
TicTac Over Jackson, Wyoming, May 20, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: May 20, 2022
Location of sighting: Jackson, Wyoming, USA
Source: Email Report

Guys, I think this is another UFO from the alien base in the Rocky Mountains area. Along Denver, Colorado for decades glowing white spheres and ovals have been seen flying to and from the tops of the mountains. Police, US military, mayors, and thousands of citizens have witnessed them over the years. This object clearly came from the mountain...which are just a few miles away from the city of Jackson. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Email report: I have a witness to this object. So I filmed 2.5 minute long video and my witness took 3 photos of the object. Never made a sound a moved very slowly. I’d have to say around 10-30ft in size just by looking at the trees. The sightings haven’t stopped and are only getting better. I also have another 3.5 minute video from less then an hour later I filmed a different object that flew right past my house.