Showing posts with label Phoenix. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phoenix. Show all posts


Unidentified Lights In Over Tempe, Arizona Night Sky 2-12-21 UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: February 12, 2021
Location of sighting: Tempe, Arizona, USA
Source: MUFON 113700

At first I thought this could be Chinese lanterns, but the lights are not orange or red, but white. They don't disappear, but fade and then come back. They are too bright to be drones and too large. 

The brightness of the UFOs is incredible. The UFOs are almost evenly spaced and seem to hold position. Arizona is a UFO hotspot and absolutely why. Aliens love Arizona. But the city of Tempe, is on the edge of this is obviously the same UFOs that was seen back in 1997, also I just reported a similar sighting in the same area, but from Feb 9, 2021, and will place the video below. Undeniable proof there is a UFO base below the city of Phoenix, Arizona. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: On the night of 2/12/2021, I happen to look out of my kitchen window while talking to my wife when I noticed a group of strange lights in the sky. I always look into the night sky and in the general direction of what I filmed. I've never seen anything like this especially in that part of the sky. This video is what I recorded. The objects traveled to a certain part of the sky and stayed there pulsated and then vanished into the clear night sky. I recorded is 2 separate clips. Because I thought the event ended but more returned. At one point an airplane traveling east went in the general direction of the objects. The objects seemed unaffected by this and more returned in the sky. They had a reddish orange color. The cell phone camera didn't pick up these colors. Not sure what these were.


UFO Seen Over Phoenix, Arizona Gets On Local TV News, Oct 2016, 2 Videos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 28, 2016
Location of sighting: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
News source:

These UFOs are controlled by the Tall alien species given an allotment of land for an underground base behind the old shooting range of Nellis AFB.  What we are seeing, is several Tall White UFOs going out to meet another incoming UFO and safely escort it in, an important Tall Whites ship entering the base. Much like a military escort of sorts, since the Tall Whites will always be a bit concerned about the safety of their children when near humans...and US military has the armaments to cause them a significant threat. Tall Whites are overly protective of their youth, which are probably on the ship that was coming in. How protective, take a Klingon from Star Trek and amplify its anger by 5X and you got a protective parent Tall White Alien, 3 meters tall. Tall Whites are about 2 meters tall until age 400 years, which is the moment they are considered an adult. Also for its reaction speed is 3X the speed of a human. Info from Charles Hall, employed to work with the Tall Whites for 2 years. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
After a night like Tuesday night, a lot more people will be keeping their eye to the sky.

The internet exploded with pictures, videos and claims of a UFO sighting over the East Valley.

So what was it? A comet? Space junk? Airplanes? Give us your thoughts on our UFO poll.

"With the air traffic patterns in the Valley, what we see are a lot of stacked aircraft that are coming into Sky Harbor," said Dr. Sky, a TV personality and radio host of a talk show that's syndicated across the country and in Canada.

The topic of discussion on his show -- outer space and the universe.

"[Airplanes are] a possibility," he said, adding it doesn't look quite right.

"I'm 41 years old. I've seen a lot of things in the sky," said Christinna Herrmann. "This is nothing I've seen before."

So, was it a UFO?

"Anything that you, or people, saw that we call a UFO is simply accurate," said Dr. Sky, solely because we were not able to identify it.

So, was it aliens?

"Firmly I believe that we already know about alien visitation," Dr. Sky said, citing the Roswell incident from the 1940s. "We're going to continue to search for what [everyone] saw in the skies of Arizona."



Green UFO Flash Over Yellowstone Park Caught On Cam, Feb 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 2016
Location of sighting: Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, USA
Live Cam:

This bright green flash was seen on live Internet cam this week. It is seen at the 32 second mark in the video and looks like a UFO that came out of the parks ground and suddenly powered up and shot away at high speed. The bright flash was moving from the ground upward. Let me explain. The bottom of the green flash has a totally flat surface, yet the top has a mushroom cloud like explosion. For there to be a flat line on the bottom, the object would have to have ended or begun on that point, but since this flat green line is not on the ground but in the sky, it changes the direction of the object to moving upward. 

I have long suspected that the US government has allocated park land and increased it every few years, not for conservation, but because the US allows aliens to build bases under that land. Since the area has few roads, and fewer people, combined with tall mountains and tall pine trees, the likelihood of a UFO seen leaving or coming is extremely small. 

Scott C. Waring


High Altitude UFO With Thrusters Transits The Moon, Feb 12, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 12, 2016
Location of sighting: Between Earth And Moon

This UFO was caught by Crrow777 of Youtube and it seems to have thrusters on it, but it could be that one side of this UFO is reflective material. It is spinning very slowly as it moves across the moon. This looks nothing like a satellite or rocket. Mind blowing catch!
Scott C. Waring

Crrow777 of Youtube states:
Many followers asked me to redo this clip so here it is. Shot well over a year ago, this clip shows a very high altitude craft with three rocket-like thrusters. The footage was shot in the daytime using an 8" telescope through a city light filter. This is why the footage looks to have been shot at night. Lucky catch!


Dark Disk Seen Over Phoenix At Luke AFB, Arizona On Oct 26, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 26, 2015
Location of sighting: SE Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Guys, Luke AFB is in Phoenix and has had many sightings of UFOs over the base in the last decade, so either aliens are keeping an eye on the base or this is a top secret USAF project. Hard to say, but if this UFO is govt, then it would not be hovering over the city for all to see. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Driving westbound in SE Phoenix on October 26 at 2pm I noticed in the far away distance a stationary object above the mountains. I could not video at first sighting as it was to far away. As I got closer to my exit I did mange to get this video. It was nothing like anything I have ever seen in the sky before...ever. From this distance it does have the appearance of a disc.


UFOs Seen Over Phoenix, Arizona On New Years, Jan 1, 2013.

Date of sighting: January 1, 2012, 12:07 AM
Location of sighting: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Eyewitness states: 


Two Glowing UFOs Seen Over Phoenix, Arizona On Sept 18, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: September 18, 2012
Location of sighting: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Eyewitness states:
My neighbor came and knocked on my door and was freaking out saying something about UFO's, I walked out front and saw two orange orbs floating over the city, I didn't know what they were but they were unlike anything I had ever seen before, they definitely weren't planes. I ran inside to grab my camera but when I got back out they had disappeared, my neighbor said she saw them go out like someone switched out the light. After a few minutes she went back inside, I continued to look for them and saw them reappear in a different part of the sky and thats when I started filming. Around 3:30 they both disappear as a plane approaches and then one of them reappears in a different spot further east.


UFO Caught During Phoenix Dust Storm, July 21, 2012 News.

Date of sighting: July 21 2012
Location of sighting: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

Eyewitness states: 
In the first video clip the UFO was filmed through a car windshield.
Second clip was filmed outside of car.

Buckeye, Arizona
July 21, 2012
1814 HOURS
Look Angle East
UFO spotted East/North East Sky

When the video was filmed, Moon phase is "Waxing Moon"
and at 6:00 P.M when the video was filmed the moon was in the Western sky. The video was filmed pointing towards the Eastern sky. Object was in the East/North East…


UFO Over East Valley, Arizona Near Clouds In Daytime, June 2012.

Date of sighting: June 26, 2012
Location of sighting: East Valley, Arizona, USA

Eyewitness states: 
UFO :12 second in? I was filming a time lapse video of the ha boob or dirt storm coming into the East Valley in Phoenix Arizona when I grabbed my SLR to take some photographs. The clouds were so awesome that I shot about 30 seconds of video and low and behold a small black dot appeared to come out of the cloud. Could it be a UFO or a Bird or an Airplane? You be the judge. It was good catch though. June 26, 2012. Could this be a real UFO.


The International UFO Congress is in Town (Phoenix, AZ) thru Feb. 26, 2012.

If you're looking for something fun, not to mention out of this world, you're invited to attend this year's international UFO congress.Whether or not you believe there's life out there, these folks are in town to plead their case. "You have this whole group of people who are here you get to socialize. You get to share ideas, you get to hear stories. It's a great place to come and soak it all in," said event organizer Jason McClellan.


Phoenix, Arizona Web Cam Captures Mass UFOs, Dec 2011.

Date of sighting: December 2011
Location of sighting: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

These stills were taken from a live cam of Phoenix that has a new photo once every five minutes. Watch and you will be amazed at how frequent you will see them over the city. 

Then another eyewitness recored the UFO live over Phoenix on Dec 25, 2011. This footage below was taken by the eyewitness.


White UFOs rotating in night sky near Phoenix, Sept 17, 2011 TV NEWS VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 17, 2011
Location of sighting: Gilbert, Arizona, USA

In Gilbert, Arizona on Sept 17th strange lights were seen in the sky and these white lights turned in circles again and again until they suddenly disappeared. Although some guesses at what it was have been made, there has been no confirmation at what it is as of yet.


ABC TV NEWS Reports UFOs Over Phoenix, September 14 2011, UFO Sighting News Video.

Date of sighting: September 14, 2011
Location of sighting: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

This is the ABC TV news cast talking about Sept 14th UFO sighting. ABC News began to get dozens of calls about the UFOs just before 8pm. This ball of light was seen in 3 states California, Nevada, Arizona. They sent a reports out to see what was going on and he recorded the event. They called NASA and the National Weather Service but no one knows what it was.


Phoenix Lights was an alien spacecraft, former AZ Gov. says.

A quick look into UFO history.

Former Arizona Governor Fife Symington comes out publicly for the first time saying he witnessed the Phoenix Lights UFO and believes the UFO was probably an alien spacecraft. Thursday, March 22, 2007 - Courtesy CNN


UFO sighting on CNN News of UFOs in sand storm cloud over Phoenix, Arizona, video.

UFO sighting on CNN News of UFOs in sand storm cloud over Phoenix, Arizona, video.

Date of sighting: July 6, 2011
Location of sighting: Phoenix, Arizona, USA

The CNN news helicopter filmed several UFO's during the sand storm in Arizona. The sand storm had a length of 50 kilometers.

These amazing pictures from the United States show UFOs flying through a wall of dust moving through the city of Phoenix in Arizona. Sandstorms like this happen during the region's monsoon season, which is underway. They occur over desert land and can reach thousands of feet into the air, spurred by strong winds. The dense cloud dramatically reduced visibility, grounding flights at a major airport and leaving thousands without electricity.

☯ Please help us by reposting our posts on your site. Report a UFO at Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” ☯


Phoenix, Arizona UFO Sighting on April 15, 2011, photos.

Date of sighting: April 15, 2011
Location of sighting: Phoenix, Arizona

Loads of UFO sightings come from the desert states of Arizona, Nevada area. Perhaps because this is where Area 51 is or perhaps the aliens themselves have an underground base in this area. Note: Internet webcams are the UFO researchers tool of choice because it allows the person to be in hundreds of locations at once.

Eyewitness states:

"These images were all taken from a Internet webcam pointed NE of Phoenix, toward the Camelback Mountains. I wasn't aware of the hi-res cams until after these were already captured, unfortunately. In the future I will capture those as well."

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel TaiwanSCW. Please follow me on Twitter, I'm @SCWbooks ☯


UFO sighting in Phoenix, Arizona on Nov 13, 2010, photos & video.

Date of sighting: November 13, 2010
Location of sighting: Phoenix, Arizona

Amazing glowing orbs. These orbs seem to be reflecting not one be several colors. They fly together and follow one another. Orbs are the most common type of sighting.

They usually are seen around clouds. This is an interesting example. This city is also home of the famous Phoenix Lights, when a massive UFO over half a mile long flew and hovered over the city back in 1997.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯


The Phoenix Lights Are Back AGAIN,Two Nights Nov. 3rd & 5th 2010, see video.

The Phoenix Lights Are Back AGAIN,Two Nights Nov. 3rd & 5th 2010, see video.

Date of sighting: Nov 3-5, 2010
Location of sighting: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Witness: Shielaaliens on Youtube (Watch the news cast about her)

In the video she recorded the video screenshots of a live web cam over Phoenix, Arizona. The Photos are incredible and demand
attention and an explanation from the United States Government about what is flying over Phoenix when the US should be on high alert about their air ways, ever since the 9-11 incident. Please look at the video that she took or look at the news video the networks made of her. She has contributed great work to the UFO community and is an incredibly valuable person to have on our side, making disclosure even closer.

Shielaaliens on TV News.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯