Now I heard the swarms of drones were seen over Trumps favorite golf course for over three days and nights which makes me think...why? Who hates trump the most outside of the US? Easily one country over all does...the county he promised to put 25% taxes on all goods going out of China to US, and I believe the Chinese are behind these swarms. They must be radar resistant, which means they are plastic or 3d printed with some rubber radar resistant coating to absorb radar. They were seen over England, New York, Michigan, New Jersey and a few other locations. Read the tweet and tell I wrong? Or...worse I right? If I'm right the virus could be waiting for a second drone spraying to become the catalyst of the virus, or the virus could have a built in genetic time to go off in 1 week, 1 month or even 1 years time. By then...everyone will forget about the drones. Because of a genetic timer, we cannot blame the drones, much like HAARP program that manipulates the weather and China uses it making it impossible to blame then on earthquakes (Japan-Chinas worst enemy at Fukushima), tidal waves, tornadoes, hurricanes and more. And China causes tens of billions of dollars in damage on such untraceable attacks. Ask yourself, what are the Chinese up to now?