
UPDATED: Crop Circle Made By Nvidia in Salinas California , TV News Video, 12/30/13, UFO Sighting News.

Update: Jan 7, 2014, News states "Nvidia Admits Monterey Country Crop Circle Was Publicity Stunt! Click here to read. 

It looks like this is a publicity stunt...however there are groups that cover up alien info and signs by trying to discredit them with lies...trust no one when it comes to companies trying to take credit. SCW
Click on photo to enlarge.

Date of discovery: December 30, 2013
Location of discovery: Salinas, California, USA
Source: http://www.ksbw.com/news/central-california/salinas/mysterious-crop-circles-found-on-chualar-farm/-/5738906/23704726/-/o3f87n/-/index.html

This amazing crop formation was found over night and seems to depict some kind of message. It also looks a lot like a circuit CPU of sorts. Perhaps you can decipher its meaning. If so please leave a comment below. SCW


  1. looks to me like a map of a piramide in Egypt. But I don't know one simular to this.

  2. This looks like the thing in Bancroft Crater on Google Moon. 28:03 N 06:27W if you zoom in on the black square you see five squares beside it.

  3. in braille it shows 192, over and over. On Wiki 192 explains that it is the red dwarf planet, it may have entered our solar system, and that is who "they" are

    -or- a warning about fukishima

  4. That is a warning . What you see on the outter rings is atom particles being tested and the whole image depicts the Large Hallidron Collider. The inside shows the complex mechanism in which atoms are subjected to and the bigger circle (atom)on the outter ring shows how a danger incoming as it seems to increase in size as it rotates.

  5. If this sounds hard to beleive i suggest you research on the interweb for the LHC blueprints and you will see the similarity. However its not what you think it is, its purpose is to expand humanity into the stars but it imposes many dangers as of now

  6. I just read at another posting of this crop circle that the dots in the center rectangle are Brail of the number 192, repeated three times.

  7. I just read at another posting of this crop circle that the dots in the center rectangle are Brail of the number 192, repeated three times.

  8. Désolé ! je ne parle pas anglais, suis en Suisse; je parle espagnol, italien éventuellement.
    Dans ce crop j'y vois des chiffres impairs. 53- 7- 5 et 11. Ces chiffres se multiplient entre eux quand à y comprendre quelque chose, faudrait être scientifique ?
    Bravo pour ton blog...

  9. This was from Kevin Baird a commenter on the Yahoo article, "The numbers are an 192 ip Octet that puts the location in Taipei Taiwan. With the image set so that the 5 cubes are at the base of the image sets the frame around the cube depicts an LCD screen viewing 3 frequency bands. The three disks on the outer ring set the time/when. Moon on the rising side of the horizon the Sun in the 8th house and Venus, the 3rd brightest thing in the "night" sky in the 7th house. The setting side of the horizon. 7/12/2014 about around 4:30pm Tai-pei time."

  10. Cool, since I'm near Taipei...I'm good with that.

    1. There's a page on Facebook called Omega Ovnis UFO that has a picture of this diagram the same ad this crop circle but with explanations to each of the parts of the crop circle. Hope this helps.

  11. The dots and dashes on the outside of the outer square look like international morse code with the dots and dashes. But I can't make heads or tails of it.

  12. 192 in that version that 'blind' people can read.

  13. First thought I received on this is it looks like a blueprint for a microchip of some kind. It would be nice if an Electrical Engineer could look at this and render a comment. A microchip blueprint of sorts. Wonder what it does ?

    1. Exactly what I thought when I first seen this. Code for something in microchip enlargement!

  14. Just to say:

    -192 is the sum of 10 consecutive prime numbers
    - it correlates to 192L, a low mass red dwarf star approx 3000 light years away in the constellation Sagittarius

  15. Not sure what I think of all this!!

  16. Not sure what I think of all this!!

  17. A New world order government layout to get rid of the greedy bastards ruining this panet

  18. As I looked, behold, a stormy wind came out of the north, and a great cloud, with brightness around it, and fire flashing forth continually, and in the midst of the fire, as it were gleaming metal.

  19. As I looked, behold, a stormy wind came out of the north, and a great cloud, with brightness around it, and fire flashing forth continually, and in the midst of the fire, as it were gleaming metal.

  20. As much as we would all like to entertain the idea of "aliens" creating crop circles, this one is clearly designed by man. The tractor trail is pretty sloppy.

  21. There is no way human can do these.Go look at temporytemples.co.UK the circles,the lines.This is amazing!! Research and unless you witness these lights and how they can hover and then speed off maybe you will never believe. If they are not telling us something, then they are communicating with other.

  22. if it is a picture of cpu then it probably represents computer in the sky but it may also be a warning of the gigantic brown dwarf which is purportedly entered our solar system and nasa has issued warnings about this. there is a great article by Brian Desborough on his website briansbetterworld.com under articles or just click on Jackie Evancho and the computer in the sky. it explains what is going on in the world in a detailed and logical manner. They are probably telling us the computer in the sky exists but there might be a warning of upcoming events for us to start preparing for as well.

  23. maybe the 3 circles depicted are planets or one is the sun. they all look like they're shaded to show water like our planet earth looks from afar but it may be saying the brown dwarf is indeed in our solar system which if that's the case NASA clains as it ets closer it will perturb the sun. If it there are coronal mass ejections from this, it will emit energy equavalent to literally several trillion nuclear bombs. if it occurred today the national electric power grid would have be destroyed, putting our nation back to horse and buggy stage for many years. but the computer in the sky may be trying to regulate our world in order to help us b/c if this happens it will facilitate all the very advanced suppressed technology presently developed within the private sector to be implemented, resulting in veritable paradise on earth. no more reliance on fossil fuels or toxic pollution and much more. please read the article jackie evancho and the computer in the sky on briansbetterworld.com for more info. it's worth knowing. knowledge is power!

  24. if the comment about 192 is 10 consecutive prime numbers and correllates to 1921 then it should also be noted that 1921 is also the year the illuminati/elite got together to plan our economic crash to make them even wealthier. they started with mind controlling the masses through music which has and is being done today. Brian Desborough states that "to the uninitiated, the present global financial collapse appears to be an accidental occurrence, yet in actuality, it is the culmination of a long term massive behavioral modification program commenced at the London headquarters of the Tavistock clinic in 1921." John Lennon died a few days after he stated that he had come to the realization that the Beatles had been under the control of the Tavistock Institute.

  25. http://mobile.theverge.com/2014/1/5/5278206/nvidia-debuts-tegra-k1-192-core-processor

  26. would you please remove the video and story as it was made for a marketing stunt and by leaving it up you only reinforce the stupidity of the believers in crop circles.

    1. Yep, looks like a marketing stunt...however there are org that may say they made it just to confuse us from the truth. Is this disinformation or is it the facts being covered up? We may never know.

  27. It's a computer chip. it's on aol.com

  28. Well you all have the right idea its a map and instuctions its a go for stage two for all you illegal aliens which is now on tv and radio and in papers all over the world and was so easy.Its to the millions of illegals here and its planned for this years they have become managers and bosses in some of the biggist companys in the world and some of the most important world leaders.
    Im sorry to say its all over for us this is not our world we have been made for work on planets all over the universe and now how numbers are in the billions they are back to round up for shipping depending on age.
    All the storys about ufos and abductions 90% true all goverments no they sent up the sigh saying we are ready with the first atomic bomb not sure if they had any idea at the time so get ready to say goodbye to your loved ones there is no defence just pray you are fit enough and are not on the first list of culling and they no our goverment has health recordeds on everyone.
    Well thats it for now and you may ask yourself how i no all this well im part of the first stage in 1949


  30. i mean you approved a comment of someone saying it looks like a map of a pyramid in egypt! really?! but you couldn't approve mine? people who know the truth about et's are supposed to stick together

  31. El relog marca 192 días, los 5 recuadros marcan los 5 reactores de Fukushima el cual ya ha colapsado. Saca tus conclusiones.

  32. El reloj marca 192 días, los 5 recuadros marcan los 5 reactores de Fukushima el cual ya ha colapsado. Saca tus conclusiones.

  33. Amazing crop circles. I found one on google maps too... 55.934997,-3.376609

  34. They should do it in a language we all understand.

  35. Nibiru ? The coming of the planet X into our solar system, (Nibiru) there is so much said about it, are the aliens warning us in advance?!

  36. fukushima ? A lot of ciga UFO mother ships saved japan from second attack of HARRP. proof and hint : typhoon21 pic.

  37. Scott warning I have a question for you....I read that you are a councilor ....and I'm wondering if I can have your advice about a possible encounter experience....can I email you?

  38. While the rest of the world wonders on in total dismay, code breakers and all, It looks like the immigration authorities have no problem figuring this one out, located dead center of the beaner capital of the world: They think the code reads like this: Do you have your green card?

  39. This is a Falangyboom "a code" i've seen it before, i was born in the past and can predict parts of the future. you will find more answers here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/(225088)_2007_OR10

  40. I think I discovered a possibility .
    the symbols are the International mose code and Braille code.
    This final symbol in the center I think means that the words should be read in a mirror as he did LEONARDO DA VINCE .



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