Showing posts with label angels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label angels. Show all posts


Giant Angel Entity Exists Sun On NASA Camera! UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Feb 9, 2023 
Source of sighting: NASA/SOHO website

I was checking out the NASA SOHO video of our sun and found this, a giant angelic figure exiting our sun. The figure is about 50X the diameter of Earth. I made some screenshots at the beginning to show you the detail side by side. It seems to me something this big, if intelligent is some kind of god or a very ancient alien species that existed ten or more billion years ago and the beginning of our universe. Mind-blowing is an understatement here. I'm at a loss for words. I have always believed that intelligent life could exist in infinite sizes both big and small, this is 100% proof of that. Please help me get more subscribers by sharing this video. I hope it inspires you as much as it inspired me. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


I Found A Face Looking At Taiwan On Weather Map, May 19, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 19, 2022
Location of discovery: Taiwan

Hey all I was looking at a weather map for anomalies and found a big one. I found a face, a human-like angelic face looking down at Taiwan as if assuring it that Taiwan is being looked after by angelic beings. Now last month we had 50 confirmed covid cases per day, today we had 90,000 confirmed cases. Also the threat of China taking over Taiwan is a daily threat over here. But the face, has a look of confidence and happiness as if everything is being dealt with by them. Angels or aliens...its clear that they are a far superior species who are very large, but care about little us. Also did you notice how the air is being exhaled out of the nose of the person and spread across Taiwan? A cleansing, to rid us of covid.

Sure feels good to get a sign from them.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Angelic UFO 3X Bigger Than Earth Heads To Our Sun, June 20, 2020, NASA Photo, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 20, 2020 10:12
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

I was looking at the SOHO sun photo that they took today and noticed the winged angelic UFO is back again. It comes and goes several times a week, but we have two amazing photos of it here, usually I have only one. In one of the photos, the UFO is turning so we get to see the wings at an angle. Many have told me the wings remind them of a giant angel being. Well, wings are certainly not necessary for a space craft and it has to be more for actual interior room and outer ascetic beauty. The aliens seem to be harvesting a rare particle from our sun and taking to their own world far away. As you see from the two photos, the UFO is several times larger than earth itself. 

100% proof that aliens are visiting our sun on a regular basis. 
Scott C. Waring 


Angelic UFO Exiting Our Sun During Solar Explosion, June 2019, UFO Sighting News. Video

I found this angelic UFO exiting our sun this week. The UFO came out right after a giant explosion happened. The UFO itself is huge compared to our sun. The angelic UFO is close to the size of Jupiter. This has to be one of the largest UFOs ever recorded exiting our sun. It moves really fast, because just a few minutes later, the photo of the same area shows it no longer there. Nothing that big could move that fast unless it has the ability to travel at light speed. Thats my friends, is an alien craft. 

Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Black Alien Structure On Moon Inspired By A Turtle, April 1, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 1, 2019
Location of sighting: Earths moon
Source NASA photo:

I found this black structure on Earths moon today in a NASA lunar photo. The photo is dated 1965 and was one of the earlier scout craft to survey the moons surface. This building is a simplistic design. Just six large black domes. On main, one medium size front and four small. The design seems to have been inspired by a turtle, because thats what it looks like. 

As I have said before in other posts over the years, there are three dominate types of buildings found out there. 
1. Non reflective black structures...most commonly found and easily blend into the shadows and get ignored. 
2. White highly reflective structures. These are nearly impossible to get a decent focused photo, but can still be identified with only about 60% of the structure visible while the other 40% is bright spot and unidentifiable reflection. 
3. Grey metallic structures. Most often these are smaller than the above structures and are most commonly seen around the edges of the black structures. How small? Usually about 3% the size of the black structures they sit near. Oh, and often found in nebulas.

Other structures I have found. 
4. I found many transparent glass like structures, but so reflective difficult to get focused close up. Several were pyramids, not published. 
5. I found a 24K gold ship, shaped like a wide coffin and had 4-6 deep grooves cut from front to back. I believe it was a ship not a structure. Never did publish it. Lots of things I find, I just keep to myself. I do this to learn, to teach myself whats out there. And I make posts to share some of them. 

Scott C. Waring-Taiwan 


Alien Base In Moon Crater That NASA Doesn't Want You To See! March 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: 2014 by me, but revisiting today, since many discoveries have been deleted over the years by NASA. 
Source photo:

Now I wanted to check an old discovery of mine back from 2013-14 to see if it was still there. You see, NASA has deleted about 50% of my discoveries from their archives. Google Map has deleted about 80% of my discoveries from their maps. So I try hard to keep up and keep the public aware.

This is really an incredible structure. The round dome is the main part, but there are three other connecting structures that just make this one of the most important pieces of evidence to date. 

You may have seen others reporting this long ago, they got it from me. I do share my info freely. Only by sharing wholeheartedly can the UFO community unite and grow. Feel free to use my videos on your own channel. I do not have Adsense on my Youtube or my UFO Sightings Daily site. I probably would've made hundreds of thousands of US dollars by now, but I would have been manipulated by money instead of passion. I have seen others doing it only for the money, reporting fake sightings, even making their own sightings and videos. Money creates power and power corrupts. That I cannot have. Knowledge is true power...and meant to be free for all. 
Scott C. Waring


Ancient Alien Face Found On Mars Hilltop, March 27, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 17, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA Source:

I have to say this is one of the most amazing discoveries I have ever made. This face above shows a crown, face, cloak over shoulders and chest of the person. This sculpture was placed on a hill in a way that it can overlook a large area of Mars. The face above is about 1.5 meters tall. There may actually be more of the sculpture buried below the dirt, much like the Easter Island statues also had full bodies, but the bodies were buried below the dirt so only the heads were visible. There was also a lot of other objects like pipes, giant sculpture skull, and a fallen over alien statue. 

So ask yourself, why hasn't NASA reported these objects which are in the NASA archives? To over look such important discoveries is beyond incompetent. NASAs lack of effort and lack of information about these alien artifacts is proof that they are not doing their jobs. I can't help but wonder why people still trust NASA when they have lied to the public for over five decades? I do know that outside of the USA, other countries like Taiwan has lost trust in NASA a lot...around a 50-60% drop since the fake moon landing evidence came out. 

Perhaps the public should create their own company to investigate alien life. The time has come to share all information with the public. 
Scott C. Waring


Mind Blowing Structures On Earths Moon In NASA Photo, March 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 25, 2019
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source NASA photo:

Sure some of you have heard about my discovery of the Yoda face on Earths moon a few years ago, (Click here to see Yoda post) but did you know there is so much more there? Its true, but to see the structures there, you must follow my instructions below. 

1. Go to URL and lift photo from site to desktop. 
2. Open photo on desktop. 
3. Goto tools bar at top (IOS mac). Then hit size. 
4. Change size, enlarge until photo is 10MB. Then close photo. 
5. Now Open photo in any photo program and add contrast like its going out of style...that means a lot. 
6. Now save photo and start searching it for structures, you will have to use zoom and have to look carefully. 

You need to do this because NASA added too much light to the photo on purpose in order to cause many of the ares of the photo to appear as white/grey and unclear. Thus bring it back into the proper light and focus creates the original photo as it was first taken. 

You will notice that the aliens built the structures square partitions. Much like remaking a house and moving the parts to the location to create it. This may be proof that the structures were created somewhere else, then brought to the moon to put together. 

Do not do this if you are sensitive. It might be overwhelming to suddenly go from believing to knowing. I do not mean to frighten anyone, but only to bring the truth to light. I actually found this several weeks ago, but hesitated till now to publish it. I was worried some people may panic. The biggest fear is not aliens attacking earth, its that they exist when science says they should not. It causes the person to call into question everything they ever learned in school, church, TV, from friends...and how aliens must have already influenced the direction humanity is currently traveling without anyone ever knowing. Its a bit deep of a plunge, but it must be taken. I did, I remember that day well. Thats why I never say I believe in sounds like I have doubt, but I don't. I know they exist. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


UFOs Over Moons Surface Flying Side By Side, March 17, 2019. Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 17, 2019
Location of sighting: Earths moon
Source: MUFON #99274

A person in Edirne, Turkey was observing the moon through a telescope and was lucky enough to catch a great shot of not one, but two UFOs flying low over the moons surface. Yes I said that right. This object is actually two UFOs flying side by side, like a military wingman for USAF fighter jets. 

Both objects are diamond shaped, yet one is twice the size of the other. If these were meteors, they would be leaving a trail of debris behind them, and there is no way they would be perfect diamond flying side by side. These are alien craft flying over our moon!

Now, I wonder...if the eyewitness caught this while observing for a half hour...then how often does this occur on our moon daily? Well, if you say 24 hours in a day, and divide it by 30 minutes, we get 48. Thats a lot on only the side that we can see. I imagine its much more on the side we cannot see. This is 100% proof that aliens are actively using our moon not just as a base, but as a home.
Scott C. Waring


Planet Nibiru Seen Near Earths Sun, 15X The Size Of Earth, March 19, 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 17, 2019
Location of discovery: Earths sun
Source: SOHO/NASA images

A giant alien ship visited our sun today. The ship is close to ten to 15 times the size of earth, so you can bet that the US government and NASA knows about it already, but there is no way in hell they would ever alert the public. They want to keep the fear level down so they can control the publics behavior easier. 

I believe that this giant space craft is the legendary planet X, also known by the ancients as Nibiru. Its a planet size space craft that orbits our solar system making an appearance only when it wants and where it wants. Legend has it that it flies in an orbit that passes Earth every 15,000 to 20,000 years. During that time they are suppose to gather data about the evolution of humans and all creatures on Earth, analysts the data and....make minor changes in DNA of creatures, even going so far as to cause extinction on a global scale...yes I mean the dinosaurs. 

So the real question is why are they near our sun unless the sun is truly hollow as I have stated before. I am surprised that solar observatories around the globe have not announced anything about this, but mind you, 99% of those observatories receive money from NASA to do their research and therefore must go through NASA before releasing any findings found.
Scott C. Waring

 The above and below photos show the UFO enlarged and added color to make it easier to see. It is not perfectly round at all and has zero resemblance to an actual planet. I would call this 100% an alien craft. 


What If Elon Musk Salvaged The 10 Mile Long UFO on Earths Moon In Waterman Crater? UFO Sighting News.

NASA photo:
Old Post of my discovery in 2011:

I Tweeted Elon Musk and was surprised at all the retweets people gave it. Apparently there are a lot of people who think its a good idea for Musk to look into. 

I felt like maybe I should let Elon Musk know about on of the 10 mile long aliens ships that I found. This particular craft is in Waterman Crater on Earths moon. I thought that if I let him know that such a high tech ship with a length of about 10-11 miles long existed, that perhaps he may take an interest in salvaging it. Humanity needs to travel out of our solar system to colonize on other worlds and this craft may still be working. What I mean by working is that you know how a phone gets outdated in a few years, so you toss aside the old one? Well this may only have been replaced with a newer model. Think about how many people a 10 mile ship could accommodate on it. It  would be enough to begin new colonies on other distant planets. 

One person said Elon should salvage it and slap on a Tesla Logo on its I made a photo of such a craft below for inspiration. LOL, what if Tesla did salvage the ship? Imagine how it would change our whole planet. 
Scott C. Waring


Streetcap1, AKA George Graham UFO researchers 1st and last ever interview on Russia TV Found, UFO Sighting News.

I was sent this video clip by a Russian UFO research this week. In it is the long lost interview of UFO researcher George Graham AKA Streetcap1. He died suddenly a few months after doing this interview with RT News. He was very proud of doing this TV interview and I'm sure he would like it to be shared with the world. 

Streetcap1 first came to be famous when I published his videos and discoveries on my UFO Sightings Daily site several years ago. Since then, he has become a legend in the area. 

I can't help but think that I did warn him not to invite the RT News agency into his home. He didn't listen, and a few months later...he died suddenly. Here is the link to our chat.

So, here below is his interview video. 
This for you Streetcap1, RIP.
Scott C. Waring


Two Mile Alien Structure Found On Earths Moon, March 2019, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 13, 2019
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source photo:

I found this alien structure near the edge of crater in an old NASA photo today. The structure looks like an oval sphere with two thick arms coming out of it. It also appears to have a few antennas or thin structures coming out of its top center. The shininess indicates it is absolutely a metallic surface. 

The NASA photo loads slowly, its 21MB in size, so give it a few minutes to load. 

The main question on most peoples minds is probably how big is it? Thats a bit tough, but I would estimate to be close to 1.5-3 miles across. How can they hide such a large object? Come on guys, its NASA, we only see photos that NASA or other organizations who are secretly controlled by NASA (ESA & JAXA & world wide network of telescopes funded by...who else...NASA). So we only know and trust what NASA says. It mental manipulation. We only know what they tell us, what they teach us, what they chose to tell us about. But have you ever asked yourself...what does NASA chose to not tell us about?
Scott C. Waring