Showing posts with label buildings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label buildings. Show all posts


Alien Bases Found On Google Moon Map, 100% Evidence That Aliens Exist, March 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Location of sighting: Earths Moon
Co-ordinates: 21° 4' 2.23 N, 148° 39'12.30"

Here are some fantastic shots of alien bases on Earths moon found on Google Moon Map. They are significant structures which warrant more research into them. However, to view them, you must put the correct settings into your Google Map side bar. Once you get the settings, look around the area and you should find a lot of structures about. 

1. Go to Layers bar on left side of screen of Google moon.
2. Go to Global Maps button, click it. 
3. Below Global Maps button, Choose Visible Imagery.

You need the VISIBLE IMAGERY setting to see the buildings that I am reporting here. Lots of people are calling me a fake because they don't know how to use the Google moon map settings. Please don't be one of them. Just follow the instruction above. 
Scott C. Waring


City Found On Mars That Could Hold Half A Million People Right Now! Dec 1, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 1, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Google Mars coordinates:  82°49'45.69"N  114°29'46.76"E

Here are some highly detailed buildings on Google Mars map. Its free to download and all you do is switch from Earth to Mars map by hitting the button at the middle top of the screen. 

These buildings were found by Luxor2012UFO of Youtube, and they are very highly detailed. The buildings are tall, about 300 meters to 800 meters tall. The city is very complex and looks like it once held a population of about half a million or more. These buildings look mostly a matter of fact, I cannot find any broken ones, which means this city, if uninhabited, is ripe for the pickings, and would make any country that gets there first, 100% colonized and ready for living, thriving and growing on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


5 Mile Alien Base Found In Tycho Crater, Ready For Use By Humans Wishing To Live On The Moon! Sept 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 2016
Location of discovery: Tycho Crater, Earths Moon
Photo URL:

This structure found in Tycho crater was discovered by Streetcap1 of Youtube. Its actually very detailed and you can see many sections of this structure, as well as archways along the side of a connector tunnel between buildings. 

This is actually important not just for UFOlogy, but for humanity in general. If this is an abandoned alien base, the Streetcap1 may have just found the perfect location for the next NASA mission. Imagine an entire base of structures 5-7 miles across! It would be a crime not to utilise such a useful waypoint in space that could save humanity from extinction. 
Scott C. Waring




Aliens On Mars Created 3D Printed Blocks With Beautiful Fake Stone Sides, Aug 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

 Date of discovery: Aug 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:
Photo 2:

I found these blocks in a NASA photo. At first they seem of little interest, but they hold some valuable information. You see, the were made with crude 3D printer machines that printed them layer by layer as you see from their sides. However the visible side is a beautiful replica of fitted together carved stones, to give the wall a more ascetically pleasing appearance. I also wonder about the material they used to make the layers...did it have built in nano technology that would make the walls or structures smart?
Scott C. Waring 


Faces, Mech Warriors, Towers Found On Comet 67P, The Singing Comet, Come Here The Message, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 1, 2016
Location of discovery: Comet 67P, singing comet
Source ESA photo:

This is a photo from the European Space Administration (ESA) of comet 67P, notoriously known as the singing comet, which is shaped like the head, neck and chest of an alien (click here). Don't get me wrong, skull shaped comets have been seen before (click here) by the ESA, but the detail is lacking compared to 67P.  I love this comet, because for 20+ years it been sending a singing message (bottom of post). An alien message asking other life forms to come meet them. This is why when ESA scientists first heard it 20 years ago, they built the Rosetta satellite to answer its call. Apparently there was a message they decoded, but never shared it with the public. Just like they never shared the fact that the comet sings until just last year, 20 years after Rosetta was created was about to land on it. 

Now, I'm all for suspense and all, but why the hell does the ESA think they can keep the public in the dark about its singing message for so long? Because they didn't want the Chinese, Americans or Russians to get there first. None of them trusts each other enough with telling the other the truth about what they find on the comet. 

Thats where I come in. You got me, and thats a hell of a lot better than what you had a few minutes ago. I found a really large face of an alien species today, but its not like its the only one I ever found on the comet. Its probably closer to number 35. Not to mention the 80 meter metal skeleton I found (click here) or the UFO disk (click here) that was hovering above its surface. 

However, today I found several faces, one with a crown that has very Mayan features and another that looks human, but with enlarged features. Oh, and of course I found some mech four legged robot that looks like its a large gun on four legs. There is more in the photo, but I didn't think most people could make out its detail, since a lot will have trouble seeing these more prominent finds. 

This makes me come to wonder why is this comet singing and why are there 80 meter skeletal remains, flying disks, towers, buildings (click here) or (here), mech guns and many faces scattered across the comet? Was this message meant for Earth, or was it a generic message meant for any species evolved enough to answer it? Which would mean it has flown past many other worlds with life on it. Testing each one with its signal to see if they have reached that point in technological evolution that would make their either a threat, or worth meeting.

The signal never the less, continues 24/7 to this day. It may have been sending its message for thousands or millions of years and since aliens will have advanced technology, the aliens that created this comet, single and base would probably still be living and breathing today. Remember technology will allow you to live almost forever (minus accidents).

So, for each piece of evidence we find, hundreds of questions pop into our heads. After a hundred discoveries on this comet, I find the universe and aliens more baffling than ever. The questions I have have not been answered, but have only escalated. Who are they? How may species of them exist out there? Where are they now? It goes on and on, but my own thoughts tell me time will tell, knowing the answers wont exist for hundreds of years. 

Like every discovery ever made about aliens...people will be amazed, confused, and slightly entertained, but one by one they will walk away, losing focus and soon forgetting what they saw here. Its probably a defense mechanism to help one cope with the unknown. But, it lets them sleep better. 

I can't, I wont, I never will forget any piece of evidence I have ever posted. I often wonder, how much evidence is enough for the world, and I realize, there is no amount of evidence that could come from the public that could sway the publics opinion about the existence of alien life. You see, the people of the world still trust, still depend, still need the government to inform them about the things that are so monumental as the discovery of an alien species, but, that is something the US gov wont do, because it would put China on alert and force China to make contacting aliens and gaining alien technology a number one priority. And the US needs to keep an the right hand of America, as the left had gains the advantage. Its easy for the gov to hide it, because only the government could be trusted to reveal it. We don't trust each other, but we have to if we are going to force disclose. 
Scott C. Waring 


100 Meter Alien Base Found In Tycho Crater On June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 2016
Location of discovery: Tycho crater, Earths moon
Source NASA photo:

This alien base on the moon was found by Streetcap1 of Youtube. The lines all around its edges indicate that this is an intelligently made structure. It looks to be about 70-100 meters across. Its made from the white shiny ceramic substance that we have seen many times before...most recently on dwarf planet Ceres. I adjusted the color in 3 screenshots so you can see how the demensions of the base stand out. 

This would be a great place for a country to land its astronuats and use this building as the worlds first moon base. China is on its way, so it could be called China 2 soon. 

Scott C. Waring


Venus, like you never seen it before, Buildings, Freeway Tunnels, Giant Cities Covering 95% of The Planet! April 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 2016
Location of discovery: Venus
Source Venus Map:

Mars, Mars, Mars...thats all anyone ever seems to care about, and yet, we have so many planets and moons in our solar system. Why are humans focusing so much on one little planet? A fixation perhaps, or maybe, just maybe its something more dark and frightening. 

I want to suggest that the Earth has been enveloped in a covering that manipulates our thoughts and focus. Meaning, someone, somewhere doesn't want us to look at Venus. Strange since Val Valiant Thor came from there and even walked out of a spaceship in the park near the pentagon. I believe that humanity has been and always will be manipulated by aliens in some way or anther. Just as the smarter humans on this planet manipulate the other 99% making them rich. 

All I'm asking is that you try to look into finding alien structures on other planets or moons. Just try, you feel something preventing you from carrying though with it? Exactly! Let me show you Venus. 
Scott C. Waring 

 On the photo below, focus on the walls. Can you see the walls?


Clear Evidence Of Ancient Cities On Mars, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 6, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars

Yes this is a year old, but if we do not learn from the past, we will be forced to repeat it. Here the person took regular Mars photos from the ESA and used a photo program to adjust the color, contrast, saturation and so on until we can see the ancient surface of Mars as it once was. I have also seen this many times and it is not a result of pixilation which some may assume it the cause on first glance. What you are looking at is the ancient foundation areas that structures were once built upon. They use this technique for identifying ancient temples and buried tombs in Egypt, they also used similar techniques to find lost Nazca lines and cities in Peru. ESA photo index has been mostly ignored and really deserves some serious attention by UFO researches. SCW