
Bizarre Shapeshifting UFO Sighted Over a Field in Waterloo, Iowa, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: May 22, 2022
Location of sighting: Waterloo, Iowa, USA

Watch this amazing UFO over Iowa. It happened last month, but was recently released by the eyewitness. The UFO is a glowing pink in a cloudless sky. The object is partly cloaked so only a few sections of the UFO is visible. This UFO was recorded when the sun was setting, which allows cloaked craft to become visible for a few minutes to the naked eye. Its because the Triangle position of the sun, UFO and person is perfect and allows the UFO to be visible. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

1 comment:

  1. Direction of view? East or west? North or south?


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