Showing posts with label conspiracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conspiracy. Show all posts


NASA Perseverance Rover Photos Worse Than An iPhone 1 Camera! UFO Sighting News.


Date of photo: Feb 18, 2021
Location of photo: Mars

 The world is announcing and celebrating the landing of the 4th NASA Rover on Mars...the Perseverance. But something seems to be overlooked. The first photo of Mars sent back has 70% of the photo blacked out...edited deliberately by NASA to hide something nearby. Now NASA spent 2.7 billion US dollars on the rover mission, so you know they have the best state of the art technology on it...meaning the cameras are the best Earth has to offer. Such a glitch as this would never happen with such technology. Even a simple iphone 12 tied to the rover would offer more clear, higher detail, better contrast and better color photos than the ones NASA is showing the public. So how can this even happen? Well, it can't and didn't. It was a deliberate attempt by NASA to hide an alien structure, ship, or living creature in the area near the rover. The photos they are giving us are equal to an old iPhone 3 from back in 2008 when it was released. So...I ask the world why do they accept such poor quality photos that are deliberately sabotaged by NASA who deliberately glitches, adds too much light blueing detail and making the size of the public photos smaller than the size an iPhone 1 would have produced. Its true, look it up. An iPhone 1 would make photos 1.37MB in size, compared to the Perseverance Rover photos the public sees at 56KB to 250KB in size. Thats pathetic and not even worth the public looking at them. Now...ask yourself...what is NASA really hiding from us all? the right question.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

All Photos In This Post Are Original, Unedited As NASA Has Posted Them. 


Pigeon Gets Caught In Time Bubble Near 5G Tower! Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 11, 2020
Location of sighting: Tulua, Columbia 

Now here is something you don't see everyday. A white pigeon frozen in midair near a 5G tower. Its like a time bubble was made by the 5G antenna and this poor pigeon was unlucky enough to get caught in it. Not the pigeon is a pigeon, no doubt there. The 5G tower is a 5G tower...again no doubt there. However we really don't know what 5G towers will do. Of course the radiation exposure will increase, the static electricity in the area will increase, but what does it take to create a bubble in time...invisible to the naked eye, yet within it...all time slows down? For this bird, time is normal, but for us watching it, it seems frozen in place. Is such a thing possible? Yes of course it is...with alien technology...but does 5G use alien tech that has been kept secret to the world? I believe it does. Can you imagine having a house near the 5G could go to brush your teeth and get caught in a time bubble never to exit for weeks, months or even years. And when you do, you will never know that anything had happened. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: 
There is a static pigeon in the air next to a 4G antenna and there are apparently no wires nearby. Tuluá Valle, Colombia.


Alien Building Found In Old 1969 NASA Apollo 10 Moon Image, 100% Proof Of Aliens, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Aug 7, 2018
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
NASA Source photo:

I found this structure in a NASA moon image from Apollo 10. The structure has a clear 90 degree angle edge and even a seem at the edge which is 100% proof that aliens made this building. This is just another example of evidence of aliens that NASA found way back in 1969 that they did not want the public to see. The yellow in the photo is original. I did not add yellow to it. But I did make it into black and white below to see it better. 
Scott C. Waring


NASA releases New Apollo 16 Footage, Which Is Proof They Faked The Missions, UFO Sighting News.

NASA just released a few minutes of footage from the Apollo 16 mission and guess what? Its been edited! At 3 seconds into the video, a whole 4 or more seconds were cut out as the rover was turning. What I think is that the rover got stuck turning and a lot of guys ran out onto the stage set and pushed it to turn it fully. That cut is 100% proof they used photoshop to remove worrisome footage from the publics view. 

Also note the dirt flying up from the tires. The speed at which it moves from the tires and the speed at which it falls is not equal to the 1/6 that of here on Earth. So why does the dirt fall and shoot back at normal Earth-like gravity speed? That dirt should be flying 6 times longer, but its not. It should be much slower to fall, and there should be some continuous dust clouds from smaller particles that should not fall for a few minutes, yet, all the dirt particles are on the ground in just a few seconds. 

Check out the video below they released today and judge for yourself. Tell us your thoughts in the comments below. 
Scott C. Waring


Strange white circling lights in the Derbyshire skies last night Sept 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 27, 2016
Location of sighting: Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England

This info was sent into me by Christian Mace, a French UFO research (click here to view his UFO site). The video shows white lights moving around in the sky. I have actually seen about 50 of these once with my family last year when walking home at midnight. They seem to have no limit to their speed, but if you notice them, they will know it! There is a 60% chance that they will either perform for you with loops, or return to observe you while keeping their distance for 5-10 min. If I hadn't seen such an event with my own family...I never would have believed it really happened. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 
Sorry for the grainy video had the camera on Max ISO as they were faint. Not sure what they are but they're moving in a pattern. #NotAliens :D just lights above Chesterfield, Derbyshire. Anyone shed any light (pardon the pun)


Mysterious Light Shows Up In Another Mars Photo, VIDEO, April 13, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 13, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars surface

This light recorded on the Mars surface was found by Streetcap1, the same person that found the first light. It seems to be the same source of light as before, but viewed from a different angle and further away than before. 

What's the use of having a 2 billion dollar rover if these anomalies in the Mars photos are never explored? The UFO researchers are finding daily and for free. The public cried out when the Mars squirrel was found in a rover photos, but did NASA care? No...they ignored the cries of the public and drove away just as they did with all the other discoveries. Remember the Mars donut? Did they analyse it with the onboard tech and show us the results? No! Did they flip it over or give the public close up HD photos of it? %@#$ no! And NASA wonders why UFO researchers don't trust them. SCW

Streetcap1 of Youtube states: 
I am on holiday just now and was browsing through earlier Nasa Curiosity images when I found this. It is from a much earlier part of the mission. To my knowledge it has not been published before.


Golden Structures On Mars In The Thousands, Near Lonar Crater, July 2013.

Date of discovery: July 10, 2013
Location of discovery: Between Gemini Scopuli Crater and Lonar crater, Mars

I love using Google Mars to find evidence of ancient aliens and as always, it never lets me down. Although Google is working with the US government to hide alien evidence, thus seen through only 25% of Mars being is a focused quality, most of Mars...nearly 75% is deliberately blurred so that we cannot even view the shapes of mountains. 

Here I found not ten or twenty but literally thousands of tower like structures and in this one area the structures have a metallic gold tone to them. The gold tint changes kind of how Black hills gold changes from a gold pink to a gold green in tint, but this only makes it more evident that they are alien structures. 

Measuring between 90-120 meters across their top, these buildings inside would be equal to a square football field. Thats no small amount of space for any building. Look at how the buildings are spaced apart. There are no buildings that are side by side, touching one another. This disbursement also tells us that they were created by intelligent beings. Think of it like trailers spread out around a trailer park or houses lined up around the neighbourhood one by one with space between. 

With evidence like this we are slowly forcing NASA to change their mission, which was to hide aliens from us for the next 200 years...and instead they are changing it to a release date of about 50 more years before the truth is going to come out. What changed them? We did...the public by showing the world the truth...that which NASA had a mission to coverup. People are revealing evidence in NASA books, photos, videos and live cam footage that is causing panic in NASA. Therefore NASA starting late last year has decided to slowly reveal info about life on seen when the said "yes water is on mars," and just last week, "ancient life was once on Mars." SCW

Please watch in full screen mode. 


UFO Found On Apollo 15 Mission Photo While On The Moon, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 2013
Location of discovery: Earths Moon, photo AS15-84-11255HR.jpg

This is a great discovery by Streetcap1 of Youtube. It's a UFO peeking over the hill. This particular photo is from back during the Apollo 15 mission. That's between July 26, 1971 and August 7, 1971. During that mission Commander David Scott and Lunar Module Pilot James Irwin spent three days on the moon which included 18.5 hours outside the spacecraft. 

If we want to force NASA into a confession...that intelligent alien species are known to exist, then we have to use their own evidence against them. Since most the public will only believe NASA information to be true...we search for evidence of aliens within their archives and we use this evidence to hold up high and accuse NASA of lying to the public and to the world. There were just a handful of us five years ago, but now there is a small army of UFO researchers searching through the old and new archives. We will beat you at your own game many ways, we already have. SCW


Evidence NASA Edits Photos To Keep Public In Dark.

Date of discovery: February 2013
Location of discovery: Earths Orbit, Apollo 11

Now while looking through some NASA photos I found a website that has collected NASA photos for the last 15 years or so and stores them on their site. On photo has an anomaly which could be a UFO or an energy being or ship, but mostly this proves that NASA does one thing that they have been denying for over two decades…they edit photos. So if this was 1969 (Apollo photo of them returning to Earth) then it would be clear that sometime after the fact the edit took place. Also for them to want to edit the photo it must have showed the public something that NASA didn't want them to know. Also notice the color saturation has been reduced to show less detail and less vibrant color. Take a look at the photos and check out the links below and decide for yourself. SCW

Website a person who collected NASA photos:
NASA website:


100 Police Will Try To Stop All 2012 Dec 21 Believers From Trudging Up French Mountain To Be Safe From Doomsday!

A famous mountain called Pic de Burgarach in France has been the the safty-net for many UFO believers that on December 21, 2012 a large ship will emerge over it and take the humans there away to safety. But now authorities in France have decided that when December arrives, they will make a blockade around that mountain area to prevent anyone from reaching the top! There will be over a hundred police and firefighters there to stop anyone from reaching the top. So if you were going to climb that prepared to go by foot and trudge up the mountain using deer and elk trails. This is another clear attempt by the world governments to control our fate as well as to try to cover up all attempts that aliens make to meet or help humans. Oh yeah, if you make the trek, please take a 100-200mw green pen laser with you. You can flash the UFOs from over 25km away...or if your board on the can flash around the cops on the bottom of the mountain. Just don't aim at people please. SCW


Stunning NASA UFO Anomalies Captured On Film.

I got an email today asking about UFO objects in NASA footage and how common it is. Well its actually very common to find UFOs in NASA images and videos. Here below are some extraordinary sightings. This however is not the sum of the sightings, but rather...a drop in the bucket. SCW


Arizona UFO video of glowing craft over ball game, Sept 14, 2011 video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 14, 2011
Location of sighting: Arizona

Another video of the UFO over Arizona, California and Nevada (and a few other states) was released. Check out this UFO as it fades in and out. The NSA is trying to spread rumors using the media (like that's new) that its a meteor. LOL, what a pathetic attempt to cover up this sighting. Have you ever seen a low flying meteor that fades in and out and flies horizontal to the ground over many states? I think not. Meteors have tails, much like the demon seed who spread rumors that its a meteorite.


NASA's Anomalies above the Moon - UFOs captured on film during the Apollo Program

This presentation is a simple compilation of some more anomalous photographs and 16mm DAC film footage that I have archived during my years of research and investigation looking into the activities of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

The images and footage shown here were taken during the Apollo program, filmed by the astronaut flight crews during their journeys to and from the Moon.

Most of what I show here involves "lunar transients" - unidentified objects in space that were captured on film as they transited in front of (or passed near) a celestrial body such as the Moon or Earth. I believe many of these objects are not on the lunar surface, but rather were above the lunar surface when captured on film.

I also include several examples of NASA image obfuscation as well, just to help highlight the fact that the space agency also removes anomalous objects from frame in order to "sanitize" scenes prior to official archive release so as to ensure they do not reveal too much of the truth about what is really up there.


UFO sighting in Orange, California May 16, 2010.

Event Date: 2010-05-16
Event Location: Orange, California, US

Event Description: "I was driving home northbound on the 55 freeway in the city of Orange, CA around 2 am.

As i passed the Collins overpass and before the Katella overpass, i noticed what looked like a satellite traveling west across the sky very slowely. I literally said "huh, a UFO! lol" and chuckled a bit as it crossed the sky slowely. A few seconds later it stopped then started slowely traveling east towards the hills of Orange/ Irvine. Suddenly, it stopped and took off like a shooting star, north (towards the Cajon Mountains) and faded away. A second after that, it came back bright blue, like really bright blue. as it reappeared, it seemed to be traveling towards me (south)slowely then started to travel east. As i passed the Collins overpass and started to exit onto Ketalla, the light had already traveled to my right hand/ passenger side. As it continued to move slowely i lost it over the freeway fence (becasue of the height of the fence). The last sight i saw was a bright blue light shaped like a fat bone traveling east over the fence.I exited off to ketalla and made my first right onto a residential street, but lost the light. Luckily i just so happend to have my camera next to me becasue i had taken it with me to the Angels/ Athletics game. I managed to snap two pictures but only one came out. I dont consider myself a skeptic, but seeing this object, which i strongly felt was a UFO, I stongly feel that UFOs exist. Seeing is believing. I have attached a photo of the object but it must be enhanced to truely see its form. The light is located in the left mid corner.Be sure to zoom in on the object to see what i saw that morning."

--Please check out my books at, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring

UFOs spotted in Alexandria, UK May 28, 2010.

UFOs spotted in Alexandria
May 28 2010 by Marc Mclean, Lennox Herald (main ed)
UFOs have been hovering in the skies above Alexandria, it has been claimed.
Artists illustration below:

Several similar sightings of a bright object have been made at night over the past few weeks.
Stunned sky watchers have been reporting unexplained visions on website uk-ufo, where thousands of people share their experiences.

Vale woman Margaret Russell told of her sighting at 10pm on Sunday, May 2.

She said: “My husband and I were out with the dog and saw an orange/red light quite low in the sky.

“It was very bright and slow moving at this point. We watched it thinking it was perhaps a plane or helicopter, but there was no noise of any kind from it.

“As we watched the light seemed to fade at first, but it rose in the sky at a great speed until we couldn’t see it anymore.
“We are sure this was not a Chinese lantern, it was far too deliberate in moving. Unfortunately we had nothing to take photos.”

Cardross man Archie Westwood saw the same coloured lights at the same time just two days later.
He said: “This is amazing! My wife and I saw two silent orange/red lights in the sky last night at about 10.15pm – and they were exactly as described by Margaret Russell.

“I too thought they were Chinese lanterns, but they did not stay together and they moved in different directions, going behind a cloud and then re-appearing.
“The incredible thing is that we live in Cardross, which is only four miles from where Margaret Russell saw them the night before last at almost exactly the same time.

“These lights, which were only a few thousand feet up in the air, were unlike anything either of us has seen in the sky in our lives.
“Unlike Margaret, I had time to grab my camera – however, I did not realise that the camera was on the video setting, so I was not able to zoom in on them.
“All I have is a short video. They are just two pin pricks of light, like stars.

“I strongly believe that these were not planes, satellites or contrails reflecting the sun. Their rapid movement in varying directions and ultimate disappearance convinced me that it could not have been any of these things.”


--Please check out my books at, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring

Cops investigate Northern Territory UFO sighting as possible invasion 5-27-2010.

Cops investigate NT UFO invasion.

May 27th, 2010

BELIEVER: Local UFO-ologist Alan Ferguson says the aliens could be coming.

A FULL-SCALE alien invasion of the Northern Territory has begun.

Astronomers and police say that the flares seen across a 360km-long stretch of the Top End coast were probably caused by a meteor shower.

But highly-qualified UFO-ologists said they believed the bright lights were space ships on a pre-attack scouting mission.

Darwin-based UFO expert Alan Ferguson said the flares were obviously aliens. "This all sounds like UFO activity," he said.

"Meteors usually just flash across the sky and leave a tail.

"But UFOs will stay in the same spot and wobble up and down and side to side. Fast movements.

"That's how they work."

Do you believe in UFOs? - leave your comment below

Mr Ferguson said UFOs, like Swedish backpackers and Canberra politicians, nearly always came to the Top End during the dry season.

"It may be just that there are less clouds and we can see better," he said. "Or it maybe that we're outside more during the Dry.

"Or maybe the UFOs are interested in our military activity. There are always more of them about during (Operation) Pitch Black."

Superintendent Bruce Porter said police received many calls about the flares at about 9pm on Tuesday.

Police feared a boat was in distress and launched a search. "We took this seriously, but the indications are that nobody is missing," they said.

Just last month the NT News reported on how one Territory town's invasion by UFOs had been recorded in the world's most famous museum for extraterrestrial life.

The tiny community of Marlinja came to a standstill in June 2008 when UFOs reportedly descended on the town. Now the event has been recorded at the International UFO Museum in Roswell.

Roswell in New Mexico is home to arguably the most famous UFO incident of all time.

On July 8, 1947, it was reported that US Army personnel had recovered a crashed flying disc from a ranch near Roswell.

Supt Porter believes the flares were probably a meteor shower.


--Please check out my books at, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring


10 UK UFO sighting reports this week, read them here.

Location of Sighting: Tamworth and Polesworth Staffs Date of Sighting: 23/05/2010 Time: 9pm Witness Name: Matgaret Hunt Witness Statement: We were sitting the conservatory when we noticed a bright light in the sky at first we thought it was a star but as it was still light we then decided that it my be a chinese lanten my [...]
Location of Sighting: Tamworth and Polesworth Staffs
Date of Sighting: 23/05/2010
Time: 9pm
Witness Name: Matgaret Hunt

Witness Statement: We were sitting the conservatory when we noticed a bright light in the sky at first we thought it was a star but as it was still light we then decided that it my be a chinese lanten my husband used his video camera to zoom in on the light we continued to film and watch the light for about two hours 9.00 -11pm we were amazed at what we filmed and wouid like to know what this may have been.
Location of Sighting: Kenilworth, Warwickshire
Date of Sighting: 22 May 2010
Time: 23:45
Witness Name: Steve Temple

Witness Statement: I was looking out of the rear window of the house, over a playing field. I saw three lights moving in formation from directly in front of me towards my left. The lights did not belong to one object as there was a degree of variation. I opened the window expecting to hear a noise but there was only traffic noise from the nearby A46.
Before they had left sight, two more lights appeared and followed the same trajectory.
The original three had passed and the two were on their way when a third one appeared and followed the same path.
I couldn’t trace them from the front of the house due to hindered visibility.
Location of Sighting: Trowbridge Wiltshire
Date of Sighting: 23/05/2010
Time: 11.00
Witness Name: Michelle Dunne

Witness Statement: Last night I was in my garden when I noticed 3 stars close to the moon. I did not think anything of it until I noticed 2 of them were moving in sync.
I watched for about 2 mins as the star like objects moved across the sky then slowly faded. I don’t think they were satellites as I have never seen 2 satellites moving together.
Location of Sighting: West Bromwich
Date of Sighting: 22/5/10
Time: strange lights
Witness Name: Paul

Witness Statement: I was outside working and the sun was shining not a cloud in the sky, looked up at a plane flying over and noticed 2 really bright lights behind the plane, one was moving just steady behind and the other was moving in a random way in many directions. I looked really hard to try and work out exactly what they were, but other than being bright and looking round i really couldnt work out what they were !! This was in nice bright daylight about midday id say, normally things like this are seen at dusk or night time, the thing that really freaked me out was. . i was wearing polorised sun glasses, and when i removed the glasses i couldnt see them, but the passenger plane was still in clear view !! Sounds unreal but its the truth. Also see the same light just on its own later in the day in a different place, but this time the bright light was stationary, all these lights just dissapeared without a trace. My friend at work today 24/5/10 said he had been lying on his table in his garden on the 23/5/10 in west bromwich and described exactly what i had see, just stationary though, the weird thing was he had no idea i had seen something the day before !! Can anyone through any thoughts on this please, have i seen a UFO ?
Location of Sighting: carshalton surrey
Date of Sighting: 23/05/10
Time: 2230
Witness Name: irene james

Witness Statement: i had been out with my partner his brother and girlfriend,as we walked along the road to his street we noticed this orange light in the sky, we watched it as it was nothing like a plane,it moved very quickly and stayed around for a while then just flew off higher and higher till we could nt see it any more.The guys went ahead of us, clare and i looked into the sky to see another light,this time very bright cream colour no orange,we shouted for the boys to come and see it but they did nt come,we were really excited now and was still shouting for them to come and see it,one of the neighbours was walking across the road but never acknowledge us or that we was looking in the sky at this light,as a rule anyone would of either looked up or at us,it was as if we was nt there,this light was closer and went down behind some trees,we went through the gate and the guys were just opening the front door,very strange as we felt we had been watching this light for a while,also when we said we had been shouting for them neither of them heard us,this really freaked us out as now we felt as if we had been in the twilight zone.
Location of Sighting: Portsmouth UK
Date of Sighting: 22/05/2010
Time: 22:50
Witness Name: David

Witness Statement: Seen from the centre of Portsea Island (Portsmouth) – Bright orange/green light towards the North East at inclination of about 50 degress. Initially moved rapidly from the East (Chichester Direction). Was stationary for a few minutes then rapidly accelerated away skyward.

The main light was orange/green. An illuminated shaft of light extend above the main light. The shaft of light extended about a third of the diameter of the main light. Above the shaft of light was an arc of light extending horizontally.
Location of Sighting: Carpenders Park
Date of Sighting: 24 May 2010
Time: 9pm
Witness Name: vanessa

Witness Statement: Have been watching a very bright glowing light in the sky. The neighbours and I have seen it sitting there before. Its 10 times brighter than a star and sits very still and not a plane or helicopter. It sat there and then at 10.18pm just faded away to nothing. The same thing happened a few nights ago. I saw it out of my patio window and it wasn’t very high above the trees. My patio faces North West. videoed it last week also and people in other side of Watford couldn’t see it so it was low. Last week also it faded away within a second, as if moving away, after burning brightly for at least 2 hrs.
Location of Sighting: Christchurch Dorset
Date of Sighting: 22nd May 2010
Time: 22:00 – 22:30 approx
Witness Name: Mr and Mrs Higgs

Witness Statement: Driving up to our house we saw a very bright orange light – at first we thought it may be a fireball – we watched it for a few minutes and it took a straight flight path over to the west , there was no discernable noise at it eventually faded out in the distance. Turning to go into the house we saw another following the same pattern and then a short time after a third, again the same. Finally we saw a fourth. These four bright orange lights were not Chinese lanterns as they were on the same trajectory, same speed and seemed the same distance/time apart. Our conclusion was that they could have been the after burners of a silent fleet of military aircraft but beyond that we have no explanation for what we observed.
Location of Sighting: A580 approximately 3 miles east of Leigh, Lancs
Date of Sighting: 22nd May 2010
Time: 9.40 p.m.
Witness Name: John

Witness Statement: Traveling along the A580 as a passenger in a car, I saw six or seven dark objects stacked on top of each other. I would say there was around 200ft of separation between them. The objects had a light source that seemed to be on the bottom of the objects. it was almost dark, so it was difficult to see fine detail. They were all moving westward. I can’t imagine they were powered micro lights flying in the dark at that time. I wonder if anyone else saw this.
Location of Sighting: Banbury, Oxfordshire Date of Sighting: 22/05/10 Time: 11.38pm Witness Name: Wil Mellis Witness Statement: I was in the garden with my mum and 3 other people and we all saw bright orange lights darting around the sky. There was no noise at all. It was moving around so quickly there is no way it could have [...]
Location of Sighting: Banbury, Oxfordshire
Date of Sighting: 22/05/10
Time: 11.38pm
Witness Name: Wil Mellis

Witness Statement: I was in the garden with my mum and 3 other people and we all saw bright orange lights darting around the sky. There was no noise at all. It was moving around so quickly there is no way it could have been a helicopter. It was going like the speed of a shooting star but then stopped abrubtly hovered over a house nearby, the colour seemed to drain from it but then went bright orange again and went back and forwards again really fast then flew off. We were all a bit spooked! My mum took a photo but she’s not here with me.

--Please check out my books at, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring

UFO sighting of orb caught in photo, May 24, 2010, CA.

Event Date: 2010-05-24 Event Location: Pacifica, CA, California, US Event Description: "A friend of mine snapped a UFO ORB unintentionally while...
Event Date: 2010-05-24
Event Location: Pacifica, CA, California, US

Event Description: "A friend of mine snapped a UFO ORB unintentionally while taking a photo from her cellphone of the ocean view near the city of Pacifica, CA. This happened around 1pm. She did not notice the object while taking the photo. She first noticed the glowing object AFTER viewing the photograph so she didn't see the object in motion. I was not with her at the time but she sent me the photo the next day after noticing the glowing orb in the sky. We thought maybe it was the moon but the moon didn't rise til around 3:30pm earliest and its definitely not the sun since its 1pm and she is taking the photo facing west. The sun was above her to the left at that time. She checked her windshielf to make sure there were no bright spots or any type of spot that could make that glowing object in the sky and that was ok as well. We don't think its a planet or star cause its not glittering but glowing.... Here are the photos: one is the original and the other is altered as I increased the saturation of the photo. The third photo is a cropped, up close photo with the saturation increased."

--Please check out my books at, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring

UFO Sighting Photo Over Cows Oak Wells, Arizona USA.

UFO Sighting Photo Over Cows Oak Wells, Arizona USA.

The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON.

MUFON Case No. 23401 : According to testimony "I was taking a photograph of a cow in the Arizona desert (Oak Wells, AZ). I did NOT see the UFO at the time, nor did my husband. Photo is time-stamped 11:51 AM. The UFO does not appear in the photos immediately before or after (as it would have had it been an airplane). I only noticed the UFO after I got home and downloaded the photographs to my computer."

--Please check out my books at, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring

UFO sighting of triangle over California in photo.

Event Date: 2010-05-13
Event Location: Leggett, California, US

Event Description: "I and my niece had been watching strange looking objects when we noticed one of them flying in our direction I decided to shine my laser light not at it but fairly close to it then it slowed down flew closer to us and then stopped. I somehow lost sight of it after shining the laser but my niece whom was behind me was able to snap a picture of a V shaped object. I did not realize that she had this picture until recently."

Credit to the anonymous submitter, MUFON

--Please check out my books at, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring