO Sighting News, Black Disk Over Keasbey, New Jersey, 10-18-2019, MUFON.
UFO Sighting Over Hillsboro, Tennessee On 7-26-2020, MUFON News.
Pink UFO Seen Over New York and New Jersey, March 3, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Location of sighting: New York and New Jersey, USA
I was driving home this evening and had to take a picture of this random pink cloud in the sky.
— 🎐 𝔍𝔅 🎐 (@DripsOfEden) March 4, 2021
This picture doesn’t do it any justice. It was super vibrant and looked completely unreal. 💗☁️ pic.twitter.com/IyfzLk5apU
Cloudless skies tonight other than this weird anomaly. Supposedly atmospheric testing. Strangely beautiful! pic.twitter.com/LXPlVDmC4P
— Beth Midgett (@mbethone) March 4, 2021
Pink ball in the sky over Margate pic.twitter.com/PzHFi7QGV6
— Pamela Nehf LLC (@pamelanehfllc) March 3, 2021
A three-stage suborbital sounding rocket was launched in the afternoon on March 3 for the Department of Defense from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.
— NASA Wallops (@NASA_Wallops) March 4, 2021
The launch was to study ionization in space just beyond the reaches of Earth’s atmosphere: https://t.co/OIDGWaAOS2 pic.twitter.com/JMLYze8DVE
Se reporta avistamiento de luz roja en Nueva York New Jersey y Puerto Rico, actualmente se encuentran investigando la procedencia de la luz.
— Alerta Cambio Climático (@AlertaCambio) March 4, 2021
Vía @MundoEConflicto pic.twitter.com/63nQeUr4Hn
Baby Penguin On Mars In Newest NASA Photos! UFO Sighting News.
Location of discovery: Mars Perseverance Sol 4
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/224843
UFO Sighting News: Black UFO Over Bogota, Colombia Jan 24, 2021.
Location of sighting: Bogota, Colombia
UFO Sighting News, Jellyfish UFO Over Mexico, Video, On 3-1-2021.
Location of sighting: Mexico
UFO Sighting News. Mysterious Lights Over Missoula, Montana Disappear When Jet Appears! Feb 28, 2021.
UFO Fleet Over Indianapolis, Indiana On March 1, 2021, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Location of sighting: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA