
UFO Disguised As Jet Over Newton Abbot, England On Jan 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Above is original, below is added darkness to make the UFO stand out. 

Date of sighting: Jan 3, 2017
Location of sighting: Newton Abbot, England
News source: http://www.torquayheraldexpress.co.uk/first-ufo-of-2017-spotted-by-world-ufo-expert-over-newton-abbot/story-30027444-detail/story.html

UFOs do make trails behind them sometimes, but they do it on purpose. UFOs make cloud tunnels for others to follow safely inside without being seen, but here its trying to look like a jet. Such antics by aliens works more often than not, so its difficult to laugh at them when the majority of the world is still in the dark about the existence aliens. When looking at the UFO, you see its bottom is in the shape of an alien face, the face of the species flying it. 

This sighting is right next to the English Channel where only a few km away is Guernsey...an island where two planes recorded several yellow mile long disks over the ocean...an area of French military airspace, which shows the French have allotted a area of ocean to the aliens. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
A PROFESSIONAL UFO spotter has captured pictures of his first UFO of 2017. John Mooner, from Newton Abbot, who calls himself the chief photographer for World UFO Photos, snapped the strange object when he was 'sky watching' on Monday at around 1.30pm.

Mr Mooner said: "I decided to go out sky watching and I had my trusty Nikon P900 camera at the ready. "After about an hour of sky watching I spotted a faint contrail and began to zoom in. "At a higher magnification I could clearly see that this contrail was not coming from a plane, but was in fact coming from a round object that appeared to be glowing. "The round glowing object was at a very high altitude and I doubt that many people would be able to see this without a telephoto lens or a pair of high zoom binoculars. "The object was moving at a high rate of speed across the sky and I had real trouble stabilizing it in the camera's viewfinder. "I began taking photographs of this strange object and I managed to take six photographs that show the movement of this object."
Mr Mooner, who call himself the chief photographer for World UFO Photos, said it was a good start to the year for UFO spotters. "This is my first UFO photographs of 2017 and I can't wait to photograph more UFOs over Devon," he added.