Showing posts with label India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India. Show all posts


UFO Captured in Smartphone Camera by a Young Boy of Kanpur, India On June 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 2015
Location of sighting: Kanpur, India
News source 1:
News source 2:

India News States:
An Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) was captured by a young boy in a smartphone on Wednesday morning.
The boy, belongs to  Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, captured the image while taking early morning pictures of clouds and spotted the 'flying saucer' like object.

As soon as he noticed this, he informed his parents.
When asked Abhijit Gupta, the child said, 'I like nature photography and when I saw various shapes of clouds in the sky I started clicking pictures on my phone. While I was going through the clicked pictures in the photo gallery, I saw a round object in the photographs and when I zoomed to take a closer look at it, I noticed it was a UFO'.

Abhijit's father Santosh Gupta too confirmed that the object did look like an UFO.

Santosh said, 'When we checked the pictures snapped by son, we saw red light spotting around the white coloured round object and it appeared as if white smoke was emitting from the centre of the object.'

He even claimed that the photograph taken in his phone is real and he is ready to give it for verification in the laboratory.


UFO in the sky above Kochi, India On Oct 16, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 16, 2014
Location of sighting: Kochi, India
Source India Today:

The photo above and videos below were separate reports, but seem related. These glowing UFOs were seen last week in India and several videos are just now being posted on the net. These videos show a beautiful glowing UFO traveling fast across the sky. The sightings of the orbs and the giant glowing UFO must be related since they came from the same general area and same week. SCW

India Today News states:
An Unidentified Flying Object was allegedly spotted in Kochi on Wednesday. The UFO-like lights were spotted in the sky by a group of people when it was raining. While the veracity of this claim is open to question, the photo of this alleged UFO was captured by one of them and circulated on WhatsApp. If witnesses are to be believed, the nail-shaped UFO hovered in the sky for sometime before vanishing under the cover of rain and passing clouds. See the photo and judge for yourself.


India Mars Orbiter Reveals Structures, Sept 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

I decided to have a look at the first photo from the Mars India mission. It went into orbit this week and two days later they released a single photo. Now this photo shows some interesting detail. I decided to use an old trick I discover and take my camcorder to record it off the screen. In this way the camcorder will auto correct some of the blur in the photo. It works most the time and here it improved the photo detail about 15%. A lot of comments about the photo have mentioned the low quality of the photo, that is because India saw the structures and wanted to make it smaller so that they were not visible to the naked eye. I wonder, if India announces that they found life or at least ancient ruins on Mars, then India will go down in world history books as the discoverer of aliens. No small label by any means. 

Oh, and by the way, there is another photo, but I guess it was ignored by the news. It is the close up edge of a crater. You will not find this on any site other than here. 1st LOL!  Click here to view. SCW 


Alien Pyramid Found On Asteroid RQ36, June 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 29, 2014
Location of discovery: our solar system
Source: ISRO, Indian Space Research Organisation. 
Photos by: NEOSSat
Asteroid: 1999 RQ36

Updated on July 3, 2014: I emailed the director of ISRO today and asked him about the video being theirs or not. I also asked them about the building on the asteroid. ISRO is here. 

Updated on July 5, 2014: Still no response from ISRO in email. 

When you first look at this asteroid it appears just like a normal rock in space, but with a more careful second glance you will is inhabited. There is a black (flat black color) pyramid on this asteroid. 

I have said many times...alien structures come in one of three types...grey metallic, flat black color, white ceramic color. Oh...I often find around the flat black are tiny grey metallic structures.

This is fantastic evidence from scientists in India at the ISRO labs. The detail of this massive pyramid is fantastic and you can see two other rectangle structures on it. The asteroid is probably not for mining as much as used as a tiny space station. An asteroid that size and a structure that size is a bit out of this cannot be a mining facility. This massive structure is meant to be hidden on this small asteroid, so it is probably monitoring planets as it passes them without any primitive life discovering them...however, India was on top of it and caught it quickly. Awesome work India. SCW

Below is the gif the ISRO, Indian Space Research Organization, recorded by NEOSSat (Near Earth Observation Surveillance Satellite). The ISRO did take it down within weeks of putting it up. 


Orange UFO Over New Delhi On April 28, 2014, Same As Over Australia Last Week! UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 28, 2014
Location of sighting: New Delhi, India
Source: Email Report 

This UFO report just came in today in our email. It describes a UFO that matches an earlier UFO sighting by a pilot in Queensland, Australia on April 2014. The similarities are remarkable. This could be the same UFO. As always, I deleted the name from the report. SCW

Eyewitness states: 
I'd like to share my experience, of what I saw tonight, which I believe, is something extraterrestrial. This took place tonight itself, that is, 28th April 2014 around 21:35. I live in New Delhi, India, where the night sky is full of city lights and light pollution blocks all scope of watching stars twinkle. At about 21:35, I entered my room, looking for a book. 

The window that faces the vast stretch of buildings (which aren't very close to mine) was open, and stared into the night sky. I live on the 8th floor. A strange flash of red and orange caught my eyes, and I walked closer to the window to have a better look. What I saw was completely outlandish and I could barely process what was going on. I saw a yellow glowing orb, floating still in the sky. Yes, it was still. It  was not moving, but seemed to float, somehow. It had a bright red dazzle around the top half of its body. Too bad, I was way too mesmerized to take a picture, but managed to draw a picture later, which I have attached. 

My drawing looks exactly the same as what I saw, although I deeply regret not taking a picture in time. As I stared at the floating orb, it kind of started oscillating about its original position. I had no clue as to what was going on. Then within no time, it started moving away from me, and appeared, which I find rather odd saying, to have caught fire. It blazed bright yellow and increased its speed exponentially and made its way for the night sky. It was gone in no time. It appeared as if it had been there for a long time, and as soon as it realized I took notice of its presence, it fled. I have attached a picture of where I saw it first, although I clicked it after it was gone, just for reference. I have also attached a picture of it after it 'caught fire'.  I regret not taking proper pictures in time, and am completely aware that my facts and pictures don't really seem to give a proper proof of the mysterious sighting. 


UFOs Seen Over Holy Place Of Rishikesh, India On April 20, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 20, 2013 but reported on Aug 31, 2013
Location of sighting: Rishikesh, India

There are three major things I notice in the video. 

1st off these UFO or entities are very similar to the the UFO Sighting over Nortre Dame when lighting strikes caused the stadium to be evacuated, (UFO Sightings Daily was on CNBC with that sighting, but video was deleted. Part of video here.) That was Sept 2011, very similar UFOs, but I believe these to be entities that cause lighting when there are too many of them in one area. 

2nd, these don't move like orbs or craft as much as they move like living creatures. Thus I call them entities. 

3rd, one of the entities appears from an area of the mountain side. This entity first has a small burst of light, then a big burst (pause, start video at 5.36-38 at HD, full screen settings and see.) This shows us that this sacred site is that way for a reason. These angel like entities have been seen before thus they locals bible or stories changed around them. 

4th, this location on the mountain shows us the approximate location of a hidden entrance, mind you, there must by many because we also see these entities appear around the top of the mountain. Go to this place where the arrow points to pray or talk to them or what have you. They will hear you. SCW

Eyewitness states:
Me and my friends went for a trip to Rishikesh to view Lakshman Jhula aka Lakshman Bridge, and to do river rafting over Ganges/ Ganga, and i made couple of video from My Galaxy s2 Mobile, and when i came home i transferred the data the my PC, and forgot about it, as i was not aware about a shock which i actually got after 4 months, while going through backups.

While watching this video, I noticed some strange "cigars shape UFO's".

Well situation was like this : I was relaxing in my hotel room with brother and friend, and then there was sudden thunderstorm sound started, it was strong, very strong, i ran out with my dslr and mobile to capture some shots, but I didn't know what i will capture in video, I wish i had an ultra fast video camera to get higher rate. Anyways but today i decided to publish it on my YouTube channel, and started editing it to make it slow motion 5 to 6x.... Which can be seen in the video.

I will upload the Actual Raw Video in day or two, as my bloody internet connection is a slow snail.

In the raw video, you can see the super strong strange winds, which atleast i had never seen or experienced before, it was so strong that we were not even able to stand....

Their were more then 6 to 8 UFO, i counted. But i can be wrong..


Ancient Alien Footprints And UFO Engraving Discovered In Jharkahnd, India.

Date of discovery: August 2013
Location of discovery: Jharkahnd, India 

Ancient footprints on a rock and a nearby engraving of a mysterious flying object are causing a stir in a small Indian village. According to the Epoch Times, Geologist Nitish Priyadarshi is studying the large footprints in Piska Nagri village, on the outskirts of Ranchi City in Jharkahnd State. The footprints, which are 30cm long and 12cm wide, look like they were worn by someone in wooden sandals. Local folklore claims the prints signify the presence of gods landing on site. God-kings of Indian mythology Lord Rama and Lord Lakshmana are believed to have spent time in the area in search of Rama's wife, Sita, says the Epoch Times report.

Mr Priyadarshi said the imprints appeared to have been carved on granite. "It may have been made by the local people manually at that time in memory of the visitors," he said. "The footprints and the flying object are on the same piece of rock on each other's side. Maybe they were engraved to show that the two king gods arrived at the place on a flying object. "Seeing the weathering stage of the foot prints it can be said that the age of the foot prints may be thousands year old." "We live in a highly advanced, technical world, but there are nevertheless a great many mysteries all around us. Ancient places and mysterious beings, sunken worlds and cultures, landscapes imbued with symbolism, unexplained apparitions, and unbelievable finds from ancient times-all of these remain mysteries for humankind, despite intense investigations."


UFO Sighting in Delhi India Of Massive Glowing Craft Nov 14, 2012.

Date of sighting: November 14, 2012
Location of sighting: Delhi, India

I altered the still photos of the craft above by adding contrast so they can be more easily seen. This craft is really lit up, however it does look like a cloudy night and the craft is below the cloud ceiling. This craft does seem to be made up of different sized orbs attached to one another unlike most UFOs which are diamond, cigar or disk shape. I only wish they had panned out so we could see where they were standing and what it looked like before they zoomed in on them. SCW


Glowing Red UFO Seeding The Sky With Drone Orbs, INDIA, Aug 29, 2012

Date of sighting: August 29, 2012
Location of sighting: India

In this latest video we see glowing orbs. These are not Chinese lanterns which go up and drift. These orbs are not military flares which fall downward as seen in military flare videos. There seems to be some main orbs leading the front and as these few orbs shoot across the sky every few second they drop 1-3 more glowing orbs. This is like a farmer spreading seeds. Often these alien craft come and drop out the orbs all the while doing it without stopping. I have seen a video of this many times in the day and the orbs are white in the daytime. Amazing catch and almost dreamlike to watch. What do these orbs do in Earth's sky? Easy…they watch, monitor everything from transmissions, direct observations and even monitoring our thoughts (evidence from cloud orbs coming while asking them to=ABC News Video). SCW

Example of the Three ORB Ship making drone orbs in Japan 2010 video below.


Extraterrestrial Red Cells Rain Down On India Says Scientists.

The mysterious color of water falling on the morning of June 28, 2012, is due tomicroscopic particles of biological cells-looking, likely of alien origin.
Cell biological nature of Alien
"Red Rain" it is said to represent, metaphorically what can not happen. Well, maybe we should revise our stereotypes, as in India showers colors including the most unlikely-ruby-are becoming a bit 'too frequent. The latter was recorded by the local news in the city of Kanur in the state of Kerala. On the morning of June 28, according to reports, residents have witnessed quite disturbed to a burst of red rain. And it was not the first time. A previous, similar phenomenon had occurred in the area in July of 2001, just hours after the alleged explosion in the sky, a meteor. Later, have been reported over 120 cases of unusual rainstorms to say the least, with drops of yellow, green, even black …
According to the two scientists, those micro-believe that alien life-forms have unique features: not only are able to metabolize organic and inorganic material (including silicon), but they seem to grow better in extreme temperatures of 300 ° C. Their existence proves that life on Earth was created just like that, with similar single-celled organisms coming from somewhere aboard comets, asteroids and rocky debris. In other words, prove the validity of the so-called "Theory of Panspermia." 

This interpretation of extraterrestrial reality is not shared by the rest of the scientific community and the publications of the two researchers have found many critics, especially since the alleged living cells are devoid of DNA. But is this phenomenon-the-red rain that years later he repeated, and for which simple explanations such as air pollution are not enough and in fact were immediately excluded.

Professor Louis in the meantime has not changed his mind. Continues to believe that these anomalous rainfall is caused by microorganisms that can survive in outer space because it contained in the inner core of the racers-nuclei in which there are hot water and all the chemicals needed to keep them alive. "The comets can break closer to the Sun-wrote the recently-I fragments, then, from time to time, enter land and fall in the attraction of our planet."
The rain would be red due to the percentage of alien organic material that ends up in the clouds. "They should be in the order of 100 million cells per liter of rainwater," he says, "but if the concentration increases, then the rain is much darker, like black coffee." On the yellow rain, but still has a doubt. "We have not yet figured out what kind of material is determined-says-but in this case we found that the particles have autofluorescence: likely to be a byproduct of red organisms."


UFO Seen in Pune, India Skys on 4 Feb 2012, cell phone video.

Date of sighting: February 4, 2012
Location of sighting: Pune Bhosari Area, India

Eyewitness states: "This video was captured on 4th Feb 2012, from Pune Bhosari Area, around 6 in the evening. As it being thru a MOBILE, the quality is not what we can expect, but the UFO was in the Shape of Digit 8."


UFO sighting over fishing lake in Manipur, India causing witness to be hospitalized, June 19, video.

UFO sighting over fishing lake in Manipur, India causing witness to be hospitalized, June 19, video.

Date of sighting: June 19, 2011
Location of sighting: Lake Loktak, Manipur, India

19th June 2011/Moirang, Bishnupur, Manipur In a astounding incident, a fish farmer in Manipur experienced loss of consciousness for over 18 hours after he claimed he was hit by shockwave transmitted from an unidentified flying object.

The fish farmer was trying out his in-built video camera on his brand new Chinese made mobile phone when he accidentally filmed the UFO hovering over his fish farm in Bishnupur district. This is the startling footage of an unidentified flying object, filmed by a fish farmer in Manipur. After filming for 19 seconds, 32 years Kumam Koiremba experienced loss of consciousness.

According to his family, he was in a semi-unconscious state of over 18 hours after he sighted the UFO in his fish farm, located at Ngangkha lawai, Moirang near loktak lake. Doctor's diagnosis read 'loss of consciousness, showing signs of weakness with non-responsive motor response.' Puzzled at his claim of being hit by a UFO shockwave, he was discharge after placing him under few hours of observation. However Kumam Koiremba still complains of weakness and exhaustion after his 'chanced encounter' with the UFO.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard” ☯