
9 Days Until Dec 21, 2012. What Will Happen?

Above is the time (Asia-Taiwan, Where I live, Scott Waring) for Dec 21, 2012. However If you live in California, then you have to add 15 more hours to this clock.

What do you think will happen on Dec 21, 2012? I really don't know, but the the accuracy of the ancient Mayan calendar, it is highly probable that something will happen. I would like to think that Motherships would hover over the worlds major cities so humans could for one brief moment, see one of the wonders of the universe. Please tell us what you think will happen in comments below. SCW


  1. Absolutely nothing extraordinary will happen.

    1. That is a question none of really know the answer to. I have witnessed the clouds hiding UFO's, have seen two UFO's at different times. Have had an unusual visitor to my home on numerous ocassion and it definately was not an entity from this earth. Had an injured pet brought inside my house in the middle of the night when all doors were locked and the animal to badly injured to have gotten home on its own. Over the years, I have had many experiences. What ever happens, I am at total peace about it. It is what it is.

    2. Everythings going to rurn to beef!! Basically

    3. well i kinda like what the hopi indian says, all these years they have been carving a doll in rememberance of the aliens who saved them from the earth, kachchina doll, they among others were taken up during this natural disater, theres a good chance we could be in the time of another event like the hopi and all the others of that time most were taken in by the great earth, when these planets in our solar system line up for the brife time they will the pull they will create on sun ,earth and each other will be immense, we really donnt know but just in case watch the sky .

    4. You will not be able to understand the one major event to transpire on 12/21/12. Earthquakes have doubled in strength in the last two months. There will be a change

  2. Jesus-Christ is coming back with the celestial Jerusalem......that's why there is a lot of military boats and soldiers ready to fight the truth..

  3. Well I'll probably win the lottery first prize grand jackpot, and if the world ends by 21st Dec.2012 I'll spend my money in heaven.

    1. You can't take it with you...Give it to me!!

  4. Something must happen, if not, none of this is real, im talking about your ufo site ;)

  5. A natural disaster on the 21st. Either a solar flare from the galactic alignment or a meteor bombardment like the mayans backdated their calander to. On the 22 an alien invasion of Earth by the same species that destroyed the greys.

  6. Bolon Yukte will return along with other deities like kukulkan and others.

    1. I sure would like to see that and it may happen.

  7. Hello, I am Brazilian and I am using Google Translate to express my opinion. I think there may be a mega event extraterrestrial. I believe in two things, aliens seeking to exterminate humans, or aliens forcing the formalization of its existence so that governments do not deny the existence of extraterrestrials.

    Ah, I leave my sincere congratulations to the blog, really good.

    1. there is a theory that these aliens are the ones responsible to what's happening in earth, like tsunamis etc. their are trying to filter the human race, or create new breed of humans, probably genetically engineered...ad there's this theory that they are trying to help us humans to save our race and revive our dying planet...ladz

    2. I thought it was the Elite who wanted to 'thin out' the population and using HAARP as a tool to get their way?

    3. thats what i was recently thinking-ist all made up for us to believe that mysterios things are happening,but it ll all be manmade,remember the mayas writings haven t been readable for a long time and who knows if this date is really mentioned. might be also the bilderbergers....
      we ll see
      all of you-survive and rise

  8. No one knows for sure. Some people will say "I told you that nothing would happen." And, some will say "We tried to tell you that a big change was coming". Only psychics will know more. I feel that anything is possible. I have seen UFOs and we are not alone.

  9. It could be a combination of events. A planetary alignment is a fact, possible solar flare or magnetic pole shift. Biblic signs point to a definitive change of some sort. One of the most obvious are the signs in the heavens. One would have to be a fool not to notice heavenly phenomena as well as the dramatic increase in technology. These events where both foretold. Personally, i hope to be surrounded by family, friends, my favorite pizza, and a twelve pack! Good Luck and God Bless All.

    1. Yes! You just described my plans to the letter. Cheers.

  10. i agree with the above comment

  11. Well a galactic alignment is fact, pole shifts, solar flares, alien visitation, nuclear war and other options are more unlikely. The Bible does predict quite well two occurences that being the DRAMATIC increase in technology, and the SIGNS in the heavens. (UFO's and other Anomaly) I hope to be surrounded by family and friends my favorite Italian Pizza, and a twelve pack! Good Luck To Us All.

  12. well. there is 12th door to be opened by 12 December and for 9 days it will make amazing effects on us. during this this i think galactics will land by mass to help us for this changing. after that when it come as 21st December the galactic sequence will be done. then massive energies will down and our bodies will be changed in 3 days. we will ascend. this is what it is said.

  13. As much as I believe there is something out there, that the government is hiding things, and there are things we'll never explain or understand, the whole 2012 thing is superstitious rubbish.

    For a start, it's a misconception that the Mayan calendar ends this year. Mayan calendars work in a circular pattern. It does not end, it simply loops back and starts again.
    Secondly, even if this was not the case leap years had not been introduced when the Mayan calendar was created and we are there for out of sync. If you were to correct the current date to calculate the removal of leap years you would find the Mayan calendar "ended" sometime between May - August 2011 that the correct year for us would be 2013!

    Thanks to leap years, we are accidentally a year behind the Mayan calendar.

    Not I'm not saying that something may or may not happen. Who knows? Strange things have been occurring of late. But the simple fact is connecting everything to the Mayan calendar and declaring Dec 2012 the doomsday, or day of change, or whatever, it total misinformed, uneducated, superstitious bullshit planted in everyone's heads through stereotypical theories, predictions, and fears fed to us through the media.

  14. Okay, lets put it this way... We have gone through every catastrophic event over and over centuries and centuries ago. Their is living proof here on earth that our friends from out of this world have been exposed. Personally with all the facts right infront of us , how can we deny it. Just because the government says its not possible would mean scientist who studied its possibility has been a waste of time. Which as of now we are still continuing our search, it will never stop we know the answer. so NO the world wont end and YES their is more than one life form outside the earth . Our government is covering up only because it would possibly scare a great chunk of the population along with various amounts of technology they know about. Itll be a slap in their faces when they come down . Think of why they are postponing information on curiousity and its new findings on Mars, the answer is there, its like going into a store and asking for a candy bar in plain view and the clerk saying they dont have it.. So in all said on December 21, 2012 , I WILL continue my search and keep visiting this awesome website

  15. Okay, lets put it this way... We have gone through every catastrophic event over and over centuries and centuries ago. Their is living proof here on earth that our friends from out of this world have been exposed. Personally with all the facts right infront of us , how can we deny it. Just because the government says its not possible would mean scientist who studied its possibility has been a waste of time. Which as of now we are still continuing our search, it will never stop we know the answer. so NO the world wont end and YES their is more than one life form outside the earth . Our government is covering up only because it would possibly scare a great chunk of the population along with various amounts of technology they know about. Itll be a slap in their faces when they come down . Think of why they are postponing information on curiousity and its new findings on Mars, the answer is there, its like going into a store and asking for a candy bar in plain view and the clerk saying they dont have it.. So in all said on December 21, 2012 , I WILL continue my search and keep visiting this awesome website

  16. i am from Aberdeenshire in Scotland. what i think will happen is the MOD the POLICE and the FREEMASSONS will get 666 stamped on them or soon after. they are runing scared now. The ET`s are good, they look after me, when i get trouble from the Police and Freemassons they go to R.A.F. Lossiemouth, and tell them to back off, the last time the ET`s went to R,A,F, Lossie was January 2011, this is what the ET`s told the R,A,F, ( WE HAVE TOLD YOU TO LEAVE G..... ALONE NOW LEAVE HIM ALONE, AND FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF US COMING TO TELL YOU THIS. WE ARE GOING TO CRASH 2 OF YOUR JET FIGHTERS.) so i look forword to the new way of life we are going to have.

  17. nothing will happen

  18. nothing
    I got the first tee time for the 22nd.

  19. i saw some strange shit tonight on the sky @ 21:00 the 24th o november 2012 some kind of circle over the moon.. not enough battery to clic a photo

  20. No joke im from morocco check my ip!!

  21. Nulla di discontinuo(?) ...

  22. Nulla di discontinuo(?) ... cioè solo dal punto di vista dell uomo sapiens potrebbe non accadere nulla.

  23. Nulla di discontinuo(?) ... cioè solo dal punto di vista dell uomo sapiens potrebbe non accadere nulla; è un po come quando ci si ammala di tumore ... trattasi di parametri nascosti di Einstein o cosa ? Certo è che veniamo a saperlo a posteriori ...

    1. Baxter you know i dont speak Spanish! Your like a little hairy Buddha!

  24. Oppure è il battito dell ala della farfalla che genera un ciclone agli antipoti, come facevamo a priori a localizzarla nello spaziotempo ad esempio allo scopo di evitare il ciclone ?

  25. Comunque ci consoliamo perchè l asteroide 2007 PA8 è costantemente monitorato dalla NASA ...

  26. Possiamo ad esempio chiederci se gli Eventi sono tali perchè discontinuità di funzioni in uno spaziotempo continuo (potenza del continuo) oppure perchè punti isolati in uno spaziotempo discreto ... che poi magari diventa ridiventa continuo(?) non a prescindere da loro. Nel primo caso l osservatore di detti eventi è fuori dal sistema fisicomatematico mentre nel secondo caso ... non è chiaro.

  27. Forse in altri termini la farfalla direbbe: io farfalla insignificante dal vostro punto di vista (uomo sapiens) vi dimostro che le mie Scelte non sono per nulla insignificanti ................ cioè ve le faccio notare attraverso il caos classico visto che diversamente gli eventi a Loro corrispondenti non li osservate.

  28. I believe around that time Hawaii in particular, will experience some natural disasters due to a polar shift or maybe a earthquake. I find it odd that some translations of the Mayan text refer to a "spiritual awakening" and one of Katy Perry's songs talks about being wide awake and Chris Browns song talks about "not being woken up". I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I do believe that some higher up individuals are in on it. Whether it be a disaster or just a spiritual awakening we need to be prepared for the worst.

  29. NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN.. and there are a lot of idiots who will suck eggs on Dec 22

  30. Nat Geo will come up with new dates, new scenarios. remember when they used to be considered somewhat scientific? as a side note, it would be nice to stick with english, this is not univision

  31. Ufo's all over the world. Will cause 3 days of "darkness" because they block the sun. After that? ............

  32. Wasn't just the Mayans, but also Hopi Indians and ancient Egyptians that pinpointed this time for a major world event - though it's likely to be something that begins then, and evolves, with much pain for humanity over a few years, before resolution.
    All were separated geographically and came to the same conclusion. The ancient Egyptians have a 'history wall' in the Great Pyramid, depicting all the major events of hisory, and it comes to an abrupt end at this time.
    I don't believe it's about the 'end of the world' (at this time), but the end of the world *as we know it*. Cataclysm (world war and probably a global warming event, maybe one triggered by the other), will see millions die and normal life interrupted. Christ-consciousness will return (heralded by astrological *and* astronomical signs in the sky, as those who survive will be shocked into higher consciousness en masse (such as would normally take many lives to attain). The atmosphere will be changed, with consequent changes for humans. I believe aliens will become publicly known at this time as well - though I and my son have separately had personal visitations (apart from seeing incriminating NASA documents obtained under F.O.I. with great difficulty). It will be about a breakdown in dimensions to some degree - material, spiritual and alien, allowing greater awareness between.

  33. Marc of Contemplative PathwaysNovember 27, 2012 at 8:38 PM

    What's gonna happen? The same things that are happening today.

  34. I beleive this is a spiritual transformation that everyone of us are going to go through, I'm a little nervous about it but we are going to be alright!! Good luck!!

    1. That fits with the Mayan "Rebirth," concept. Rebirth means new beginning, new start…something wonderful, not a doomsday.

  35. If nothing else one does not have to worry over the ususal holiday issues. Why spend if it's over on the 21st? Seriously, I believe there is a chance that if somthing major occurs ( quake, small meteor strike, major blackout, etc). In short something that can be explained, will be blown out of proportion by media, then gossip etc. People who believe in the doomsday, alien idea around this date may react. I guess I'm sayin a "War of the Worlds" type scenario.

  36. i hope it going to be a good change for earth . humans and aliens and one united nation for the best .

    see you guys and coments after dec 21 !!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. While my belife in extra-terestrial life still stands strong I honestly do not tink that anything will happen on December,21,2012.

  38. I got my beer an waiting to go for a ride on a ufo!

  39. What if god was a lie? the millatry is already prepared they all launching them selfs to the moon before that dates comes to this deadline, leaving innocent people behind and our children gna pay we survive when we all togetter its not to late to steal those ships from the militry base we need to save much people as we can
    BE Prepared for the things that may come and think fast or create ur own ship and escape from that madness........LOL

  40. this has been a conversation with my 2 colleagues in the office. we usualy talk about what's going to happen on december 21,2012. i don't wanna scare myself but honestly, i believe that something is going to happen...many theories and cultures have stated their points. my mom wouldn't agree, she said, this kind of predictions happened many times in the olden days but nothing happened. hopefully, nothing catastrophic or would anihilate humans from the face of the planet...don't want my children to suffer... ladz

  41. I don't think the world is going to end. That is just not going to happen. I don't think God is coming either, I don't believe in him as there has never been any evidence of him or Jesus for that matter. I have more evidence of Aliens that God. I do however believe in the planet and how it changes naturally. We are nothing to this planet. She will clense herself and if we don't survive then so be it. Many other life forms have perished before us and many more will after us. When I think of Dec 21 I can't help remember how everyone went crazy in 2000. The planet is changing, is has been changing sicne it's birth some billions of years ago. We too will pass and new life forms will spring up and the process will start over again. One day the planet will die and go one to be reincarnated in a new galaxy as a new planet or moon or what have you. The energy lives forever.

  42. The world ends for you .............. when you die!

    1. The world comes to an end for you and I hope we will also look forward to the end of the world .............. when you die!

  43. Personally I do not think that something will happen.
    But somewhere it would be good that something would happen, maybe that mankind than even understand what we are proposing.
    Maybe then we realize that we should treat each other better themselves, and that we should have more respect for the earth on which we leven.Mocht there happen then I guess some larger natural disasters.

  44. Which timezone are we going by for the so called end of the world?

  45. It doesn't matter what happens on that day there is nothing we can do about it but watch and listen. "LIVE FOR TODAY BECAUSE THAT'S ALL YOU GOT" WHEN YOUR DEAD YOUR DEAD / THEN IT DOESN'T MATTER.

  46. The world comes to an end for you and I hope we will also look forward to the end of the world .............. when you die!

  47. The world comes to an end for you and I hope we will also look forward to the end of the world .............. when you die!

  48. The world comes to an end for you and I hope we will also look forward to the end of the world .............. when you die!


  50. I start my vacation.That's what is going to happen.I guess i should have taken it before? Yeah Right

  51. Man CANNOT foresee the end of the world. Only God knows when the end time will be

    1. The world will not end, it will be here for a very long time. People on the other hand may not be. I don't think anything bad will happen, but I am interested in what this Mayan "rebirth," is suppose to be. Sounds exciting. :)

  52. Nothings going to happen..... just like Y2K, bunch of people with different opinions...if something does happen, theres nothing you can do about it

  53. I believe there will be an event involving extraterestials. Other than that, I have made my peace and am not afraid of the future. God bless.

  54. Well its my 18th birthday so....yep going to be cool regardless, if something happens it happens, i hope something (preferably positive) happens, because the world is pretty suckish. Anyway 17 days left well see wont we

  55. don't forget that all the planets will line up. could have a gravity effect on earth. might even tilt us on our axis

    If that is so perhaps thay are coming here to help us. and keep us or most of us alive, perhaps thay have another planet like earth for us to stay on.. in case something happens to this one. and are willing to take us there.

    if we don't fight them off when thay make first contact.

    under my won wish .. Jesus and his father will come back and get rid of all the crime that is going on everywhere.

  56. Nothing to be different on 21st December 2012. Xmas as usual.
    But what I can say is that diffinately seeing more UFO in the sky each night as seem something is cooking up up there. 6th Dec 2012

  57. I am a believer in God and I from what I have been taught, no one man (or Mayans) know the day that the world will end. The Mayans were way off considering the leap year was invented by Ceasar. So we are like a year or so too late. I do believe that something may happen, but as far as global extinction or things of that nature, not so much. I believe we will wake up on Dec. 22 and be just fine. I imagine there are plenty of quacky people out there that will try to go absolutely crazy before the 21st and hurt and maybe kill people because they believe it is coming to an end. They way I look at it, I have made peace with everyone in my life, and if it's time, then it's time. There is no fighting it.

  58. I suspect the massive push of 2012 material in the media is a way to desensitize the american people for SOME form of noteworthy event. Just two weeks ago. Myself and several other employees saw 6-8 lights flying in irregular patterns (that is my professional opinion) over downtown Flint, MI. The lights were noticed after a co-worker stated how odd it was that this massive flock of birds was retreating from something. When I looked in the distance, I saw two lights, only illuminated for a moment. The lights darted offto the east and and then extinguished. Moments later, about 5 more lights appeared, darted around, and vanished. Very peculiar. I worked on Marine Corps aircraft for 5 years and can say, beyobd any shadow of a doubt that this was not terrestrial. This is my THIRD sighting in 2 months.Its becoming habitual

  59. Hello Mr.Scott,

    I am Arul kumar from India, now i am in Mozambique, your just a great man or Alien but a great effort..

    I am a Hindu and If you know about Hindu gods or not please hit google to find them, they look to me like aliens, very old like mayans times and its related in some how..

    today i read a artical about the mayans url : http://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/196/573/86702.html

    i am pin pointing a detail from it saying..

    Exhibit Number One: Monument No 6

    According to Mayan researcher Logan Hawkes, "the Mayans believed that this knowledge came to them from their gods and that their gods existed in the stars. So is it possible that these gods were extra-terrestrials?" But even if the information pertaining to the long-count calendar comes from an other-worldly source, why 2012? What is it about this date that has a special significance? Researchers believe a clue may recently have been found amongst the ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Tortuguero, one that was pieced together from a panel of broken hieroglyphs, known as monument number six. Although fragmentary, this set of hieroglyphs predicted that "the nine Gods will return on 21 December 2012".

    According to Dr Edwin Barnhart, Archaeologist Director at the Maya Exploration Centre, for a long time this was the one and only clear reference to the date in the long count that arrives in 2012. However, for years, scholars dismissed the evidence found on the Tortuguero monument as a solitary anomaly without any special significance.


    Hindus till date prying gods called (Nava grahum) meaning Nine Planet

    i have lot to say but its ok my contribution is this much..

    Thanking you

  60. Hello Mr.Scott,

    I am Arul kumar from India, now i am in Mozambique, your just a great man or Alien but a great effort..

    I am a Hindu and If you know about Hindu gods or not please hit google to find them, they look to me like aliens, very old like mayans times and its related in some how..

    today i read a artical about the mayans url : http://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/196/573/86702.html

    i am pin pointing a detail from it saying..

    Exhibit Number One: Monument No 6

    According to Mayan researcher Logan Hawkes, "the Mayans believed that this knowledge came to them from their gods and that their gods existed in the stars. So is it possible that these gods were extra-terrestrials?" But even if the information pertaining to the long-count calendar comes from an other-worldly source, why 2012? What is it about this date that has a special significance? Researchers believe a clue may recently have been found amongst the ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Tortuguero, one that was pieced together from a panel of broken hieroglyphs, known as monument number six. Although fragmentary, this set of hieroglyphs predicted that "the nine Gods will return on 21 December 2012".

    According to Dr Edwin Barnhart, Archaeologist Director at the Maya Exploration Centre, for a long time this was the one and only clear reference to the date in the long count that arrives in 2012. However, for years, scholars dismissed the evidence found on the Tortuguero monument as a solitary anomaly without any special significance.


    Hindus till date prying gods called (Nava grahum) meaning Nine Planet

    i have lot to say but its ok my contribution is this much..

    Thanking you

    1. Great article.

    2. Nostradamus 1503
      "From the calm morning, the end will come
      when of the dancing horse
      the number of circles will be 9."

      ----so, number 9 here refers to the Gods, the Mayans are referring to?


  61. It has been in prophecy, and told by the coming of the white buffalo, it is time for a choice as to how we will walk this pathway. It is time to choose. Those who choose to hoard and kill, and those who choose to live as one family sharing what we have and who we are so that all might have a good life. THere have been 4 circles, each began and ended with the entire earth being populated, reduced to a fragment... so now those who prepare to fight and hoard for their survival will go back to the first circle, Dog eat dog, tooth for tooth, those who work hard to convert bad thoughts to good thoughts prepare to share in the fifth circle ...the final circle in our development as human beings. this is my interpretation of many converging prophecies

  62. Take a look around most humans are walking abortions, You know a big change is coming, could be by our own Gov.

  63. Well the only thing i can say is that for years i had a dream and the dream is I'm in the farm in the middle of the hay or grass and see showers of small fire coming down and I look up and ask God is this is the way we all are going to die and you say you love us and he answers no you dont die your soul is mine because you believe the body does die if I send my son and he went through pain and believe after all keep you faith through pain and I will see you soon so now and always I believe anything and everything is possible because he made us and the universe.God bless all of us through this trail.

  64. maybe some of us here will be saved by this visitors from another world, mybe one of us is lucky enough like in the movie `the knowing`

  65. I don't know if anything spectacular will happen on that very day. But some time soon (perhaps within our lifetime) aliens will reveal themselves, and some people will think they are the "good" ones and will serve and follow them. But the people who know will go the opposite way, into hiding, heading to the woods or whatever, and will live a simple lifestyle.....until the actuall spiritualized good alines arrive....then there will be war good against evil. Choose to go with the few, not with the multitude who will look at the initial aliens in awe not realizing they are here to destroy through false peace and safty....Promises of global peace and healing, alternative energy...etc.all these promises the first aliens will make and initiate. But don't let it trick you into being part of the one wolrd system iniiated by the "evil" aliens. This will be a trying time for those who choose to not be part of the system. But hang in there,,,,,you will be given divine grace to bare what is going to come. And you will see miracles in the wilderness...simple food, simple life....your redemption draws nigh when you see these things come to pass...

  66. at least we woun,t haft to pay tax,s antymore only mankind will kill are planet ,hate,greed,

  67. My nutsack will detonate,hurling my junk across the universe

  68. The Rapture will occur, and Obama will be deified.

  69. Where is the so called Nibiru?

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