
Ancient Alien Face Looks Human In Crater on Moon, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 24, 2019
Location of discovery: Earths Moon, Hershel Crater
Google coordinates:  5°50'40.52"S  5°50'40.52"S

I found a face of a human like alien species in Hershel crater on Earths moon using Google Moon map. The face appears to have a thick muscular neck, strong cheeks, upper and lower eye lids and eye, long curly hair and other well defined features. This is 100% proof that there are some alien species that look like us...o should I say...that we look like them? Now ask yourself why do we look like them? And you will find the answer to our existence. 
Scott C. Waring


Cat, Face and Gun On Mars In NASA Photo, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 23, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/218134

Here are some fun things I found in a Mars photograph and they really fall into the Halloween area. I found a black cat walking with its tail up. You can easily see its two ears, head, legs, body and tail. There is also a scary face with razor sharp teeth. But what really gets me excited is this weapon I found. It looks similar to a gun, but no trigger visible. You can see a lever on the side, which looks like a safety on/off switch. It long barrel and edges really tells me I found an actual alien weapon. 

Ancient Mars still exists and can still be found in photos, even though NASA does its best to hide such discoveries. Its up to you and me...to find the truth and report it to the public for them to decide. Happy almost Halloween everyone. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


150 Meter UFO Seen Entering Active Volcano On Live Cam, Video, Oct 20, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 20. 2019
Location of sighting: Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico

Here is a great find from Youtuber Esmeralda Martinez. A long glowing UFO is seen entering the top part of an active volcano in Mexico that erupts every 14-24 hours! This volcano is home to hundreds of sightings of such UFOs and this can only lead us to one conclusion...that the ships entering and exiting the top of the volcano are going to an underground base about 4-6km below the surface. The mouth of the volcano is about 600 meters across. That would make this UFO close to 150 meters! 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Alien Craft Floats Through Parking Lot, Terrifying Eyewitnesses, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 2019
Location of sighting: Newman Village, Virginia, USA

Watch this raw footage as a UFO cloaked in a cloud slowly moves through a parking lot as it it belongs there. The people watch this strange object and one person even says to go over and touch it, but the other person says no way thats happening. Another perron suggests its a spaceships. I believe that is correct. This is a very small craft that is normally in the sky and built with a cloak that makes a cloud around it. You can even see the cockpit window in the front of it. The right angle on the back is clear indication that there is a craft inside and that they are probably revealed by accident...they thought they were invisible, but they totally forgot to turn off the cloud cloak being on. Even aliens make mistakes. This is an excellent discovery by Youtube channel Terrys Theories
Scott C. Waring 

4km Alien Base Found In Crater On Moon! Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 2019
Location of discovery: Earths Moon

Here is an awesome structure dead center in this crater on Earths moon. The building has two layers. A thicker triangular 1st floor and a round tubular second floor. Now I say floor, but from the size of this crater, I would estimate the diameter of this structure to be about 4km across. That would make this structure about 3km tall. So, there are lots of levels within this huge structure. This was found by Youtuber "UFOsAboveUS," and is 100% proof that NASA has been hiding aliens from us all along. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Seen Over California Might Be Secret USAF Area 51 Project, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 13, 2019
Location of sighting: Lucerne Valley, California, USA

This is a great catch that was brought to my attention by Terrys Theories. He posted a video of a black cigar shaped UFO crossing the mountains in the desert of California. This all took place last month. Lucerne Valley has a population of 5,800 so its not surprising that more videos of this UFO didn't come out. This UFO looks like its disk shaped. Also its not far from Area 51 so its has a huge chance of being a secret USAF project. It has no wings, no sound, no windows...very odd indeed. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 
Taking a break on my porch at noontime, I looked to the east and saw this strange cigar shaped object about 30 miles away, moving slowly from left to right while tilting occassionally. It then disappeared behind the tallest peak and never came out the other side. Did anybody else see it?

UFO Seen Over Canary Island Mountain! Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 20, 2019
Location of sighting: Tenerife Island, Spain

This UFO was recorded on an island off of Spain. It looks like the two guys are messing around until one person notices the white UFO overhead. Lucky for us, this person was recording the craft as it slowly lowered down into the hilltop. I believe there is an alien base below Tenerife island and that this hilltop must contain the entrance to this base. This is 100% proof that aliens do have underground bases below the Canary Island area. Best video I have seen all month.
Scott C. Waring