Showing posts with label city. Show all posts
Showing posts with label city. Show all posts


Analysis of Stanley Kubrick Confesses To Faking The Apollo Moon Landings, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Hey everyone. I have tweeted Tom Cruise to ask him to verify if this video below is truly Stanley Kubrick. Since they made a movie just before his death together, I believe Tom could clear this up for us. Lots of regular joes are calling the video a fake, but I have done some analysis of my own of the video and found the following. 

1.  Resonance (grating vibration) is same in both videos. 
2. His voice is slightly higher pitch than others.
3. His hesitations...which are common of him in both videos when speaking. 
4. Vocal Inflections are the same. Meaning his voice rises and lowers in the same places in the sentences. 

Also there are photo similarities that are interesting. 
1. Both wear glasses, but different types. 
2. Both have a receding hairline and beard.
3. Both have matching skin bumps.
4. Both have matching scars between eye lid and brow.
5. Both have bags under and over eyes. 

It is my professional opinion that this video of Stanley Kubrick admitting to the moon landings is 100% real. Watch the videos below and compare and contrast for yourself. I also believe that the US gov has spent a lot to time and money on leaving fake comments on Youtube and other sites calling this video a fake in order to control the public perspective of it. This video would be enough evidence in a court of law to convict NASA of lying to the USA and to the world. 
Scott C. Waring

UFO Recorded Over Grand Canyon On July 15, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 15, 2018
Location of sighting: Grand Canyon, New Mexico, USA

A UFO was caught by accident over the Grand Canyon this week. It shot past the camera at incredible speed, but lucky for us it was recorded on camera. No jet or aircraft is capable of such speed. 100% evidence that aliens are visiting us. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Filmed over Grand Canyon, Arizona today. (Navajo point overlook). While attempting to capture lightenings from the storm on the horizon a very fast object crossed the sky. You can see it appearing from the top center of the screen and disappearing towards the bottom left. I have slowed it down to the extent possible with my iphone.


Long UFO Over Farm Community Caught On Video, La Porte, Indiana ( July 13, 2018 ), UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 13, 2018
Location of sighting: La Porte, Indiana, USA
Source: MUFON #93311

Eyewitness states: 
I was driving my work truck heading west towards LaPorte on West 400 South as I came out of the trees I saw a reflective object about 200 feet up or so moving very slowly. I approached the intersection of West 400 South and long Lane I observed and began recording at that time. I wasn't sure what I was seeing but it was very abnormal how slow it was moving was fairly large as you can see in the video and also very shiny and reflective and made no noise it looked like a shiny egg or pebble. it moved very close to the high tension power lines . I watched as the object moved along the power lines from west to east then over the farm. I watched until it was out of my view. As I was driving away on West 400 South I could see it hovering above the farm in my side view mirror on my work truck. The whole incident lasted about 4 minutes I was nervous because I've never seen an aerial vehicle like that.


Many UFOs Over Forest Area In France, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 2018
Location of sighting: Lyon, France

Three glowing UFOs were seen over France this week. Glowing balls are one of the there most commonly seen much so that even I have witnessed 25 747 size balls in one sighting back in 1998. Its difficult to confirm that these UFOs are UFOs, since they are so far off. Similar but further off from what I saw that started above our apartment parking lot only 800-900 meters above us in Rapid City, South Dakota. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Looked at this video and thought it very strange. I stop thinking about it since I filmed it, but I went out with my wife and rolled my eyes at what I saw laughing. I said to my wife: look There are some UFOs. And when I start filming, I realized that it was not a joke. What do you think? 

Metalic UFO Visits Space Station On Live Cam, July 13, 2018, Video, UFO Sightings News.

Date of sighting: July 13, 2018
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at Space Station

This UFO at the space station was caught on live cam this week and then NASA went to blue screen when they noticed it. Found by Jonnyy 5 of Youtube, its a great capture of the UFOs that frequently visit the International Space Station. 

The coloration of the UFO indicates a dull grey metallic surface, and a shape that similar to the UFOs that were reported on CNN when the Shuttle Atlantis couldn't land because three or more round metallic UFOs were closely following it, disrupting the ability to land safely that day. I'll include the video below for you to decide. 
Scott C. Waring

Shuttle Atlantis 3 UFO orbs. I remember seeing this footage personally on CNN world news. 


Trees Found On Mars In Global Surveyor Image, NASA Source! Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo 1:
Source photo 2:

I added color to make it easier to see, because psychology says black and white photos often confuse the mind on first glance.

I found this in the Mars Global Surveyor MOC images. This particular image seems to depict many trees on the Mars surface. These trees are similar to what you see when using Google Earth and looking over a forest, but this is Mars and it should be impossible, but here it is, right in front of us and with the link to the official NASA site as proof that it exists. 

Obviously there are large bushy trees on Mars. There is no geological formation that could explain these features. These are living, growing organisms on the surface of Mars. 

Now why would NASA want to hide trees? Because its a form of life and where there are trees, there are animals and insects. Thus, NASA finds this information to be a threat to national security, because other countries would race to get to Mars if they knew it was more habitable than once thought. NASA does not want competition to get to other plants. Did you hear NASA criticising Elon Musks SpaceX Falcon Heavy Rocket last week? They did saying it was just too small to be useful, but it didn't seem to discourage Elon Musk at all. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Caught Making A Cloud To Hide In, July 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 11, 2018
Location of sighting: Unknown

What starts off looking like a normal cloud is actually a cloud created around a large UFO. This particular cloud is being made by a smaller UFO built for the job, like small worker drones around a main craft. The UFO produces the clouds to hide the craft. There are many reasons to hide it even though it may be cloaked...if its glowing in any way, they always will create clouds around it to hide the glow. Also when you see long cloud tunnels side by side, that is how they hide the glowing ships when moving across the planet from base to base. 
Scott C. Waring



Alien Bodies Found In NASA Mars Photo, Animals or Intelligent Beings? UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 2018
Location of discovery: Mars

Here are a few items I found today in a NASA photo. One is a four leg animal sitting on its hind legs. Another is an alien creature, maybe intelligent that died and body is fossilised. I also found a blackened meteorite (below). I do collect meteorites and one of the most obvious signs is a charred black outer layer due to falling though the atmosphere. 

Mars...its more diverse than you were taught in astronomy books and in science class. There are so many things out there that are ignored by the common scientist only because if they discuss it, they will be blackballed from that area of science forever. Fear of ridicule still controls the disclosure of alien existence. 

Scott C. Waring

The World's Most Shocking Secret | Full Documentary (2018) UFO Sighting News.

I live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, a rural area just a stone's throw away from DC and a ton of military establishments. Myself and my husband have seen interesting things in the night sky but nothing like tonight. Multiple starlike lights moving about/odd moving lights with combustion/popping noises. Has anyone in or around this area experienced similar things, especially this night (7/10/18)?
This made me really want to research more into what could be and stumbled upon this video --

Which after watching I agree with a lot of points and make my mind go down the rabbit hole to make truth to alternate/reverse realities and time travel.
I know this is a lot but. Comment with thoughts.

Must Watch! Earth Alien holographic simulation? UFO Sighting News.

Are you living in a holographic simulation? Recently, the idea that we may be living in a giant video game, or as it’s sometimes called, the Simulation Hypothesis, has gotten a lot of attention because of prominent figures like Elon Musk who have openly discussed the idea. As Virtual Reality technology has gotten more sophisticated, we are starting to contemplate virtual worlds like that of the omni-present Oasis in Ready Player One, soon to be a blockbuster movie directed by Stephen Spielberg.

Moscow Declares UFO Sighting As Rocket Test, Can We Trust Them? UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 2018
Location of sighting: Sub Arctic, Arkhangelsk region

Russia told the news media that this UFO sighting was a rocket launch, but honestly how much do you trust the Russians? They are not known for their honesty and I call bullshit on this being a rocket. No rocket is going to be aimed directly above the capital Moscow! This is their pride and joy, they live and die to protect this city and would never shoot a rocket over it. This is a UFO that the Russians had made contact with in order to create alien trade agreements similar to the ones the USAF has with a few alien species. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
Stunning footage shows the galactic missile Soyuz-2.1.B bursting through the air after being fired from the country's sub-Arctic Arkhangelsk region. Social media users were convinced that they were being visited by extraterrestrials. The rocket, which was carrying a satellite, was fired just before 1am Moscow time today. Military officials confirmed the satellite was safely delivered to orbit as part of Russia’s own global satellite navigation system.


Crashed AlienUFO Disk Found On Mars, July 10, 2018 UFO Sighting News.

Location of sighting: Mars
Date of sighting: July 10, 2018
Source photo:

I found a crashed alien ship on Mars today. It was in a gigapan photo and the ship is upside-down. The line down the middle from the tail section is similar to that of many military stealth craft. This is one of two craft I found in this photo, along with many faces of statues, walls and other structures. 
Scott C. Waring


Giant Alien UFO Tunnels Appear In Sky Over July 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 2018
Location of sighting: Southern England

Some awesome cloud tunnels were seen over England this week. These types of tunnels are used by aliens as transportation tunnels for many UFOs to travel through unseen by human eyes. Yes, some aliens do care about not being seen and do take drastic measures to insure they are not seen. But remember, there are many species of aliens who visit Earth, most do not agree with one another on rules. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
The kids at the school spotted this strange cloud this afternoon in East Sussex. No idea how this formed.

Three Glowing White Buildings Found In Moon Crater, July 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Here is a great find, reported by UFOmania of Youtube. He found some lights in a dark crater. When You increase the size of the objects, they appear to be white shiny buildings. The white ceramic types that I have reported many times before. Awesome evidence of intelligent aliens existing on earth moon. 
Scott C. Waring


White Alien Fungus Structure On Moon With Black Walled Base, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 1, 2018
Location of discovery: Earths moon, Apollo 17 index
Source photo 1:
Source photo 2:

I found one of the white fungus structures that we all heard about. The structure has a long trunk on top and a round white head on a white shoulders area. There are also other white fungus structures nearby it. 

Not far away at the top of one of the two photos, you see there is also another black structure that has many right angles and is clearly a structure more similar to what we humans have on earth. So its easier to see and to accept. The fungus structure will be harder to accept, but with a little research you will hear about those if you haven't already. 
Scott C. Waring

Undeniable proof that extraterrestrial craft exist in our solar system, July 1, 2018, photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 1, 2018 10:06 LASCO C3
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

To the average person this will seem insignificant, however to a scientist this is indisputable evidence that intelligent aliens exist. You see, a UFO went to investigate an object in space and then when it scared it, it decided to leave, making a 25 degree turn. This is an impossible feat for an astroid or meteor to do. It takes a propulsion system to make a sudden turn in space. A person may argue that the suns gravity is pulling it, however if that were true, the UFO would be turning the opposite direction, not turning away from the sun. So gravity from the sun has no effect on this object. 

What we have here is scientific data that is undeniable proof that extraterrestrial craft exist in our solar system. 
Scott C. Waring


Bird Resting In Nest Found On Mars In NASA Rover Photo, July 2018, UFO Sighting News. @CBS @NBCNews @CNN @TheSun @ABC

Date of discovery: July 1, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1110
Source photo:

Hey guys, this was just sent to me by a person on Twitter. They found a chicken-like bird sitting in a nest in a NASA rover photo. I have to admit, this really does look like a bird of some time. It even the same size as a real chicken here on Earth. The real question is, is it a statue or is it alive? This is the first time I have seen a bird on Mars. It has the tail feathers, the side wing and the feathered head and beak, not to mention the nest below it. This statue is evidence that the planet Mars once had animal life much like earth, before some great disaster stuck the planet. 
Scott C. Waring

Two Silver UFOs Over Easter Island On March 14, 2018, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 14, 2018
Location of sighting: Easter Island
Source: MUFON #93005

This UFO was one of two seen and when they were noticed by the eyewitnesses, they darted into the clouds to hide. As I have said before, UFOs use the easiest way possible to hide...within clouds. They are even capable of making a cloud around them, but this can often take minutes to do. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
My wife and I were sightseeing on Easter Island and saw two silver-shaped flying objects entering the cloud. I was able to photograph one of the objects.