
UFO photo of from Hawthorne, Florida taken on April 24, 2010 is only a tire in pond.

I, Scott C.Waring (UFOlogist) was looking at the UFO photo that was taken in April and quickly discovered that it was merely a floating tire, poking out the top of a pond.

The photo some how was turned upside-down and because of the reflection in the pond, made it appear as a object in the sky. Note there should not be water ripples on the far upper left corner of the sky, which include large droplets of water.

I report only sighting I believe to be true and if I find false sightings, I will respond immediately and report them as such. I oppose deception; only truth will reveal that we are not alone.

Please go to my other site at http://ufo-hq.blogspot.com/ to view the full version of the photo reported and then turned upside-down.~~~~~~~~~~

This is the story that was accounted for a couple of days prior about this bogus locating: 

Sunday morning we got up at 8 AM, and made ourselves some espresso and strolled down to the river, which was just a couple of yards from our lodge, the observer expressed. 

I began taking photos of our environment and some reflected impressions of some cypress trees in the water. 

After we touched base back home in Jacksonville, we were on edge to see the more than 400 photographs we took amid our get-away. When I snapped this picture I was attracted to the appearance in the water and did not see anything abnormal until I transferred it to my PC. 

This photo is the special case that indicates something unusual.

--Please check out my books at www.amazon.com, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring