
Three UFOs Hiding In Clouds Over San Antonio, Texas March 12, 2023 UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: March 12, 2023
Location of sighting: San Antonio, Texas, USA

If you look closely at the holes, you will see and inner and outer ring. This means the UFO is still there right now as this photo was taken. Thats right, it hasn't flown away, its still there. Did you also notice that the center of the circle has a pushed down lower area of clouds? Because the ships lower part shoved the clouds out of the way to make room for the UFO. UFOs can create clouds and even make holes through them, but one thing they can't do...fill in the inside of the ship with clouds. LOL, I don't think they would like that too much. I consider UFO observations like this to be an intrusion on the publics privacy. Much how apps on your phone can track you and record the information you look at on the net? Or how Mark Zuckerbergs' company Facebook would track your likes, comments, and personal info and sell it off to some freak company we never heard of, without our permission. Well, the aliens are doing the same. They are watching, recording and gathering more data on you than you knew existed. All without your permission to do so. That is a crime that has continued for thousands of years on Earth and still does. I call that a crime against humanity. Scott C. Waring