Showing posts with label artificial Intelligence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label artificial Intelligence. Show all posts


Orange Disk Seen Over Airport In Sao Paulo, Video, UFO Sighting News.

 Photos are untouched.

Date of sighting:  Nov 29, 2013, but reported today.
Location of sighting:  Congonhas Airport, Sao Paulo

This video was just posted today, but was from back in 2013. The UFO is disk shape and brown/orange tinted. It is spinning and wobbling at the same time, which is why the shape appears to change. This type of UFO was seen many time in South America over the last two decades. In one case, it even landed and made contact several times with individuals back in the 1980s. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:

On the landing route of the planes to Congonhas airport in São Paulo and from the Pirituba neighborhood in the northern part of the capital, members of the Ufo-Gênesis Group record the UFO traffic in dish shape and in red color as, as in other cases, the course in a north - south direction and toward Congonhas airport at low altitude as the images demonstrate. 

UFO Crash Site In Colombia Turns Out To Be Google Balloon Tech, March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2017
Location of sighting:  Colombia
News source:

Its cool that people went to investigate this crash site even if it wasn't a UFO. At least they got to the bottom of it all. The truth is the most important thing here, and they did discover the truth. However the genius with the camera failed to tilt it over so we could see more. Its a sign of a person who has only had a camera phone for a short time. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
Colombian villagers thought they had found a UFO when a strange object fell from the sky but it turned out to be a high-tech balloon belonging to web giant Google.

Locals in the municipality of San Luis, in the central-western Colombian department of Tolima, called the police when they found the mangled device in a forest.

Video shows the futuristic-looking device crashed in the trees. A creased solar panel is visible.

But fears the object was of alien origin did not put people off taking a piece.

A police spokesman said: ‘The device fell from the sky on Sunday, around 2 pm. Villagers found it in the middle of the forest area and informed police.

‘We went to the place where the device was found. We should inform that villagers destroyed the balloon and that some items had already been stolen from the scene.’ (More at source).


UFOs Show Up After Full Moon Over Vegas, March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2017
Location of sighting: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Here is a great perspective of the UFOs over the hillside in Vegas this week. The full moon really lights up the back hills and gives us a better idea of how high the UFOs really are. The UFOs show up about 2-3 min into the video. 
Scott C. Waring

Steven Barone states:
I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of March 13, 2017. The weather turns on a dime here in Las Vegas. Just last week I was wearing a warm winter coat. Last night it was warm enough to wear a t-shirt and khaki shorts and I was barefoot as well. It's been awhile but I finally caught a pair of lights near the Black Mountain in Henderson. Henderson is usually pretty reliable for UFO activity but it has been pretty quiet for the past couple of months. I also caught two strange lights at the bottom of the Blue Diamond Hills. I have a theory that the lights that come down out of the mountains use a series of concrete flash flood canals to move around the city unseen at times. I think this was one of those times. The orange flashing light was very odd as well. It just sat there flashing wildly. Once it began to move it became very bright but unfortunately, I lost it when I could no longer see it because a building was in the way. Lastly, I have a short clip of the moon rising in the east over downtown Las Vegas and Frenchman Mountain.

Summary Of UFOs Seen Around The World The Last Few Months, March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: March 13, 2017
Maker of video: UFO Planet TV

Here is an interesting analysis of several UFO sightings around the country and their similarities and differences. Learn from these cases to better understand what UFOs look like, move like and where they appear the most. 
Scott C. Waring


Scientists claim Human DNA ‘was designed by aliens, March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

I remember a scientist a few years ago who also found a message in human DNA, but after his announcement, his findings were attacked and discredited by those who wish to hide alien life. Its happening again, but this time a scientist in Kazakhstan has found the message. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
According to scientists who have spent over 134 years working on the human genome, the human DNA was intricately designed by advanced alien civilizations. Scientists from Kazakhstan claim that our species was CREATED, and DESIGNED by a ‘higher power’. Experts believe that our ‘creators’ wanted to preserve a message inside of our DNA, and/or simply plant life on other planets. The researchers, Maxim A. Makukov of the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute and Vladimir I. Shcherbak from the al-Farabi Kazakh National University have spent over 13 years working on the Human Genome Project— a mission to map the human DNA. After 13 years of studies, experts concluded that humans were designed by a higher power and that there are a “set of arithmetic patterns and ideographic symbolic language” encoded within our DNA.

Giant Face On Mars Found By Rover, And Run Over, @NASA March 14, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 14, 2017 (Taiwan Time)
Location of discovery: Mars
Source 1:
Source 2:

I found this giant head on Mars today. Its detail is remarkable and I have to say the species that created it looks a lot like humans. The long nose, chin and big eyes, round forehead...all prove this. This is the newest photos from the Curiosity rover that just came out today from Sol 1635, Nav Cam Right B, taken March 13, 2017 at 02:41:55 UTC. This face is 1.5 meters across.

As you can see, it there, visible with your own eyes. Evidence...of an alien race once living on Mars long ago. Waiting for the NASA Curiosity Rover to drive over it and destroy this piece of art that has stood the test of war and time...thousands of years...all just to be run over by a 1 ton rover. NASA destroys what the do not understand. 
Scott C. Waring

Ancient Dagger Found On Mars In Newest Curiosity Rover Photo, March 14, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 14, 2017 (Taken Yesterday By Rover)
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo 1:
Source photo 2:

This is a dagger I found on Mars today inside four NASA photos, I listed two here because the other two were the same. The daggers handle is perfectly carved, obviously made for a hand to grasp and to easily hold it. The long sharp area is bend, probably from a great battle long ago when the person was close enough to use it in hand to hand combat. The lines in the handle are actually gold. That is a big reason why NASA puts these photos in black and white. There are a lot of gold veins running through ancient artefacts. The aliens liked using it not for its rareness, but for its beauty. Gold is very abundant on the Martian Google Mars Map and color Mars photos have already confirmed. 
Scott C. Waring

  I added darkness to make the details of the face (below) stand out. Only added "contrast."

 I added darkness to make the details of the face stand out. Only added "contrast."

UFO Cloaked In Cloud Leaves Trail Over Lake Tahoe On Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 8, 2017
Location of sighting: South Lake Tahoe, California/Nevada boarder

This UFO cloaked in a cloud was reported today by MrMBB333 of Youtube. He is 100% right in his suspicions about this being an alien craft. The UFO even leaves a dark trail of cloud behind it as it moves. What the trail tells us is that this UFO cloud moves faster than all the other clouds around, thus the trail was formed. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Shoots Out Of Volcano Lava Vent Toward Live Camera! March 11, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 11, 2017
Location of sighting: Volcano, Mexico
Found By: Marte Salas of Youtube. 

This UFO was caught shooting out of the volcano and towards the live Internet camera. As yo can see, the UFO doesn't come from the mouth of the volcano, but instead comes from a lava vent on the side of the volcano. I have seen smoke come from this vent before, but this is the first time I have seen a UFO shoot out of one. 

Did you notice that the UFO starts slow and then increases speed? Thats how their ships handle in our atmosphere. Although the UFOs are capable of incredible speed, their acceleration is usually slower than you would suspect. Especially if the UFO is staying on Earth, not entering space. 
Scott C. Waring

100% Proof Of Mobile Alien Bases On The Moon! March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Maker of video: SecureTeam10
Subject of video: Moon bases

Here SecureTeam10 discuses the secret subject of alien bases on our moon. The photos from those old Apollo missions reveal more clarity and detail than todays best NASA cameras that cost 1,000X more to make. Watch this video and learn why the public doesn't trust NASA. 

Now don't scream fake. A lot of the evidence they present was found by me. Its real, the photos are real. They exist and were taken by NASA. 
Scott C. Waring

UFO Seen During Sunset In Australia, Day of Super Moon, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 13, 2016 but reported today
Location of sighting: Australia
Source: MUFON #82616

This UFO was seen over Australia last year. It was caught during sunset, the one time of the day with the highest chance of a sighting. Yes, there is a time of the day that UFOs are more often seen. Sunset. Its a time when the sun, UFO, and eyewitness form a triangle, forcing the UFO cloak to bend light around the UFO more than 180 percent up to 224-270 degrees. Anything over 180 is a cloaks breaking point. Sunset causes that. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
November 13th 2016 was the afternoon that many people went up to the nearby river ( elevated position) to watch the supermoon rise. Of course people were taking photos of the supermoon rising, however I walked off on my own to take a photo of the sunset  I did not see anything unusual at the time. When i looked back at my photos (taken on an old mobile phone) that is when i noticed the unusual anomaly in the photo. When i noticed it i thought instantly that is a ufo. I saw a ufo in the desert in western australia about 7 years ago now, night time. This is for me actual proof What do you think.


Three Glowing Lights Seen Over Ontario, Canada On Feb 27, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 27, 2017
Location of sighting: Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Source: MUFON #82604

This UFO was seen over Ontario last week. It does have three lights which could mean its a TR3B military craft, but its hard to tell at night. Sometimes similar UFOs have been reported to suddenly split up and shoot away in opposite directions. I wonder if this would have happened if the eyewitness had watched longer?
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I pulled onto my street heading home and i noticed 3 bright lights in the sky. 2 red and one white flashing very fast. I recorded it for a few seconds from my car, until the video went out of focus, then pulled into my driveway and went inside to tell people to come look. My borther in law came outside and seen it as well. I started to record again and as i did it changed its white light to red and began pulsating slowly with the other 2 lights now turned off. It then flickered its lights and changed the red pulsating light back to white, continued to pulsate, and then went back to flashing again for the remainder of the time i watched. It eventually vanished.


White UFO Over Istanbul, Turkey On March 5, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 5, 2017
Location of sighting: Istanbul, Turkey

This UFO is a cloud orb, but it was caught at a rare time when it was a clear sky. When there are no clouds in the sky and the sky is blue, it makes the cloud orbs stand out. This is a great video from Turkey this week that demonstrates such an occurrence. 
Scott C. Waring



Reptilian Head Found On Mars, A Reminder Of An Ancient Alien Species, March 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 8, 2017
Location of discovery:  Mars
Source photo:

I found this reptilian face in a Mars photo and I really like it because one, its made of the material around it, and two, its got some great detail to its face. You can see its mouth and eye area as well as the flattened nose area. The protruding wrinkled area of its reptile skin around its cheeks and the ridges along its forehead. If you can't see it, don't feel bad. It takes time to let you mind and eyes adjust. 
Scott C. Waring

Two Foo Fighters Following Plane Over Sweden On Feb 25, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News

Date of sighting: February 25, 2017
Location of sighting:  Gnesta, Sodermanland, Sweden
Source: MUFON #82564

Back in WWI and WWII this type of UFOs were called Foo Fighters. A large glowing orb that was as big as a car and often matched speed with the fighter planes, flying a log side them for hours at a time. Awesome to see they are still out there. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Me and my girlfriend where out on our lawn, I´ve had my camera with me as usually. My girlfriend noticed an airplane in the sky above with some strange gloving lights behind it. I managed to take one photo before it dissapered behind a cloud.


Alien Orb Caught On Security Camera Moving About House, March 5, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 5, 2017
Location of sighting: Unknown

The eyewitness says the spirit came from within the old doll and moves about the house from object to object. As you can see, there is an energy orb moving slowly about. It was caught on the infrared security camera in the house, and IR is known for catching any cloaked objects...especially orbs. I think this orb found a way into the home and was learning about the inhabitants of the house from the objects inside. These entities can change their form into a human like person if they so wish.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Carol the Haunted doll on the table she likes magazines and world of electronics of today even video games and cell phones. She is a sweet child spirit.

Google Earth Deletes UFO Following Two Jets Over China, March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 30, 2014 (Gone in March 2017)
Location of discovery: Xiang Dao, Zheng Yang Xian, Zhumadian, Henan, China 
Coordinates: 32°24'14.46"N 114°32'57.39"E

I found this UFO back in 2014 and made a video about it, because Google has a history of deleting the UFOs found on Google Earth. I decided to go back and see if it was still there, but it was not. It has been deleted from the map. Even the history index of it which allows you to see old photos of the area did not have it. This is proof that Google not only deletes UFOs, but hides alien evidence from the public the best it can. Have you ever wondered how a company like Google could grow so big so fast? Well, maybe the two people who created it were actually aliens themselves, out to not just make a profit, but to control the public. 
Scott C. Waring

Giant Books Are Proof That Giant Alien Species Once Existed On Earth, March 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Giants existed on Earth, how else could we explain how some construction sites around the world were created? Since we found that life can exist on a micro scale and can be viewed with a electron microscope, the we can also logically assume that life can exist on a macro scale...a scale so large that they could hold our planet in their hand. 

Do you remember that scene in Galaxy of the Guardians when they were in space flying to a moon that was being mined? And when they got closer to it, they realised it wasn't a moon, but the head of a giant species of alien, and its inside was being mined. you are getting the big picture. I remember that scene well, because I hand no idea others knew about these things, and it was snuck into the movie...subconsciously hidden to appear as entertainment, preparing the public for the day when they get to meet this species.
Scott C. Waring


Diamond UFO Passes Over Freeway In Orlando, Florida On Jan 27, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:1-27-2017
Location of sighting: Orlando, Florida, USA
Source: MUFON #82522

This diamond shaped UFO was seen in Orlando last month and was visible to the naked eye. The UFO moved over the freeway as it observers humans and records the data for later study. Aliens are big on watching us, studying us, so they probably have a high curiosity about meeting us.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I was traveling east on Sr 414 and had just taken the exit to Sr 434 and was waiting on the stoplight to change. I then noticed a plane flying north and the this object caught my eye just south of my view of the airplane. The object was also traveling in a north direction but was much closer to my proximity than the airplane was. I took this picture with my Iphone which recorded as a live image. In my phone image it has about 3 to 4 secs of recorded video. Not sure how to upload that but i uploaded a still of the object. Not sure what this is but it was very very strange. So I thought I would share.


V Shaped UFO Decloaks In Front Of Eyewitness In Houston, Texas, TV News Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2017
Location of sighting: Houston, Texas, USA
News source:

I like how seriously the TV News presents this case. Also the MUFON investigator handled it very well. UFO can materialise out of thin air...when they decloak in front of people. Its just technology, not magic. However, debunking a UFO sighting is much harder than everyone assumes. You actually need evidence, not words, to debunk a sighting. Without the evidence, the word just a bluff in an effort to create fake news and profits to those news networks who need the money. 

News states:
HOUSTON (KTRK) - The Mutual UFO Network in Houston reports around 80 speculated UFO sightings a year. That is excluding the ones that are seen but rather not revealed. One top UFO master, Fletcher Gray, clarifies why so a hefty portion of the sightings aren't UFOs. However, he likewise says there is one case that regardless he can't make sense of. 

Simply over the Katy territory an orange light is spotted, seen coasting around. Down beneath, tourists are persuaded it's a UFO. Dim backpedaled to Katy with Eyewitness News to research. "It's glinting as it travels during that time sky," Gray says.

Video deleted for unknown reasons. 