Showing posts with label entity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label entity. Show all posts


Astronomer Watches Angel through telescope, June 30, 2023, UFO Sighting News Video

Date of sighting: June 30, 2023
Location of sighting: in space
Eyewitness: DavidShane83 of TikTok 

You have to see this. It's a video of something that DavidShane 83 recorded when thinking he might be looking at a star, but instead he found this iridescent glowing being the size of a moon. The person is turned toward Earth, clearly watching over Earth and then seems to get excited and I see two legs, two arms and a head. The being excitement makes it dance a jig for a few seconds, the pow! It turns full angelic mode, forming huge bird like yellow wings and a cloak. There are things beyond science and faith in the vastness of space, and its watching over Earth, and maybe, just maybe if you pick the right night, and the right glowing light, you may see it too. 
Scott C. Waring  


Angelic UFO Over Farm In Slovenia, Google Earth Map, Sept 2020, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: September 16, 2020
Location: Podkoren, Slovenia 
Google Coordinates:  46°29'25.24"N 13°45'5.42"E

I found this UFO over the city of Podkoren in the country of Slovenia. The UFO is almost appears holy or divine as if it were an angelic being. In the video I show you several views of the same area so you can see for yourself there is nothing reflective on the ground. This object is not lighting up the tree sides...but clearly above the tree tops. This my be more than just a UFO, it may be an angelic being visiting a holy person of significants within the house below. A biblical event...recorded on Google Earth map. 

This reminds me of the UFO seen in Jerusalem over the holy of holies...the Dome of rock In is real. But that one...was an angelic being...the ancient biblical story of Dome of Rock is proof of that theory. 

No...I'm not religious in any way, but do respect all religions. But...evidence is mounting in that area.
Scott C. Waring 

Notice the tail on the object hanging below the UFO or angelic entity. Like that of a sea horse. 


Mile Long UFO Near Sun On NASA Satellite, Video! UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 12, 2020
Location of discovery: Earths sun

My curiosity got the best of me today and I was looking over some sun photos from NASA when I found something...something seen before, but yet, mysterious in and of itself. 

The object is huge, looks planet size, but I believe to be about 1.5km across and very close to the satellite and moves in jumps from place to place, often at or around the speed of light, sometimes leaving trails seen on camera, but stopped, rested a bit, move a bit closer to the sun resting again, then jumped away into the directing it came The object jumping like that and seeing trails of others similar shaped objects zooming around the sun makes me wonder are these living beings made of energy? Energy travels at the speed of light too...and this would explain the speed of the objects. I believe these are incredibly large energy beings...intelligent beings. But the way some move around is like they are children at play, chasing each other across a grassy playground. Odd I know, but true observation of their behavior. 

So...are these energy beings ships not beings? Not likely, why would an energy being need a ship? Are they gods? Maybe in our terms of what a god is...they are. But god the creator...I don't thinks so. Just god like beings...still beings, still a species, not our god, but have incredible powers...speed being one of them. Where are the species arms and legs you ask? Why would an omnipotent being need arms, legs or a head? We as humans view things as if everything must happen according to our rules...however the universe has its own rules...and doesn't care about ours. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Face On Moon Almost Run Over And Destroyed In Apollo 16 NASA Image, Jan 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 13, 2019
Location of discovery: Earths moon
Source NASA photo:

I found this alien face in an Apollo 16 NASA photo of the moon. It was almost destroyed by the moon rover that drove past it. If I use the width of the moon rover tracks as a measuring device...I get a size of about 1.5 feet by 1 foot across. 

Many people would instantly say this is just a coincidence of finding a face, but that would be absolutely wrong. Coincidence is defined by Websters Dictionary as the "occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident, but seem to have some connection." A few faces on the moon would be a coincidence, however if you search my site, you will see I literally have hundreds of faces from the moon alone and thousands from around our solar system. Hundreds of pieces of evidence destroys any chance of coincidence from existing. 

I also believe NASA knew about alien artifacts on the moon and they kept it quiet so that they could retrieve alien technology to keep the USA a world power. 

Scott C. Waring


100% Proof That Intelligent Aliens Live On Planet Mercury Right Now! Jan 6, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 6, 2019
Location of discovery: Planet Mercury 
NASA photo:

I have a lot of fun searching for structures in NASA, ESA and JAXA photos. I feel a real high every time I discover a new alien structure. The more clear and focused the structure, the bigger the high. Who needs drugs when you got such an amazing reality all around you? No-one can hide the truth 100%...and here is the proof of that. I have discovered a long black structure in a crater on planet Mercury. This structure is non reflective black...stealth black probably so it wont reflect radar and so it wont stand out. 

You see, even aliens have enemies...they are not hiding the structures from humanity, they are hiding them from other alien species that may target them. Yes...even advanced alien species have problems with one another. Call it cultural or racial discrimination, but its there. They are not perfect, and many have not conquered their own desires yet...having not learned how to control many of their emotions. 

Scott C. Waring


Giant UFO Seen In Night Vision Over Netherlands, Dec 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Summer of 2018, but uploaded Dec 2018.
Location of sighting: Groenio, Netherlands

A person was recording with a 3rd generation night vision scope when he noticed a strange cloud. The cloud is rectangle in shape and has four sharp ninety degree corners. He mistakenly identifies it as a partial chem trail, but that is highly unlikely due to the immense size and shape of this object. Night vision scopes see in infrared and any cloaked craft would become visible using this scope. 

If you remember past military infrared video tracking of UFOs, then you know this to be true already. That my friends, is a UFO.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
In July of this year during sky watching I noticed a single cloud in the night sky ...maybe nothing special but it was a little strange because there were no other clouds except that one...I guess a Chemtrail ..... decide for yourself 😁👍....and in December I tested my Bushnell Equinox during a meteor shower.


Kid In India Records Glowing UFO Over City, Dec 28, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 28, 2018
Location of sighting: India

This possible UFO was seen on Dec 28, 2018 during a overcast night in India. When the smog of the city blocks out the sky at night, no stars can be seen during such a time. So this rules out stars. The object does not have red or blue flashing lights...which most drones have. Also the object is holding position, trying to confuse the eyewitnesses by appearing like a star.  

Remember what I told you in other posts, aliens are prize themselves on being more intelligent than humanity. They literally believe they can fly as close as they want and not get caught...but with todays cheap video cameras and cell phone cameras...humanity is proving them wrong. 

Also, someone should download this video, I estimate that there is a 90% chance the person will panic within a week when people say its a UFO and will take down the video. It happened a lot over the years. This looks to be just a kid and kids worry a lot about posting the wrong kind of videos getting the wrong kind of attention.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I saw it on 28 dec 18 5am

UFO Glowing And Pulsating Over The Black Sea, Bulgaria On Jan 4, 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 4, 2019
Location of sighting: Black Sea, Burgas, Bulgaria

This is one of the most irritating UFOs seen around the world. The UFO hovers over neighbourhoods and appears like a star, but is clearly very close, within half a mile away from the eyewitnesses most the time. 

I myself was eyewitness to such a UFO one evening over my apartments and recorded it, just 24 hours after the same UFO was seen on TV news in parts of China. The video I uploaded has since disappeared...I'm searching, but strangely enough...its just gone from my channel??? Very odd, will continue searching for it. 

What I am saying is that aliens are highly skilled in the art of trickery and deception. They are required by their laws to not interrupt in our way of life or change how things will go in the future, so instead they try to play mind games with eyewitnesses by having their UFOs fly within a few hundred meters of the ground and make clouds around it to hide the craft, or they will fly low over a neighbourhood trying to move very slowly to look like a star, but is clearly too big and too bright to be a star and too small to be the moon. Aliens are extremely intelligent, and they take too much pride in that fact. But in some areas we are better creativity, passion and empathy. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Fast UFO big spaceship with changing type, trajectory , shape , sizes , color and very dynamic flexi - pulsations ; Location -- in the international space area over Black Sea -- about BULGARIA ; Time -- 03.10. 2018. // 00 : 06AM ; Documentary raw video report № 42 -- Bu. Sh. -- 1636 -- 100N ; Position -- from stationary camera with resolution - 2K ; Photographer -- Rosen Zheynov.


Alien Orb Caught On Security Camera Moving About House, March 5, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 5, 2017
Location of sighting: Unknown

The eyewitness says the spirit came from within the old doll and moves about the house from object to object. As you can see, there is an energy orb moving slowly about. It was caught on the infrared security camera in the house, and IR is known for catching any cloaked objects...especially orbs. I think this orb found a way into the home and was learning about the inhabitants of the house from the objects inside. These entities can change their form into a human like person if they so wish.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Carol the Haunted doll on the table she likes magazines and world of electronics of today even video games and cell phones. She is a sweet child spirit.


Cloud Orbs Seen Over Cologne, Germany On Aug 20, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 20, 2016, released Oct 2016
Location of sighting: Cologne, Germany

These UFOs appear to have an energy base, meaning that they don't appear solid and that the energy is contained in a small area. They move like alien drones, but they can be entities. There is a species of aliens that are energy beings, but they don't often mix with humans, since they have almost nothing in come with them. Its possible they are analysing the clouds for pollutants. 
Scott C. Waring

Spanish News states:
August 20, 2016, Cologne Germany, Waldemar Czarnetzki recorded even luminous object reviewing a contrails of an aircraft or chemtrails as they are known, analyze the image and shows more cases where pede see these objects apparently reviewing the wakes left in the sky by aircraft ...


Woman Catches Mysterious Face In Mirror In Arizona, Feb 24, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Above are two photos, natural and one I colored to show the face to make it easier to see. 

Date of sighting: Feb 24, 2016
Location of sighting: Glendale, Arizona, USA
News Source: MUFON #74994

This is hot from MUFON site. This woman in Arizona took her own photo in the mirror, but when the flash went off, it caught the face of something looking over her shoulder. Its just 12 miles from the location of the Phoenix Lights UFO event. This is probably a alien in an underground base, watching her, trying to study her. Now, although this could be a ghost, I do think its probably an alien that is using a metal power to watch this woman, and which can often manipulate (by accident) weaker things like smoke, steam, clouds, dust. Very unique catch. Also this woman felt it...that also is a sign of an alien presence in the room. You can feel some aliens attitude at the moment if they are 5-10 meters away. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
When I take pictures, faces of spirits are attracted to my body. This is an occurrance that I started to notice in November 2016. It has intensified and more recently my face has started to transform to what appears to me alien like features. You will see just orbs with one horizontal line running through it in the first photo. Pay close attention to the photos because my faces transform to resemble the orbs in the following two photos. In the last photo my face also transformed to an alien looking being unlike the one with the line running through it. This photo was taken at a different time and date than the first three photos.

Below I colored the face in to see it easier.


Alien Entity Has Vested Intrest In Human Baby, Victoria, Australia, Jan 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 16, 2016
Location of sighting: Victoria, Australia

Here we have a baby monitor video of an entity standing over the head of the baby. The entity has a tilted head, looking down at the babies face. For an alien to come to a baby, it must have some vested interest in this child. What I mean is, the child may have been implanted with knowledge or abilities beyond that of human understanding. 

Its no secret that Australia is a hotbed for UFO sightings. It appears that the aliens in that region are trying to change humanity by implanting certain knowledge and skills that would one day help tilt humanities future into the direction that aliens see as more desirable. 
Scott C. Waring
News states:
A mother capturing two ghostly spirits in the cradle of her daughter as she slept A mother claims to have captured the disturbing moment when two "ghostly spirits" interacted with her daughter as she slept. Jade Yates, who lives in Barongarook, Victoria, Australia, observed through the creepy video baby monitor, where two figures seem to float above the crib notes, she shared the video on Facebook on 23 January 2016.


Low Flying Orb Over Naples, Italy On Oct 8, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 8, 2015
Location of sighting: Naples, Italy

This fast moving orb was recorded over a park in Italy this week. It hovers in place observing the people below, then suddenly darts away. Very cool catch and not to far from the alien base below Rocca Pia, Italy. The W56 probably own the UFO. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Ball of light flying at low altitude over the park Pomigliano in the presence of numerous witnesses.


Glowing Entity Over Antarctica Science Station, On Live Cam, June 28, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 28, 2015 at 4:25 PM
Location of sighting: Antarctica 
Davis Station Cam:

Streetcap1 of Youtube was on the look out when he found this glowing orb on a live cam in Antartica. The orb closely resembles the UFO seen over Dome Of Rock in Israel back in 2011. At that sighting it was not a craft, but an entity. I say that because Dome of Rock is the most holy place in Isreal and there is a story about the rock as the spot from which the Islamic prophet Muhammad ascended to Heaven accompanied by the angel Gabriel. Then they built the temple around the rock. I believe this orb is a similar entity. SCW

Glowing Entity Over Antarctica Science Station: A Live Cam Sighting on June 28, 2015

On June 28, 2015, at 4:25 PM, an extraordinary event was captured on the live cam of the Davis Station in Antarctica. This event, documented by the popular YouTube user Streetcap1, involved the sighting of a glowing orb hovering in the sky. The sighting has sparked significant interest and debate among UFO enthusiasts, conspiracy theorists, and even some scientists. This article delves into the details of the sighting, its possible implications, and the broader context of similar phenomena observed around the world.

The Sighting

  1. Initial Observation: The sighting occurred at the Davis Station, an Australian Antarctic research station. The live cam, which continuously broadcasts the station's surroundings, captured a glowing orb in the sky at 4:25 PM. Streetcap1, a dedicated observer of live cams worldwide, noticed the anomaly and promptly documented it.

  2. Description of the Orb: The orb appeared to be a bright, glowing entity, distinct from any known aircraft or natural phenomenon. It hovered silently above the station, emitting a steady light that did not flicker or change intensity. The shape was perfectly round, and the light was uniformly distributed across its surface.

  3. Comparison with Other Sightings: Streetcap1 noted the similarity between this sighting and a previous event that occurred over the Dome of the Rock in Israel in 2011. In that incident, a similar glowing orb was observed hovering above one of the holiest sites in Islam. Both sightings involved a glowing, spherical object that exhibited no characteristics of conventional aircraft.

Historical Context and Similar Phenomena

  1. Dome of the Rock Incident:

    • Date and Location: January 28, 2011, Jerusalem, Israel
    • Description: Multiple witnesses and video recordings captured a glowing orb descending over the Dome of the Rock. The object hovered for a short period before ascending rapidly into the sky. This sighting sparked intense debate, with some suggesting it was a divine entity rather than a physical craft.
  2. Historical Sightings: Reports of glowing orbs and unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) have been documented for centuries. Ancient texts, religious manuscripts, and historical records often describe luminous objects in the sky, sometimes interpreted as divine or supernatural manifestations.

  3. Modern UAP Reports: In recent decades, the advent of video technology and widespread internet access has led to an increase in documented sightings of glowing orbs and other UAPs. These sightings are often recorded by civilians, researchers, and occasionally by military personnel.

Possible Explanations for the Sighting

  1. Extraterrestrial Hypothesis: One of the most popular theories among UFO enthusiasts is that the glowing orb is of extraterrestrial origin. Proponents argue that the advanced technology required to produce such a bright, stable light source without visible propulsion suggests an otherworldly source.

  2. Atmospheric Phenomenon: Some scientists propose that the orb could be a natural atmospheric phenomenon. Ball lightning, for instance, is a rare and poorly understood phenomenon that produces glowing, spherical objects during thunderstorms. However, the conditions in Antarctica at the time of the sighting do not align with typical ball lightning occurrences.

  3. Divine or Supernatural Entity: Given the similarity to the Dome of the Rock incident, some believe the orb could be a divine or supernatural entity. This theory draws on historical and religious interpretations of glowing lights in the sky as manifestations of angels, spirits, or other supernatural beings.

  4. Technological Anomaly: Another possibility is that the orb is the result of a technological anomaly. This could involve an experimental aircraft, a drone, or even a reflection or lens flare on the camera. However, the consistency and behavior of the light make this explanation less likely.

Implications of the Sighting

  1. Scientific Inquiry: The sighting underscores the need for rigorous scientific investigation into UAPs and other unexplained aerial phenomena. Systematic studies and data collection are essential to understand these occurrences and determine their origins.

  2. Interdisciplinary Research: Investigating such phenomena requires collaboration across various scientific disciplines, including physics, atmospheric science, astronomy, and even theology. Each field can contribute unique insights and methodologies to unravel the mystery.

  3. Public Interest and Awareness: High-profile sightings like the one at Davis Station capture the public's imagination and foster curiosity about the unknown. This interest can drive support for scientific research and encourage open-minded exploration of unconventional hypotheses.

  4. Government and Military Involvement: Governments and military organizations worldwide have shown increasing interest in UAPs, particularly those that might pose a threat to national security. The Davis Station sighting adds to the growing body of evidence that warrants further investigation by official bodies.

Technological Considerations

  1. Imaging and Recording: Advanced imaging technology, such as high-resolution cameras and infrared sensors, can provide more detailed data about UAPs. Continuous monitoring and recording can help capture elusive phenomena and provide a comprehensive dataset for analysis.

  2. Data Analysis and AI: Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms can analyze large volumes of data from live cams, satellites, and other sources to identify patterns and anomalies. These tools can enhance our ability to detect and study UAPs.

  3. Collaborative Platforms: Platforms that enable researchers, enthusiasts, and the general public to share and analyze UAP sightings can democratize the research process. Crowdsourcing data and insights can lead to new discoveries and a broader understanding of the phenomena.

Broader Context of Antarctica as a Research Frontier

  1. Antarctica's Unique Environment: Antarctica's extreme climate and remote location make it an ideal place for scientific research. The continent's isolation from human activity also means that any anomalies observed are less likely to be man-made.

  2. Previous Anomalous Findings: Over the years, Antarctica has been the site of various anomalous discoveries, from mysterious ice formations to unusual biological specimens. These findings contribute to the continent's reputation as a frontier for scientific exploration and discovery.

  3. Potential for New Discoveries: As technology advances, our ability to explore and understand Antarctica's hidden secrets improves. The continent's vast, unexplored regions may hold clues to Earth's history, climate, and even the possibility of life beyond our planet.

Historical and Mythological Connections

  1. Ancient Texts and Legends: Many ancient cultures have stories of glowing entities and celestial beings visiting Earth. These accounts, found in religious texts, mythology, and folklore, often describe luminous orbs and divine messengers.

  2. Interpretation of Ancient Art: Some researchers believe that ancient art and carvings depicting glowing orbs and strange beings might be evidence of early human encounters with extraterrestrial or supernatural entities. These interpretations are speculative but intriguing.

  3. Modern Myth-Making: The ongoing sightings of UAPs contribute to the modern mythology of UFOs and alien visitations. Each new sighting adds to the narrative and fuels the imagination of those seeking answers to humanity's oldest questions about our place in the universe.

Future Directions for Research

  1. Expanding Monitoring Efforts: Increasing the number of live cams and monitoring stations in remote areas like Antarctica can help capture more data on UAPs. These efforts should be coupled with robust data analysis and archiving systems.

  2. Interdisciplinary Conferences and Collaborations: Bringing together experts from different fields to discuss UAP sightings and other unexplained phenomena can foster new ideas and research methodologies. Interdisciplinary conferences and collaborations are essential for advancing our understanding.

  3. Public Engagement and Education: Educating the public about UAPs and the scientific process is crucial for maintaining interest and support. Transparent communication about research findings and ongoing investigations can build trust and encourage citizen science initiatives.

  4. International Cooperation: Given the global nature of UAP sightings, international cooperation is vital for sharing data and resources. Collaborative efforts can lead to more comprehensive and coordinated research efforts, benefiting all participating nations.


The sighting of a glowing entity over Antarctica's Davis Station on June 28, 2015, adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that our world is filled with unexplained phenomena that challenge our understanding of reality. Whether this glowing orb is of extraterrestrial origin, a natural atmospheric phenomenon, a divine entity, or a technological anomaly, it demands further investigation and open-minded inquiry.

Antarctica's unique environment and its status as a frontier for scientific exploration make it an ideal location for such discoveries. The sighting highlights the importance of interdisciplinary research, advanced technology, and international cooperation in unraveling the mysteries of our planet and the universe.

As humanity continues to explore the unknown, sightings like the glowing entity over Davis Station remind us of the vast and uncharted territories that await our discovery. They inspire curiosity, drive scientific inquiry, and challenge us to expand the boundaries of our knowledge and imagination. Whether myth or reality, the story of this glowing orb endures, captivating our collective imagination and pushing the frontiers of discovery.


Orb Entity on Surveillance Video at US Space Walk Hall of Fame, May 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May ?, 2015
Location of sighting: Space Museum, Titusville, Florida
News Source:

Guys, this is an orb entity and they can sense feelings which may give off different types of energy. Its a well known fact that IR (infrared) cameras can record these orbs. IR reaches beyond the spectrum of the human eye into areas we cannot see. An IR camera can see through black ink spilled on paper, cut through clouds to show whats inside, and even thin clothing. 

UK Mirror states:
They're normally spotted in the sky but this 'spirit orb' UFO was recorded inside a museum among space artefacts. 
The curious shimmering orb was recorded twice within seconds by surveillance cameras. The room at the US Space Walk of Fame, in Florida, contains items from the Gemini and Mercury NASA space programs. The chilling images of the spherical body, captured earlier this month have not been explained.

Charlie Mars, the president of the U.S. Space Walk of Fame Museum, told WKMG News: 'We can’t explain it, nor can the person who put in the system for us'. He added: “There were many items in here that were brought in by people who are no longer with us. "They could be coming back to check on it.” One possible answer is that the orb is a giant, floating dust ball, but official said all air conditioners were switched off. Having the mysterious occurrence in his building didn't perturb Mars. He said: "We love having something come in that is unexplainable, and it gives us a chance to interchange with each other and talk about what it will possibly be.”


Alien Figure Watching Mars Rover Near Crater, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA Source:

Although this was found back in May, I do not remember it, so I'm posting it today. Its really a beautiful figure of a glowing alien entity standing near a small saucer. This entity has been seen in about 3-4 other photos and it always appears as pure light and even once had wings. I am glad to see that aliens have an interest in human activities, but I certainly hope that when we need their assistance, that they intervene to lend a hand. SCW