Date of photo: Aug 15, 2018
Location of photo: Space station
Source photo:
Sure this is not a UFO, but it is one hell of a great space photo that the public has not seen before. Here is a photo that has never been seen in the news before. It's an astronaut chucking a satellite into space like a baseball. Sounds fun and probably worried NASA a lot since these mini satellites are also delicate and easily broke. Truly an amazing photo of a historic and important event in human history.
Scott C. Waring
NASA states:
iss056e139457 (Aug. 15, 2018) --- Roscosmos cosmonaut Sergey Prokopyev hand-deploys one of four nano-satellites just outside of the Pirs docking compartment airlock during a spacewalk that lasted 7 hours 46 minutes. Fellow cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev (out of frame) joined Prokopyev during the spacewalk which also saw the installation of the Icarus animal-tracking experiment and the retrieval of a materials exposure experiment on the Russian segment of the International Space Station.