Date of sighting: Oct 13, 2019
Location of sighting: Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Source: MUFON #103972
Here is a video of the most recent UFO sighting. A person saw several black rectangles moving in and out of the clouds over Baltimore. He managed to get some video of the object moving silently. There are no wings, no ropes, no lights of any kind, no windows...nothing that would signify that this is man made. Its very odd to be over such a populated area, especially a busy shipping port. It almost looks as if one of those cargo boxes on the ships had floated away into the sky. I just wish the person had a newer phone, then maybe the video would have been crystal clear.
Scott Waring
Eyewitness states:
While Crossing the Key Bridge in the early morning the witness noticed several cylinder objects with what looked like "Spheres" looping around each one. He states "They went up and down, in and out of the clouds, sometimes disappearing only to reappear again." After watching for about 5 min they all went into the clouds. Several seconds later one dropped back out of the clouds, came down a couple hundred feet and stopped. At this point, I started recording on my phone camera. The witness added "The object hovers for about 1-2 minutes and then slowly moves off the right (NE). With the naked eye, I could see the"White Sphere" going beside and around the crane but the video doesn't show it." The witness said that he stopped filming to pick up his mother who was visiting from New Hampshire, but states "On the way back about 1 hour later we noticed 2 of the 3 crafts, however they were much further away. The second time around I did notice something else... I noticed a very large white sphere. I only viewed it for several seconds before it was obstructed by trees.