
US Gov Releases new UFO Video, But I See a Second UAP exiting volcano, Sighting News.

 Funny, the US gov thought only one UFO was in the video but there are three or more. 

US gov source: https://www.dvidshub.net/video/944201/mt-etna-object 

Hey all, hope this brightens up your day. I found a newly releseaed UFO video and guess what? There is a second, and maybe a third UFO exiting the volcano! I slow it down at 1:30 mark to show you, but then show the whole video. Not only was the UFO video recorded and released by the US gov, but they missed another 1 to 2 other UFOs exiting Mt. Etna! This is a gov source video! Hard to believe but true. This is proof aliens have a base below this volcano and I have said for over two decades that aliens like bases to be deep below active volcanos to make them inaccessible to humans. 
Scott C. Waring