
Alien Caught On Film In Brazil Rainforest, October 2011 UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 2011
Location of sighting: Brasil 

"The area was also the focus of a high-level Brazilian government investigation known as "Operation Prato", where the army was sent in to monitor and confirm an alien presence in the region." The Brazilian government denied that there was an Operation Prato for years before conceding it did occur and releasing large amounts of files associated with it." The footage taken in the Amazon rainforest could be the clearest evidence yet that aliens exist. The images - taken from a video filmed by two British tourists - shows a small alien with a tree in the Amazon jungle. At the corner of the image is a bright flash of light which is thought may be connected to the presence of the strange being. "The area was also the focus of a high-level Brazilian government investigation known as "Operation Prato", where the army was sent in to monitor and confirm an alien presence in the region. The video - snapped up by Hollywood producers for a film - was obtained by the well-known paranormal writer Michael Cohen and is believed to have been filmed by two British tourists visiting the region of the Amazon rainforest Mamaus. Michael, who runs the website allnewsweb.com paranormal, said: "This is very compelling footage that will be hard to discredit.  "This is an area known to experience intense UFO activity. It is quite clear that the aliens are interested in this region due to its biodiversity."

Source: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3886122/Alien-filmed-in-Brazil-rainforest.html


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