Location of Sighting: Tamworth and Polesworth Staffs Date of Sighting: 23/05/2010 Time: 9pm Witness Name: Matgaret Hunt Witness Statement: We were sitting the conservatory when we noticed a bright light in the sky at first we thought it was a star but as it was still light we then decided that it my be a chinese lanten my [...]
Location of Sighting: Tamworth and Polesworth Staffs
Date of Sighting: 23/05/2010
Time: 9pm
Witness Name: Matgaret Hunt
Witness Statement: We were sitting the conservatory when we noticed a bright light in the sky at first we thought it was a star but as it was still light we then decided that it my be a chinese lanten my husband used his video camera to zoom in on the light we continued to film and watch the light for about two hours 9.00 -11pm we were amazed at what we filmed and wouid like to know what this may have been.
Location of Sighting: Kenilworth, Warwickshire
Date of Sighting: 22 May 2010
Time: 23:45
Witness Name: Steve Temple
Witness Statement: I was looking out of the rear window of the house, over a playing field. I saw three lights moving in formation from directly in front of me towards my left. The lights did not belong to one object as there was a degree of variation. I opened the window expecting to hear a noise but there was only traffic noise from the nearby A46.
Before they had left sight, two more lights appeared and followed the same trajectory.
The original three had passed and the two were on their way when a third one appeared and followed the same path.
I couldn’t trace them from the front of the house due to hindered visibility.
Location of Sighting: Trowbridge Wiltshire
Date of Sighting: 23/05/2010
Time: 11.00
Witness Name: Michelle Dunne
Witness Statement: Last night I was in my garden when I noticed 3 stars close to the moon. I did not think anything of it until I noticed 2 of them were moving in sync.
I watched for about 2 mins as the star like objects moved across the sky then slowly faded. I don’t think they were satellites as I have never seen 2 satellites moving together.
Location of Sighting: West Bromwich
Date of Sighting: 22/5/10
Time: strange lights
Witness Name: Paul
Witness Statement: I was outside working and the sun was shining not a cloud in the sky, looked up at a plane flying over and noticed 2 really bright lights behind the plane, one was moving just steady behind and the other was moving in a random way in many directions. I looked really hard to try and work out exactly what they were, but other than being bright and looking round i really couldnt work out what they were !! This was in nice bright daylight about midday id say, normally things like this are seen at dusk or night time, the thing that really freaked me out was. . i was wearing polorised sun glasses, and when i removed the glasses i couldnt see them, but the passenger plane was still in clear view !! Sounds unreal but its the truth. Also see the same light just on its own later in the day in a different place, but this time the bright light was stationary, all these lights just dissapeared without a trace. My friend at work today 24/5/10 said he had been lying on his table in his garden on the 23/5/10 in west bromwich and described exactly what i had see, just stationary though, the weird thing was he had no idea i had seen something the day before !! Can anyone through any thoughts on this please, have i seen a UFO ?
Location of Sighting: carshalton surrey
Date of Sighting: 23/05/10
Time: 2230
Witness Name: irene james
Witness Statement: i had been out with my partner his brother and girlfriend,as we walked along the road to his street we noticed this orange light in the sky, we watched it as it was nothing like a plane,it moved very quickly and stayed around for a while then just flew off higher and higher till we could nt see it any more.The guys went ahead of us, clare and i looked into the sky to see another light,this time very bright cream colour no orange,we shouted for the boys to come and see it but they did nt come,we were really excited now and was still shouting for them to come and see it,one of the neighbours was walking across the road but never acknowledge us or that we was looking in the sky at this light,as a rule anyone would of either looked up or at us,it was as if we was nt there,this light was closer and went down behind some trees,we went through the gate and the guys were just opening the front door,very strange as we felt we had been watching this light for a while,also when we said we had been shouting for them neither of them heard us,this really freaked us out as now we felt as if we had been in the twilight zone.
Location of Sighting: Portsmouth UK
Date of Sighting: 22/05/2010
Time: 22:50
Witness Name: David
Witness Statement: Seen from the centre of Portsea Island (Portsmouth) – Bright orange/green light towards the North East at inclination of about 50 degress. Initially moved rapidly from the East (Chichester Direction). Was stationary for a few minutes then rapidly accelerated away skyward.
The main light was orange/green. An illuminated shaft of light extend above the main light. The shaft of light extended about a third of the diameter of the main light. Above the shaft of light was an arc of light extending horizontally.
Location of Sighting: Carpenders Park
Date of Sighting: 24 May 2010
Time: 9pm
Witness Name: vanessa
Witness Statement: Have been watching a very bright glowing light in the sky. The neighbours and I have seen it sitting there before. Its 10 times brighter than a star and sits very still and not a plane or helicopter. It sat there and then at 10.18pm just faded away to nothing. The same thing happened a few nights ago. I saw it out of my patio window and it wasn’t very high above the trees. My patio faces North West. videoed it last week also and people in other side of Watford couldn’t see it so it was low. Last week also it faded away within a second, as if moving away, after burning brightly for at least 2 hrs.
Location of Sighting: Christchurch Dorset
Date of Sighting: 22nd May 2010
Time: 22:00 – 22:30 approx
Witness Name: Mr and Mrs Higgs
Witness Statement: Driving up to our house we saw a very bright orange light – at first we thought it may be a fireball – we watched it for a few minutes and it took a straight flight path over to the west , there was no discernable noise at it eventually faded out in the distance. Turning to go into the house we saw another following the same pattern and then a short time after a third, again the same. Finally we saw a fourth. These four bright orange lights were not Chinese lanterns as they were on the same trajectory, same speed and seemed the same distance/time apart. Our conclusion was that they could have been the after burners of a silent fleet of military aircraft but beyond that we have no explanation for what we observed.
Location of Sighting: A580 approximately 3 miles east of Leigh, Lancs
Date of Sighting: 22nd May 2010
Time: 9.40 p.m.
Witness Name: John
Witness Statement: Traveling along the A580 as a passenger in a car, I saw six or seven dark objects stacked on top of each other. I would say there was around 200ft of separation between them. The objects had a light source that seemed to be on the bottom of the objects. it was almost dark, so it was difficult to see fine detail. They were all moving westward. I can’t imagine they were powered micro lights flying in the dark at that time. I wonder if anyone else saw this.
Location of Sighting: Banbury, Oxfordshire Date of Sighting: 22/05/10 Time: 11.38pm Witness Name: Wil Mellis Witness Statement: I was in the garden with my mum and 3 other people and we all saw bright orange lights darting around the sky. There was no noise at all. It was moving around so quickly there is no way it could have [...]
Location of Sighting: Banbury, Oxfordshire
Date of Sighting: 22/05/10
Time: 11.38pm
Witness Name: Wil Mellis
Witness Statement: I was in the garden with my mum and 3 other people and we all saw bright orange lights darting around the sky. There was no noise at all. It was moving around so quickly there is no way it could have been a helicopter. It was going like the speed of a shooting star but then stopped abrubtly hovered over a house nearby, the colour seemed to drain from it but then went bright orange again and went back and forwards again really fast then flew off. We were all a bit spooked! My mum took a photo but she’s not here with me.

--Please check out my books at www.amazon.com, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring