Location of sighting: Coos Bay, Oregon, USA
Hunters See Cube UFO at Coos Bay, Oregon April 5, 2023, UFO Sighting News. Video.
Location of sighting: Coos Bay, Oregon, USA
UFO Over Island Off Oahu, Hawaii Live Cam! 2-16-2022 UFO Sighting New.
Location of sighting: Lanikai beach, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
Live Cam Hawaii: https://www.skylinewebcams.com/en/webcam/united-states/hawaii/kailua/lanikai.html
Black Triangle UFO Over Beijing, China June 24, 2021, Video! UFO Sighting News.
Morphing Alien Structure Found On Planet Mercury, UFO Sighting News.
Location of discovery: Planet Mercury
Source URL on Map: https://messenger.quickmap.io/?extent=-114.4014418,-58.0795094,-108.4825443,-55.1619576&proj=5&layers=NrCMBYCYBoAZtA6JIE5YGYn0QOwK4A2h0A3gL4C6lZVy4GWOSIGoArONkgcbdf0pA
Alien Figure Watching Mars Rover! 100% Proof of Life! UFO Sighting News.
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://gigapan.com/gigapans/225628
30 Tornadoes Hit the US At Same Time, Did China Use the HAARP Program To Weaponize The Weather? Breaking News.
HAARP source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-frequency_Active_Auroral_Research_Program
China Radio Telescope: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five-hundred-meter_Aperture_Spherical_Telescope
Have you heard China complaining and threatening to get back at the US for boycotting the olympics in Beijing and how the US tries to stop US from working with any China companies? Well, China is fighting back, covertly.
Guys, across the Internet we are hearing about how upwards of 30 tornadoes that hit the United States late at night, killing about a hundred people or more. And just a few days ago the world heard about how China has been using weather control to make it rain and clean the air more in China in an area the size of Alaska. But there are a few things you probably don't know.
China has the worlds largest radio telescope, five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope, or FAST – which was declared fully operational as recently as January 2020. It's in China's Guizhou province. This is just the kind of instrument needed to create tornados.
Back in 1993 the US Air Force created the HAARP program, research into how to use electronic waves to manipulate the weather around them world, by bouncing a signal up into the sky and bouncing it off the ionosphere onto a location somewhere on Earth. The program started in Gabona, Alaska and lasted until 2014, when it was announced that the HARRP program would shut down. However it may have continued in covert in order to escape the protests of the public.
Somewhere along the line, China stole the details, research and tech knowhow to do their own HAARP program but not for research as much as research to be a weapon. China makes it a priority to steal any technology the US has...from the NASA space shuttle (they took it) to the newest Awacs (Fairborn warning control systems) military planes.
Also the fact that tornados don't come 30 at a time! Let alone at night and...in December with temperatures below freezing. Tornados usually come in spring and summer months. Scientists say May and June the peek tornado months. All weather scientists know...cold weather limits tornados. And to compound it all...the tornado hit at night, when everyone was inside, unable to see any tornadoes coming, thus unable to escape them. This HAARP China program is a weapon to punish its adversaries, to hurt them, to kill them, and to hurt the economy financially from the destruction.
Even President Biden said, "This is likely to be one of the largest tornado outbreaks in our history."
So...I post here the facts, my thoughts, and let you make your own decisions. China has the means and the motivation. But all the facts point to weather manipulation, a new kind of war.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Towering Silver Building On Earths Moon In Crater, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: Oct 2019
Location of discovery: Earths moon
Source: NASA/ESA
Here is something I found in a photo of Earths moon. The most interesting and artistic alien structure that I have found in a very long time. Each of the craters shown have an alien structure within it. One of which is silver in color. This silver structure has amazing detail. It is slightly blurry because the white crater the aliens made creates a shine that is difficult to focus, but the structure in its center stands out well. Cool stuff huh? This is 100% proof that aliens currently occupy our moon and it also explains why humans have not been back since the early Apollo missions. They are still there and don't want us meddling in their affairs.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan
White Disk Seen Moving Across Sky Over Pennsylvania On Oct 5, 2019, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Oct 5, 2019
Location of sighting: Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania, USA
Source: MUFON #103815
Here are some interesting photos of a glowing white UFO over Huntingdon Valley yesterday. The photos shows a white glowing disk in the sky during sunset. The white craft really displays its round disk shape well. As I have said before, sunset is one of the hottest times to catch a UFO. This UFO has a indent at its upper center which may actually be a hump, or cockpit area for the alien pilot. These photos are incredible. Amazing evidence that aliens are visiting Pennsylvania.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states: Around 6:14pm I was sitting on a bench at Lorimer Park with my camera and I looked up at the moon. I noticed something near the moon that looked like a plane reflecting light off of the sun. The sun wasn't set yet and the sky was clear. It seemed too early for any stars to be out. I kept my eye on it and it was getting further away from the moon even though it appeared stationary. The moon was rising but it was getting further away horizontally. I kept my eye on it on and off while driving home and eventually it disappeared. The stars are out now and it's not there. I wanted to rule out it being a UFO but when I got home I checked MUFON and I saw that two other people in the area submitted reports on a very similar object earlier in the day.