
Many Alien Structures Found On Moon Using Google Moon Map, Sept 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 2018
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Method: Free Google Moon Map

Here are some amazing structures found using Google moon map which is a free program to use. She found a lot of structures and most of them are close to one another. Watch this video and then hope on Google Earth Map, switch it to moon mode and copy past the coordinates below to see them with your own eyes. 
Scott C. Waring

Sandra Elena Andrade states: 
Large buildings in the craters of the Moon were discovered by the Argentine researcher Marcelo Irazusta. The images are very clear. Some with a pyramid shape. Their forms show that they were built by intelligent civilization. Coordinates: 
23 ° 24'39.31 "N 10 ° 29'28.30" E 
26 ° 6'7.99 "N 9 ° 15'40.48" E 
25 ° 6'51.89 "N 7 ° 59'20.55" E 
26 ° 4'22.56 "N 7 ° 59'12.30" E 
18 ° 50'37.52 "N 24 ° 25'24.01" E 
18 ° 58'19.42 "N 25 ° 52'28.65" E 
19 ° 18'59.60 "N 26 ° 31'39.05" E 
22 ° 41'27.95 "N 25 ° 46'18.22" E