
Please donate to UFO Sightings Daily computer fund.

Hey guys, please donate a dollar or two to my UFO Sightings Daily computer fund. I would really help me out so I can take these ads down. What ever you can spare would help. My computer is currently falling apart and even mission some buttons on the keyboard. This computer would allow me to continue to run this site for the next 6 years. 

Click here to donate. Thank you so much! 

Scott C. Waring


  1. i just made a donation, its not much but with all the viewers on the site you'll have a new computer soon. after reading your post on the donation page it made me a little concerned about you and the future of the site, since you're doing this all alone - i hope you have some sort of contingency plans in place. if not after you get the new PC i think this is a topic that should be discussed. thanks for all your hard work

    1. Thanks Mickesh, I really appreciate it. Hmmmm...good idea on the contingency plan.

  2. Replies
    1. With over 300 hate messages from you and your 6 different accounts, you are really making it your life mission to stop me, but it affects me the opposite way. It drives me to work harder. Thanks

    2. Haters will always hate 😉

    3. Scott is doing a great job

    4. Scott's always up for taking advantage of the simple minded - Keep up the good work parasite.

  3. How do you not have money for a new computer?

  4. Add paypal as payment method. I don't give my credit card number.

  5. Great Job Scott! I check your site everyday. You give us info from all sources and your oppinion... And then leave it up to us to interpret. I hope to donate. And
    Hope the naysayers don't discourage you.

  6. Dont you have Credit Card protection? I was the first to use mine to contribute, and nothing out of the ordinary happened. I am not sure, but I dont think Scott can use Paypal in Thailand. Remember, Scott is a teacher, and has a family. He works like a dog on this site, and I am sure needs whatever he makes to support his family. Besides, after all he does for us and the rest of the public...he should not have to spend a dime to buy an inexpensive computer. That his keyboard is missing keys is what we call a clue in police terminology. I suspect the family budget is tight. Keep rocking Scott. If you still have problems after a while I will buy the equipment myself. Greg

    1. Oh Greg - you silly, silly little man. Scott's ripping you off. It's plain to see as one of his nonsensical rock faces!

    2. I heard he was a Teacher too. Just hope it's not English he's teaching as he's seriously screwing with those Thai students. He can't spell nor barely use proper English grammar.

  7. Even Tesla died broke. How could any reader of this site make comments designed to damage Scotts dignity? Your parents teach you about class? Dont you realize its obvious asking for our help is the last thing this guy wants? This site is his calling, and we are fortunate to benefit from his dedication. How can you not have any empathy?

    1. Agreed.
      Imagine how much time it takes out of Scotts days and his life to bring us this information.

    2. If he has dignity why is he begging. PARASITE.

  8. Set up a PayPal account and add the link to your website , I will donate no worries but I don't give my card details online

    1. Its ok Jonny, thanks for offering. Just the fact that you offered is enough.

  9. Thailand is listed on the PayPal site as a supported country and Thailand itself is a live link on this page that takes you to a page in Thai. That's how I paid for a historian in Eastern Europe to help research my family. "Services rendered" I know you said you checked into it but not sure if you considered that option.

  10. https://www.paypal.com/qa/webapps/mpp/country-worldwide

  11. Start up a 'go fund me' account, for continuous donations? Just a thought :)

  12. Would donate a little if you set up a paypal.

  13. Thanks Scott. Sadly people are going to hate but the majority of us appreciate and admire your ability to for truth and same time spreading your knowledge and expertise. I admire your dedication. Proud that we have your ear and understanding. God bless and god bless the victims and families of the Florida tragedy. RIP


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