
Baltic Sea UFO Released On Video By Captain Of Ship, Nov 27, 2012.

Date of discovery: June 16, 2011
Date of video release: November 27, 2012

This is an update on the Baltic Sea UFO. The captain of the ship that discovered the UFO released the first moving video of the UFO on radar. Most the time electronics on the ship shut down for some unknown reason, whenever it was over the UFO, so recording it was a constant struggle for him, but this video is much appreciated. SCW

Also he posted another video Nov 3, but it does not allow embeding so I will put the link below. In it he explains this video and states that the object is, "Most likely constructed and it has been there for a very long time. This is for real, even though its very hard to believe that." 


Orb Appears Over Ocean During Sunset Near Los Angeles, California Nov 2012.

Date of sighting: November 2012
Location of sighting: Los Angeles, California, USA

This UFO was accidentally recorded during sunset...I know I say this a lot but its true and we have many new viewers to our site. The best time to catch a UFO is to watch the sunset because the UFOs cloaks can only bend light 180 degrees before they begin to become visible. Since the sun is setting the cloaks now have to bend light around the ship at 270 degrees causing them to be visible until the sun disappears. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
"This light orb appears out of nowhere while filming sunset stock footage at a beach in Los Angeles, California." 

Glowing UFOs Over Maricopa, Arizona On Sept 17, 2012.

Date of sighting: September 17, 2012
Location of sighting: Maricopa, Arizona, USA

Eyewitness states:
On September 17, 2012 at around 9:28 PM, I just got back to the City of Maricopa, AZ from Mesa, AZ, and I had just got out of the truck when I spotted almost directly south these orange lights that sporadically flashed in the sky. I went inside the house and grab my video camera then went back outside and started video taping. During the evening the next day or during that week of the sighting of those strange lights, there was a huge column of heavy dark smoke in the same direction I saw those strange lights in the late evening time. The second time I saw this heavy column of smoke which was in the late afternoon, I went to investigate what was causing that dark column of smoke. While investigating the cause of the smoke, I discovered that there was large amounts of bales of hay that was on fire which the fire department was fighting. The fire also occurred a third time on a different day what I think was also during the same week. About two months later, I downloaded the video of those strange lights onto my computer. When I was reviewing the video, what I saw was baffling. That is also when it just occurred to me that there was a hay fire in the same direction. Did those lights create that hay fire? I have no idea if it did yet I did see in that direction those lights in the late evening. If you look closely, you will see some lights swirling towards the ground--what are those lights? I have never seen lights swirling like that while it also traverse towards the ground. Another witness said that they had seen some strange lights in that direction but from a different location, but I am not sure of the date; it may be the same date I saw those strange lights. I thought those strange lights may had been flares I seen, but now I don't known because of that swirling light.


500 Meter UFO Trying To Cloak In Cloud, Florida, Nov 2012.

Date of sighting: November 2012
Location of sighting: Rockledge, Florida, USA

Eyewitness states (email report):
"We were taking a walk through the hills with some friends when this giant disk cloud appeared from over the hill. It looks like a UFO and I have never seen anything like this before. It moved slowly and made no sound, if its a UFO, its trying to look like a cloud. The bottom was fluffily like a jellyfish, the top smooth like a ceramic bowl. It was about 400-500 meters across. Has anyone else reported this?"

UFO Sightings Daily

Close Up Of A UFO Over Florida On Nov 17, 2012.

Date of sighting: November 17, 2012
Location of sighting: Florida, USA

Check out these amazing close up views of a UFO over Florida this week. The object is hard to make out so I added light to the photos, but you can see this is not an orb but a large craft. It doesn't seem to be flashing but just glows and rotates so we see different sides of it. SCW