Date of sighting: January 26, 2020
Location of sighting: unknown
Original video:
Commercial pilot César Murillo Pérez, who flies for Colombian airline company Viva Air, recorded a video of what appears to be a metallic, roughly spherical object while in the air over Medellín, the capital of Colombia’s Antioquia province. He immediately posted the video to Tiktok site and it began to go viral with over 820,000 views. The object is clearly not a balloon since its sides are not round but actually more cube with protruding edges. This UFO looks very similar to the UFO that was released by accident by the government in infrared. Also the person really is a pilot who has posted other videos of aircraft, and sunsets above places around the globe. He flies from South America to Europe. This is absolutly a UFO and its the most legitimate and close up focused view of a UFO of 2020 so far.
Scott C. Waring