
Incredible UFO Sighting in St. Martin (With Real UFO Footage), Nov 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 29, 2016
Location of sighting: St. Martin island

Here is a rare island sighing by a surfer at St. Martin island. Its a UFO in the shape of a thick half disk. The wind sound very powerful, and yet this UFO is just hovering above him with pulsating lights. I just wish he had more footage of it. Only the last minute of the video has the sighting. Just goes to show, that UFOs come out in all kinds of weather. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
As a surfer, Jason had been living on the island of St. Martin in the caribbean in search of warm water waves. Over several days, he had a stretch of incredible UFO sightings. On one occasion, he took his iPad to the beach and did his best on getting actual evidence. The real authentic UFO footage is a bright light, hovering over the ocean pulsating. Clearly, it's not a plane (you'll see it zoomed in) and yet, it doesn't resemble a star. In this video, we show actual proof - video evidence of the UFO captured by Jason, along with him detailing the footage. Also, he discusses another incredible sighting he had just days after capturing this footage. You won't believe Jason's unreal UFO encounter!