Showing posts with label united nations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label united nations. Show all posts


Three News Sites In 5 Minutes Post Biden Halo Photos, Mind Manipulation! World Political News.


Date of Noticing: Jan 15, 2021
Location: World News Sites

I have noticed that world news is constantly posting Biden with a halo photos all over news sites for the past month. At first I thought just a coincidence, but today I notice CNN, Fox News and Reuters all have halo Biden photos pasted on the front pages of their news sites. 

This is very similar to the CIA Project MKUltra, which is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects that were designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, some of which were illegal. I am really thinking that the CIA and NSA is involved with the fall of Trump and the rise of Biden. This is clearly a team involvement, meaning many news sites, many social sites all got together to try to not only black ball President Trump and take his power from him, but to also instill a sense of saint hood or angelic qualities about Biden himself. Mind games, mental manipulation, subliminal suggestions, all meant to control the publics perceptions of Trump and Biden. Worst of all...they are winning. The public of the world, not just America is buying it. Its working, but worst of all, it was so easy for the CIA to do. Remember when the CIA had President John F Kennedy killed to get him out of the way and that way the CIA and the USA could stay at war? Yeah...same thing, but different tactics. America is now a Marxist state, democracy as we knew it is gone. 

The worst part of it all, I analyzed the photos and they have been manipulated. Biden was cut out, made into a png formate, then pasted on a blurred background of his banner, so that his head was deliberately placed there to make this halo effect. These photos were then put up for sale for use on sites such as Shutterstock, Shutterfly, Adobe, istockphotos, and many other sites which journalists flock to to buy stock photos of Biden. The photos were manipulated! I can 100% confirm that. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Mind Manipulation and Political Imagery: Analyzing Biden’s Halo Photos and the Influence of Media


On January 15, 2021, a peculiar observation caught my attention: multiple prominent news websites, including CNN, Fox News, and Reuters, had posted photos of President Joe Biden with what appeared to be a halo around his head. This recurring theme was not just a coincidence but seemed to be part of a coordinated effort to influence public perception. The imagery invoked a sense of saintliness or angelic qualities, potentially manipulating how audiences perceive Biden in contrast to former President Donald Trump. This manipulation echoes the tactics of the infamous CIA Project MKUltra, a program that explored mind control and psychological manipulation. In this article, we will explore the psychological implications of such imagery, the potential manipulation involved, and the historical context of mind control efforts in the United States.

Project MKUltra: A Historical Context

Project MKUltra was a covert operation conducted by the CIA between the 1950s and 1970s, aimed at investigating methods of mind control, often through unethical experiments on unwitting subjects (Goliszek, 2003). The project involved techniques such as hypnosis, sensory deprivation, and the administration of psychoactive drugs to alter consciousness and manipulate behavior. The goal was to explore the limits of psychological control and its applications in intelligence operations.

The psychological manipulation seen in the widespread use of “halo” imagery in media may not be as overtly harmful as the methods employed in MKUltra, but it reflects the same underlying principle: influencing human perception through psychological means. While the nature of the manipulation is different, the end goal—to control public perception and behavior—remains strikingly similar.

The Power of Visual Imagery in Media

Visual imagery is a potent tool in shaping public opinion and perception. Psychologists have long studied how images can evoke emotions, alter perceptions, and influence decision-making. According to the dual-coding theory proposed by Paivio (1986), information is processed through both verbal and visual channels. Visuals, especially those that are emotionally charged or symbolically significant, can be more effective at influencing memory and attitudes than text alone.

The consistent use of halo imagery around Biden’s head, whether intentional or not, leverages this psychological principle. Halos are traditionally associated with holiness, purity, and virtue. By presenting Biden with a halo, media outlets could be subconsciously encouraging viewers to associate these positive traits with him. This kind of subtle influence can be more powerful than overt messaging, as it bypasses rational scrutiny and directly affects the viewer’s subconscious (Graber, 1990).

Media Bias and Psychological Priming

The phenomenon observed here may also be a result of psychological priming. Priming is a process whereby exposure to one stimulus influences the response to a subsequent stimulus, without conscious guidance or intention (Bargh & Chartrand, 2000). Media outlets using similar imagery across platforms could prime audiences to perceive Biden in a specific, positive light, while Trump is cast in a negative one. This is not just a matter of biased reporting but a deliberate shaping of cognitive associations.

When viewers are repeatedly exposed to images of Biden with a halo, they may be primed to perceive him as a moral or virtuous figure. Conversely, if Trump is portrayed in a less flattering manner, audiences might subconsciously form a negative impression of him. This manipulation of imagery could contribute to a broader narrative that paints Biden as a savior figure, while Trump is portrayed as a villain.

Manipulation Tactics in Political Communication

The strategic use of imagery in political communication is not new. Political leaders have always used symbolism to convey messages that go beyond words. For instance, Ronald Reagan was often photographed with the American flag in the background, reinforcing his image as a patriotic leader. Similarly, images of Barack Obama in casual settings were used to convey his relatability and approachability.

The deliberate use of halos around Biden’s head, if intentional, can be seen as a sophisticated form of propaganda. Propaganda is not limited to spreading false information; it also involves the selective presentation of truth in a way that supports a particular agenda (Jowett & O'Donnell, 2012). By consistently presenting Biden in a saintly light, media outlets could be subtly reinforcing the narrative of his moral superiority.

The Role of Subliminal Messaging

Subliminal messaging refers to stimuli that influence behavior or perceptions without conscious awareness. These messages are not overt but are designed to subtly influence the subconscious mind. Research has shown that subliminal cues can affect attitudes and behavior, although their effectiveness is a topic of debate in psychology (Dijksterhuis, Aarts, & Smith, 2005).

The halo imagery, even if not intentionally subliminal, could function in a similar manner. While viewers may not consciously register the halo, their subconscious mind might associate Biden with holiness or moral authority. This form of visual priming can shape perceptions over time, especially when reinforced by repeated exposure across different media platforms.

MKUltra and the Manipulation of Public Perception

Comparing the media’s use of halo imagery to MKUltra may seem extreme at first glance, but there are parallels in the methods of influence and control. MKUltra sought to manipulate individuals through direct and often harmful interventions. Modern media, on the other hand, employs more subtle psychological techniques to shape public opinion. The aim, however, is similar: to control how people think and act, albeit on a larger scale.

While MKUltra used direct interventions like drugs and hypnosis, the media uses psychological tools like framing, priming, and repetition. The manipulation of images, narratives, and even emotions can have a powerful impact on collective perception. The media, like the CIA during MKUltra, holds significant power to shape how reality is perceived by the public.

The Ethics of Media Manipulation

The ethical implications of such media practices are significant. While the press is free to present news as it sees fit, the deliberate manipulation of imagery to influence public perception crosses a line. It raises questions about journalistic integrity and the role of the media in a democratic society. The media’s power to shape narratives comes with a responsibility to present information in a fair and balanced manner.

The repeated use of manipulated images can contribute to a distorted understanding of reality. If the public’s perception of leaders is being shaped by subliminal or psychological manipulation, then democratic processes like voting and public discourse are undermined. This is a subtle form of disenfranchisement, where people are influenced to form opinions that they believe are their own but have been covertly guided by the media.

Analyzing the Manipulated Images

Upon closer examination, it appears that the images of Biden with a halo have been digitally altered. The background behind Biden’s head is often blurred, creating the illusion of a glowing halo effect. This is not an organic result of photography but a deliberate manipulation designed to evoke a specific emotional response.

Such digital manipulation is not uncommon in media, but its use in this context is particularly concerning. By altering images in this way, the media is not merely reporting on reality but actively constructing it. This goes beyond traditional media bias and enters the realm of psychological manipulation, where the line between news and propaganda becomes blurred.

The Impact on Public Perception

The effect of this manipulation on public perception is significant. Research in social psychology has shown that first impressions are powerful and difficult to change (Bargh & Chartrand, 1999). If the first impression viewers have of Biden is one where he is framed with a halo, this can create a lasting association of goodness, trustworthiness, and moral authority.

Over time, these impressions can solidify into deeply held beliefs, influencing how people vote, what policies they support, and how they react to political events. This is the essence of psychological manipulation: shaping beliefs and behaviors in a way that feels natural to the individual but is guided by external forces.

The Legacy of MKUltra in Modern Media

MKUltra’s legacy is a reminder of the dangers of unchecked power and the capacity for manipulation. While the techniques used in the media today are less overt and less harmful than those employed by the CIA, they still represent a form of psychological control. The use of visual manipulation to shape public opinion is a powerful tool, and one that must be used responsibly.

The comparison between MKUltra and modern media manipulation is not about equating the two directly, but about recognizing the shared intent to control perceptions and behaviors. Both represent a departure from ethical standards and a willingness to manipulate the truth for a perceived greater good or strategic advantage.


The observation of halo imagery around Biden’s head across multiple news platforms is a striking example of how media can shape public perception through subtle psychological manipulation. Whether intentional or not, this visual framing can influence how audiences perceive political figures, shaping narratives in powerful ways. By comparing these tactics to those used in MKUltra, we see the potential dangers of such influence.

The ethical implications are clear: the media holds significant power in shaping reality, and with that power comes a responsibility to present information fairly and transparently. As consumers of news, it is essential to remain vigilant and critically evaluate the images and narratives we are presented with, recognizing that they may not always be as neutral as they appear.


  • Bargh, J. A., & Chartrand, T. L. (1999). The unbearable automaticity of being. American Psychologist, 54(7), 462-479.
  • Bargh, J. A., & Chartrand, T. L. (2000). The mind in the middle: A practical guide to priming and automaticity research. In H. T. Reis & C. M. Judd (Eds.), Handbook of Research Methods in Social and Personality Psychology (pp. 253-285). Cambridge University Press.
  • Dijksterhuis, A., Aarts, H., & Smith, P. K. (2005). The power of the subliminal: On subliminal persuasion and other potential applications


President Ronald Reagan Felt Burden Of Knowing Aliens Exist, Sept 1983 United Nations Speech, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of speeches: Sept 16, 1983
Location of speech: United Nations

Below is a video, of US President Reagan speaking at three different engagements, and in each...he tries to leak the truth...that aliens exist. He really tried hard to inform the public, even when he knew it was against national security to do so. 

On Sept 16, 1983, US President Ronald Reagan gave a memorable speech in front of the United Nations. In it, he subtly suggests that aliens exist and that all of humanity could be lost if they decide to attack. 

President Reagan states: Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. 

Of course President Reagan had inside information from the CIA and NASA and was told that aliens do exist. But he couldn't just come out and say so without breaking national security rules. So instead...he subtly hinted to the rest of the world leaders about what he had learned from the CIA and NASA. He also knows that a small percentage of the other presidents at the United Nations meeting also knew about the existence of aliens. He even hints at one other president...he talked to the General Secretary Gorbachov...who then later became Russian president. 

Now pondering about world peace is nice...but I feel that President Reagan felt a weight on his shoulders...a burden of carrying this knowledge of the existence of aliens. Remember its was the 1980s and back they the technology was very inferior to today tech marvels. It must have been very frightening for him to know that aliens existed, but to have so few people he could sit down and talk about this subject openly. 

Watch the video below and see. He is trying to tell the world the truth...that aliens exist.
Scott C. Waring 


Stange Alien Face Found On Mars In NASA Photo! Proof of Intelligent Life On Mars, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 22, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1516
NASA source:

 I found this face in a Mars curiosity rover photo. The face is very old, primitive appearing and non human. The species lacks artistic skill as you can see, and has a large round nose, small lower jaw, open mouth and small eyes. This is proof that non human aliens did once live on Mars, but I have discovered hundreds of such faces on Mars, so this is just one intelligent species of many. There were about 6-10 intelligent different species on the planet, which I determined from the faces that I found. 
Scott C. Waring


Police In Spain Record UFO Near Their Vehicle Watching Them, Jan 20, 2019, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Jan 20, 2019
Location of sighting: Spain
Source: MUFON #97905

Here is a UFO hovering over a police car in Spain this week. The UFO is cloaked, but was revealed by the flashing blue lights of the police vehicle. The UFO appears to be small, about .5 to 1 meter across. Being so small makes me think that its probably an alien drone device, since our planet cannot support all forms of aliens out there. Our atmosphere is probably toxic and deadly to some species. Also the fact that this UFO is watching the police and recording their activities is amazing. 
Scott C. Waring


White UFO Seen During Day Over Busan, South Korea on Jan 16, 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 16, 2019
Location of sighting: Busan, South Korea

This video was taken by an eyewitness in South Korea yesterday. A white double oval UFO hovered over the city of Busan, a city of 3.5 million people. What really is important here is that the person was driving and did not have a window up, so this is not a reflection. Thats a great thing. This UFO does seem to be near the top of a hill, as if its observing something. Also this UFO seems tilted and is very white, like cloud, but without the smoke. So, because of the tilt, the color and the size I would say this is a real UFO. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
For long time, I yearn for looking at UFO!! Today at last I saw something. but something weird.


Human-like Face Found On Mars Is Proof Humanity Descended From Alien Species, Jan 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 16, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

While browsing through some Mars photos, I found that this one had a human-like face in it. Its located on the far left of the panoramic photo, close to the end. 

Often I hear people say that humans came from Mars long ago. Yeah, that could have happened, since about 20% of the faces I find are human-like. The theory that humanity is the descendants of aliens is plausible and deservers serious consideration. 

Scott C. Waring


Absolute Proof Of Type 5 Godly Alien Civilization Found At Rosetta Nebula, Nov 2018, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 20, 2018
Location of discovery: Rosette Nebula
Source 1:
Source 2:
Source 3:

Skulls, there is something about them that draws our attention to them...probably that it forces us to face our own mortality. I think aliens face the same dilemma. Although they may life thousands or millions of years, accidents do happen and lives do get lost. 

I found another face in a nebula today. Its called the Rosette Nebula. The face is similar to the skull I found on the asteroid 2015 TB145 (above photo) the got into the world news a while back. This is soooo much bigger! 

Russian astrophysicist back in 1964 created a scale of civilizations from type 1, humanity being slightly below that at the moment, to type 5 which are to gods. It would take a type 5 civilization to be able to create a face from a nebula. Here beings would be like gods, having the knowledge to manipulate the universe as they please. Only then could an entire nebula be purposely created to become a face of their culture. 

Back in 2016 I discovered the first evidence the world has ever seen of a type 5 civilization...a human at the center of a the Carina Nebula (seen in above photo). 

So now we not only know that two type 5 civilizations exist, but we also know what their faces look like and where in the universe they are from. Where? They will be from a location not far from the nebulas of course, so all their race could see their great creation. 

Now there is a new question that arises from this evidence...since two type 5 civilizations have been found to exist, then there must be many more we don't even know about. So...the question the universe unnatural? 

Is the universe natural, unnatural, or does it have a modified naturalness? The most exciting thing about that question is that we now have an answer based on the evidence from the Carina and Rosetta Nebulas. Whether the answer is comfortable or uncomfortable, we are headed into a new era of scientific understanding.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Wade observatory:



Absolute Proof of Type 5 Godly Alien Civilization Found at Rosette Nebula: UFO Sighting News

On November 20, 2018, an extraordinary discovery was made that could forever change our understanding of the universe and our place within it. UFO researcher Scott C. Waring announced the identification of a face-like formation in the Rosette Nebula, suggesting the presence of a Type 5 civilization. This civilization, according to the Kardashev scale, would possess god-like powers and the ability to manipulate cosmic structures. Here’s an in-depth exploration of this groundbreaking discovery, its significance, and the profound implications it holds for humanity.

The Discovery

  1. Initial Observation: The Rosette Nebula, an expansive cloud of gas and dust in the Monoceros region of the Milky Way, has been a subject of fascination for astronomers. Waring’s discovery involved analyzing images of the nebula, where he identified a face-like structure reminiscent of a skull.

  2. Comparative Analysis: Waring compared this face to a previous discovery he made on the asteroid 2015 TB145, which also exhibited a skull-like feature. However, the face in the Rosette Nebula is on a much grander scale, suggesting an even more advanced civilization capable of manipulating entire nebulae.

  3. The Kardashev Scale: Developed by Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev in 1964, the Kardashev scale categorizes civilizations based on their energy consumption and technological capabilities:

    • Type 1: Planetary civilizations that harness all available resources on their home planet.
    • Type 2: Stellar civilizations that utilize the energy output of their entire star.
    • Type 3: Galactic civilizations that control energy on the scale of their entire galaxy.
    • Type 4: Universal civilizations that can exploit the energy of the entire universe.
    • Type 5: God-like civilizations capable of manipulating the fabric of the universe itself.
  4. Implications of a Type 5 Civilization: According to Waring, only a Type 5 civilization would possess the knowledge and technology to shape a nebula into a recognizable face. This level of control over cosmic phenomena implies capabilities far beyond our current understanding.

Significance of the Discovery

  1. Evidence of Intelligent Design: The face-like structure in the Rosette Nebula suggests intentional design, rather than random natural formation. This finding supports the idea that highly advanced civilizations exist and are capable of extraordinary feats of cosmic engineering.

  2. Technological Marvel: Creating a face within a nebula requires precise control over vast amounts of matter and energy. This implies the existence of technologies that can manipulate stellar and interstellar materials on a colossal scale, far surpassing human capabilities.

  3. Cultural Insight: The face formation could reflect the cultural or religious symbols of the Type 5 civilization. This artistic and poetic expression might be a way for these beings to communicate their presence and heritage across the cosmos.

  4. Cosmic Awareness: The discovery raises our awareness of the universe's complexity and the potential for advanced civilizations. It challenges us to consider the possibility that we are not alone and that the universe is teeming with intelligent life forms far beyond our current comprehension.

Analyzing the Rosette Nebula

  1. Astronomical Data: The Rosette Nebula, located approximately 5,000 light-years from Earth, is a stellar nursery where new stars are born. The nebula spans about 130 light-years in diameter, providing a rich field for studying stellar formation and cosmic structures.

  2. Image Sources: High-resolution images of the Rosette Nebula from various sources, including NASA and the Waid Observatory, offer detailed views of its complex structures. These images are crucial for identifying and analyzing the face-like formation.

  3. Geometric Features: The face identified by Waring exhibits symmetry and detail that are uncommon in natural formations. Features such as eye sockets, a nose, and a mouth are clearly discernible, supporting the hypothesis of an intelligent design.

  4. Comparative Structures: Comparing the Rosette Nebula’s face to other known cosmic structures, such as the face in the Carina Nebula discovered by Waring in 2016, helps establish a pattern of similar formations. These comparisons strengthen the case for the existence of Type 5 civilizations.

The Impact on Humanity

The discovery of a Type 5 civilization has profound implications for humanity, potentially transforming our understanding of life, the universe, and our place within it.

  1. Scientific Paradigm Shift: Confirming the existence of a Type 5 civilization would revolutionize science, leading to a paradigm shift in our understanding of the universe. It would challenge existing theories and spur new research into advanced technologies and cosmic phenomena.

  2. Technological Advancements: Studying the technologies used by a Type 5 civilization could lead to unprecedented advancements in various fields, including energy production, materials science, and space travel. These technologies could help solve many of humanity's current challenges.

  3. Philosophical and Ethical Considerations: The discovery prompts deep philosophical questions about the nature of intelligence, consciousness, and our purpose in the universe. It also raises ethical considerations regarding our interaction with such advanced beings and the responsibilities that come with this knowledge.

  4. Inspiration and Exploration: The presence of advanced civilizations in the cosmos can inspire humanity to pursue greater achievements in science and exploration. It encourages us to expand our horizons and strive for a deeper understanding of the universe.

Historical Context of Extraterrestrial Discoveries

The face in the Rosette Nebula is part of a broader narrative of cosmic phenomena that suggest the existence of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.

  1. The Face on Mars: In 1976, the Viking 1 orbiter captured an image of a face-like structure on Mars, sparking debate and speculation. While some scientists attribute it to natural erosion, others believe it could be an ancient monument created by an intelligent species.

  2. Lunar Anomalies: Various anomalies on the Moon, including geometric formations and unusual objects, have fueled theories about ancient lunar civilizations and alien bases.

  3. Asteroid Structures: Reports of unusual structures on asteroids, such as the rectangular building on Eros, suggest that extraterrestrial civilizations may have explored or inhabited other bodies in our solar system.

  4. Nebular Faces: The face discovered in the Carina Nebula by Waring in 2016, and now the face in the Rosette Nebula, indicate that these Type 5 civilizations leave their mark on cosmic structures. These formations could serve as beacons or messages to other intelligent beings.

Future Research and Exploration

The discovery of the face in the Rosette Nebula opens up numerous avenues for future research and exploration:

  1. Advanced Imaging Techniques: Utilizing advanced imaging techniques, such as multispectral and 3D modeling, can provide more detailed views of the face and its surrounding structures. These techniques can help distinguish between natural and artificial features.

  2. Spectroscopic Analysis: Spectroscopic analysis of the nebula’s materials can reveal insights into the processes and technologies used to create the face. Understanding the chemical composition and physical properties can provide clues about the civilization behind the formation.

  3. Interdisciplinary Studies: Combining knowledge from different scientific disciplines, including astronomy, astrobiology, and physics, can provide a holistic understanding of the face. Interdisciplinary studies can uncover new perspectives and insights.

  4. International Collaboration: Collaborating with international space agencies and research institutions can pool resources and expertise. This collective effort can lead to more comprehensive investigations and a deeper understanding of the face’s origins.

  5. Public Engagement: Engaging the public through educational programs and outreach initiatives can raise awareness about the significance of the discovery. Schools, museums, and science centers can play a vital role in disseminating this information.

The Universe: Natural, Unnatural, or Modified?

The discovery of faces in the Rosette and Carina Nebulas raises a fundamental question: Is the universe natural, unnatural, or modified?

  1. Natural Universe: In a natural universe, all cosmic structures are the result of natural processes, such as stellar formation, gravitational interactions, and cosmic evolution. The faces would then be extraordinary coincidences.

  2. Unnatural Universe: An unnatural universe implies that cosmic structures are intentionally designed by advanced civilizations. The faces in the nebulas would be deliberate creations, serving as messages or markers.

  3. Modified Naturalness: A modified naturalness suggests that while the universe follows natural laws, advanced civilizations can manipulate and modify these processes. The faces would then be examples of such modifications, blending natural and artificial elements.


The discovery of a face-like formation in the Rosette Nebula, identified by Scott C. Waring, provides compelling evidence of a Type 5 godly alien civilization. This civilization, capable of manipulating entire nebulae, challenges our understanding of the universe and our place within it. The implications of this discovery are vast, spanning scientific, technological, philosophical, and cultural domains.

As we continue to explore and analyze this remarkable finding, interdisciplinary collaboration and public engagement will be crucial. The potential for a paradigm shift in our understanding of the universe underscores the importance of transparency and cooperation in space exploration.

The journey to uncover the secrets of the Rosette Nebula and other cosmic structures is just beginning, and with each discovery, we move closer to answering the profound question of whether we are alone in the cosmos. This discovery serves as a reminder of the vastness of the universe and the mysteries it holds, inspiring us to look beyond the familiar, embrace the unknown, and pursue knowledge with curiosity and determination.


Big UFO Near Our Sun In NASA Satellite Image, Nov 12, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 12, 2018 13:06 EIT
Location of discovery: Earths sun

I was checking out the NASA SOHO images from their satellite that monitors the sun. The EIT filter captured a strange shaped UFO near the sun. The object appears to be white metallic with a reflection of yellow over it, probably caused from being so near the surface of the sun. The video is in HD so make it full screen to get a better view. 
Scott C. Waring


Evidence That Alien Overlord Has Control Of The USA Economy and Government, UFO Sighting News.

Aliens have placed secret messages in our own currency. Some say you have to draw the alien, but thats not true. If you just add contrast (shadow) to the original, it will turn into the alien head. Alien art is suppose to be outside the realms of our comprehension, made not on one level like human art, but many levels of understanding, making most too complex for our primitive minds. 

Are there alien overlords that control Americans minds and bodies to do their bidding? Well, there are aliens on Earth and some do have powerful telepathy that can travel long distances, so I would say yes, it is possible and this classic one dollar US bill is evidence that alien have infiltrated the US government and may have permenant control. 

How could a mere human fight such powerful intelligence? No human can. We are at their mercy. We are a primitive species still controlled by our primitive decision making and instincts. 

There are secret signs all around us, that aliens have been controlling our destiny, controlling the direction humanity is taking for their own benefits. With the visible letters MERICA at the top, may mean Me Rica, the name of a specific alien overlord. 
Scott C. Waring


Scientists Say Octopus Is Alien Creature, DNA Confirms It, May 2018, UFO Sighting News.


I have always wondered about octopus. Are they aliens? An animal that can change colors instantly to hide itself in the background. An animal with 3 hearts, 9 brains and blue blood! I always figured it was alien and unable to communicate with us. Instead, humans catch them and eat them. They are incredibly intelligent, we just need to find a form of communication to speak to them. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
A controversial science paper has argued just that, suggesting that octopuses may have arrived on our planet as frozen eggs carried here in comets. The paper, by 33 scientists (some with reputations as mavericks) is published in the peer-reviewed journal Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Cosmos magazine reports.

It suggests that ‘life was seeded here on Earth by life-bearing comets’ as soon as it became possible for life forms to survive – and that octopuses arrived in a similar way about 270 million years ago. The idea of alien life spreading like ‘seeds’ through space isn’t new – the theory is known as ‘Panspermia’. But the authors point to new DNA evidence about octopuses. The first full genome sequence of octopus DNA in 2015 showed that octopuses are totally different from all other animals – and their genome shows a striking level of complexity with 33,000 protein-coding genes identified, more than in a human. The paper says, ‘The genome of the Octopus shows a staggering level of complexity with 33,000 protein-coding genes more than is present in Homo sapiens.


Ancient statue and face found Near Mars Curiosity Rover, May 11, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 11, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars Sol 2029
NASA Source:

I found another figure on Mars today. I think this makes the total around 15 or so. This figure is similar in appearance to a human and is an ancient statue of a intelligent species that once lived in this area of Mars. As you can see, it has arms and legs, and even a pointed hat. The statue is about 12-16 inches tall. I wonder if this statue was once a real person who was petrified by some unknown type of weapon. When it comes to governments...they like weapons that instill fear into its enemies...what does this more than a weapon that turns the flesh to stand as a symbol for thousands of years to warn others. 

This figure is close to another discovery I made today...a large Greek style face. The face is large and on the edge of a structure. 


Ancient Structure On Mars Is 1.8 KM Long! Found On Google Mars Map, May 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 9, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Google Mars coordinates: 10°20'41.53"S 75°11'31.99"W

I found this ancient structure on Mars using Google Mars Map. According to Google ruler, the structure is .35 km tall and 1.84 km long. That is one massive building. There are also two roads or ramps that lead away from the structure. The building has a flat smooth top, possible for landing something on top of. Defiantly gives astronomers a lot to think about with this one. 

Scott C. Waring


Black Dome City Found On Jupiters Moon Ganymede May 2018, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 4, 2018
Location of discovery: On Jupiters moon Ganymede, Khensu crater.
NASA source:

I found this black dome city on one of Jupiters moons today. Its located on the moon Ganymede and is called Khensu crater, but clearly it is not a crater, but a semi-transparent domed city. Much like the black eyelids of the grey aliens, this material is made this way to allow some light to pass through, but to filter dangerous radiation from the sun and universe. Also, it may have been created by the greys themselves. 
Scott C. Waring