
Ancient Spire 3.5 Miles Tall On Moons Surface In Google Map! Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 2016
Location of discovery: Earths Moon, between Rupes Liebig crater and Rimae Marsenius crater. 
Coordinates:  22°27'28.22"S 45°58'51.44"W

This is the legendary spire on Earths moon. Its been seen before in  Feb 1967 Orbiter 3 photos. This spire is 3.64 miles tall according to Google ruler, but is only an estimate. It may be off as much as half a mile more or less. 

This new discovery of the spire on our moon is just amazing. The spire looks to be coming out of the center of a crater, but these are not craters, but many small white shiny structures. The spire was probably built to accommodate a very large vessel so that it could dock safely without landing. 

Do you remember the long UFO I found that looks like Star Trek Voyager, which I use the my Blog header above? Well that ship is 10 miles across, which is perfect for docking here.  That one however was abandoned. 
Scott C. Waring