
US Drone X-47B Held By China Military! Google Earth Map! Video, UFO Sighting News.


Hit subscribe please. 30°37'21.39"N 103°32'57.35"E
Date of discovery: May 11, 2022
Location of discovery: China

Guys I found this on Google map the other day and made this video about it. I found two different aircraft there and I also found five military trucks which carry ballistic nuclear missiles. This is so small of an area that I would say it covered less than half a mile. Still the drone they have is very similar to the US Navy X-47B. Also there is a J-20 military jet there. No UFO or alien involved, but I really thought this was something strange. 

Please forgive the video, my mic broke the day before, so I am waiting on a new one tomorrow. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

1 comment:

  1. Always enjoy your column Scott.
    I am sure you saw the small potential doorway on Mars, yesterday. E B Wingfield


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