
Dyson Sphere Found Near Aquarius Constellation Using Google Sky Map, Jan 2017, PHOTOs, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 10, 2017
Location of discovery:  Near Aquarius
Google Sky Coordinates: 22h35m54.80s -4 25'27.22"

Looking through Google sky is a lot of fun. Its a bit slower that Google Mars or Moon to find an alien structure, but when you do, its well worth the effort. 

This is an alien megastructure...also known as a Dyson sphere. That is a megastructure that completely encompasses a star and captures most or all of its energy output. It makes sense, since the more technologically advanced a species grows, the more dependent on energy that species becomes.You can see the light of the sun...which is a green light shining through the gaps in one side of the sphere. These gaps may be unfinished areas, since it take millions of years to construct, or it could have been made that way so ships can travel easily in and out. You see, the inside of the Dyson sphere would have the the inside area that is 600 million times that we have on Earth. That is a lot of room for a lot of people. 

Sure it might take a long time to build such a large sphere, but if aliens constructed millions of robots, they could work 24/7 for a million years and probably finish it. They could even mine their own materials and construct their own materials. Then...the aliens just wait for the work to be finished, while they do something more important with their times.
Scott C. Waring