Showing posts with label mayan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mayan. Show all posts


Buildings Found On Saturn Moon Enceladus, March 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 9, 2017
Location of sighting: Enceladus, Saturn moon
Source NASA photo:

 This is Enceladus, the sixth largest moon of saturn at 500 km across. The surface is mostly structures, its just difficult to make them out. This is a really big photo and 75% of it has been blurred out. But again, I found a few structures that really stood out. One was a face with a crown, two eyes, nose, mouth and chin. the other is more difficult to describe. It looks like a space ship turned side ways. There is much more in the main photo above still to be found, but this is proof that the entire surface is so covered with structures that it is most likely not a moon at all, but a round space station. 
Scott C. Waring


White Alien Base Found On Planet Mercury, March 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 8, 2017
Location of discovery: Mercury
Source NASA photo:

I found this white alien base on the planet Mercury in NASA photos today. Its oval in shape and raised up several hundred meters high. On its top are several more dark buildings. Also below in one crater was a dark black long structures. The full photo is at the bottom of this post. The crater is about 10 miles across, making this one very large structure. Just something NASA doesn't want you to know. 
Scott C. Waring

Mothership 3X The Size Of Earth Rises From Within Our Sun, March 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 8, 2017, but taken 12-14-2016
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Source photo:

I just found this mothership rising out of our sun. I thought it was recent, but the NASA site says its from Dec 2016. This ship is covered in the suns boiling surface and thats why I assume its rising from below the surface. The lines one the craft show that this UFO is more than 3X the length of earth. Thats big. It looks like a submarine rising up out of volcanic lava. Absolutely amazing. 
Scott C. Waring

Levitating Ball Still In NASA Photo, Update, March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 2015
Source photo:

I had to revisit this hovering orb, because I really thought that NASA would have deleted it by now, but its still there. I just checked it today and its still on the hillside. I have to admit I am a bit surprised that its still there. NASA has deleted some discoveries that I have posted in the past. 

The original NASA photo is in False Color, so I put it into original color again. I don't know why NASA puts a false color filter (red) over many photos, but perhaps its to hide the fact that Mars is very similar to places on Earth. 
Scott C. Waring

Is Keanu Reeves A Time Traveler From The Future? March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: February 2017

Time travel. Its possible that some famous people in history may be aliens that are living on Earth. Take Keanu Reeves for instance. Many paintings and old photos dating back 500 years or more have been found with similarities to him in ways that could be seen as evidence to time traveling. 

But is it time travel, or is it one person living for hundreds or thousands of years? If aliens walk among us, then you can bet that they live thousands of years or more with their advanced technology. Aliens living here would have to pretend to live many different lives, changing their identities and making a news start each time. Time travelers exist, don't get me wrong, but I believe most are just aliens that decided to live among us, using their technology or time travel to gain financial comfort.
Scott C. Waring


Glowing UFO Enters And Exits Volcano In Mexico On Video, March 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 6, 2017
Location of sighting: Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico

This UFO was caught by Martes Salas of Youtube yesterday. It shows a cigar shaped glowing UFO moving into the mouth of the volcano, then when it should come doesn't. Instead there is a delay of a few seconds before it emerges from the side of the volcano. Its a proven fact (from video evidence on Youtube) that there is a UFO base below this volcano about 4-5km below the surface. Even the locals have witnessed 3 meter beings with long hair and sharp claw coming out of each heal climbing the mountains 10X faster than expert mountain climbers. 
Scott C. Waring


2 Mile Tower Found On Ceres In Latest NASA Photo, March 5, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 5, 2017
Location of discovery: Ceres
Source photo:

NASA released a new photo of Ceres yesterday and they did so very quietly. I looked over the photo and found that it had over 65% of the surface blurred out! That still left 35% which is more than I need to find structures, but its really irritating. What it also means is that over 65% of Ceres has structures on it! Thats a lot of evidence NASA is trying to cover up. 

The main structure I found was a very tall tower thats over 2 miles tall. Its very close to the famous white spot on Ceres as you see in the below photos. 

Also I found a few other structures of interest, on of them in the center of a crater and looks a lot like the tall tower above, but its short and wider. 

I also noticed that NASA has used photoshop on the white spot in the crater, because now its an entirely different shape. Its U shaped. Before it was pyramid shape. And yet, NASA doesn't talk about that incredible change either.
Scott C. Waring



Shapeshifting Alien Orb Caught Near Window On Security Camera, Australia, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 1, 2017
Location of sighting: Geelong, Australia

This orb was caught for one reason only, and thats because it was visiting and got caught on a infrared security camera. Infrared can catch anything that is cloaked, and that is why so many military planes and helicopter have it. Here the orb was coming from over the house, slowing down as it passed the window. It was watching. This looks like an entity itself that can change forms when it wants. A changling if you will, but it prefers to move about as an orb to stay invisible. It can take human form if it wishes. This I learned from data about orbs at the ECETI ranch. (click here to visit).
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
This was filmed in Geelong, Australia in our back yard thoughts??

Living Rocks Found Evenly Spaced Apart On Mars In Many Places, March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 1, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars

I have been observing this phenomenon for several months now and am glad Streetcap1 noticed it too. These soft rounded shell like black objects are seen in different places. Often a few near each other, but always evenly spaced apart. Now there can only be two logical reasons for such space. One I like, and one I don't. First, these were moved by some kind of lifeforms, intelligent or not, but its also possible that they move themselves...a living rock that chews at the surface of the soil to make its body, and absorbed the heat of the sun to make more food like a plant. The second thought is that NASA has made a stage set area and set up the area with evenly spaced rocks in the area. You choose which is real, I choose to believe the first is due to the data of the yellow living stones that were removed from the ship in Delporte crater during Apollo 20 mission...they were rocks that bleed liquid. Maybe a medicine of some sort. 

Below the video I will place some photos from two I found just not to show you. This one below was examined close by the Curiosity rover just this week. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states:
If these are some sort of fossils, I would not be surprised. Even some scientists think Mars once had life. Notice on a couple of shots they are sitting in a group or semi-circle quite evenly spaced apart. This immediately caught my eye because of the unusual look. Streetcap1.

 The rock above was in a different Mars photo from the one below, the two below are from the same photo. 



UFO Over Tasmania Confuses Locals And Gov, Feb 28, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 28, 2017
Location of sighting: Tasmania
News source:

This UFO was spotted yesterday over Tasmania and shows signs of being a UFO thats trying to hide itself by disguising itself as a meteor, but meteors move faster and this was moving slowly. Lots of UFOs have been seen over the Australian outback, where many alien bases are thought to exist. In the end, no one really knows what it is or where it came from, or where it went. The chance of this being a plane...thats zero percent. I worked on B1 and B2 in the USAF...this is not a plane. This is 100% proof that UFOs exist. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
The federal government's air navigation services provider Airservices Australia confirmed the object captured on hundreds of mobile phones and cameras across southern Tasmania early on Tuesday morning was nothing more than an aircraft "as it passed over Australian airspace". But that assertion did not stop members of the public drawing their own conclusions and disparaging naysayers for their lack of faith. Striking footage of the object filmed by Sorell resident Lee-Anne Peters caused a frenzy as Facebook users speculated on what it could be, with the International Space Station, meteorites, plane contrails, fairies and, of course, spacecraft from another galaxy among the mix of possibilities. "It was very slow moving, not like the high jets I've seen before. I got out the binoculars and thought it must be a meteorite," Ms Peters said. "I was sure it was something burning up from space … but now, I am sure it was just a plane with the sunrise highlighting its contrails," she said. Despite Ms Peter's verdict, many Facebook users were quick to disagree — with some rejoicing in what the close encounter might mean. "No longer will the population outcast you for believing in aliens," one Facebook user posted. (More at source).

Video deleted by source. 


Alien Ship Hovering Over Nellis Air Force Base On Feb 19, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 19, 2017
Location of sighting: Nellis AFB, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Here is a great sighting that took place just a few days ago in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was over Nellis AFB which has over 1,000 square miles of land...which people never question why they need so much land. Its because the Tall Whites moved in. The USAF let the Tall Whites build their own underground base behind the old firing range. An alien race thats lives up to 800 years and is highly arrogant and aggressive. Excellent video by Steven Barone of Youtube. 

Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of February 19, 2017. If you haven't heard of the USA space fleet I highly suggest you look up "Solar Warden" or "Gary McKinnon." He was the Scottish hacker that penetrated the computers at NASA and the Johnson Space Center. He wasn't trying to do any harm but wanted to know more about UFOs and what the USA knew about them. What he found far exceeded anything he was expecting. He found evidence od a secret space fleet that had been in existence since the 1980's. It is said that the USA has at least eight tubular motherships and nearly fifty smaller ones. What really blew him away was a list of non-terrestrial officers and ship to ship transfers. If you believe this then you have to ask where this secret space fleet is based. Where better than Area 51 and Nellis Air Force Base. This is just a theory of mine and I cannot prove it but based on everything I have seen and filmed over a nearly three-year period it is the only thing that makes sense.


Crab Found On Mars Near NASA Rover In Newest Photos From Mars, Feb 2017, UFO Sighting Daily News.

Date of discovery: Friday 17, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1604
Source NASA photo:

I found this in the newest batch of Curiosity Rover photos from Mars today. In one of the rover photos there was a crab creature that was looking toward the rover. Its two long claw extended out and raised above the surface. Crabs are known to be strong creatures that can survive in the harshest of environments. Such a creature was once seen near the Russian Mars probe that landed, took a few photos, then died. In it was a crab like creature on 4-6 long legs.
Scott C. Waring


Tiny AI Alien Drone Shoots Past NASA Sun Satellite, Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Wow, this little bugger flew right past the SOHO/NASA imaging satellite this week and while it was doing it, it curved, which is impossible for meteors or asteroids to accomplish. 

Found by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube, this video shows us the exact shape and the incredible speed that these UFO use out in space. It is my opinion that his UFO was much closer to the satellite and not really 10X the size of earth...which the video shows. I and Streetcap1 have both seen a lot of rainbow neon color UFOs that are this shape that shoot around the space station cam when the station is in the dark side. Could they be tiny alien drones sent out into space by the millions to scatter and record data? Or...and it would be so cool if this was it...are these live biological life forms? From the speed and shape, I would have to go with tiny alien drones that have advanced AI. How tiny? About half a meter or less. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO During Sunset Over Normandy, France On Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 11, 2017
Location of sighting: Normandy, France

A UFO over France was seen with flashing lights and semi transparent as onlookers were baffled at what they were seeing. The eyewitness said he recorded on his cell phone as long as he could, but then his phone suddenly died. 

Such UFO lights have been seen before about 20 years ago from a mountain in Taiwan. Many people visiting a temple on the mountain witnessed the UFOs form one by one, as if they were flying in military formation. I will place the video below for you to compare. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan



Wing Sculpture And Stone Tablet Found On Mars, Feb 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: February 2017
Location of discovery: Mars

This alien artifact was found by a UFO researcher in France named Christian Mace. He has found a very bizarre and interesting alien sculpture on Mars. The object above looks to be one wing of a statue that has fallen over. You see on its far right it has a flat base, and on its side its has lines engraved. It seems this is a statue. Also there is another similar material (defined by color and carving) just a little ways below the wing. The second object looks to be a carved stone tablet. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien Craft Seen Buzzing Building Tops Over Bangalore, India On Jan 25, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 25, 2017
Location of sighting: Bangalore, India

In this video we see an unidentified flying object moving across the sky from one side of town to the other in just a few moments. Its silent and smooth movement is incredible, but its design...two disks one above another that is really baffling to me. I have never seen a UFO like this before...its really got me scratching my head about this one. 

This video blew me away when I saw the craft pass behind the buildings. What this tells me is that the UFO was huge! I am talking city bus size and it passed extremely close to these buildings. No jet engine heard, no propellers or wings detected and from the looks of it, no one on the ground seemed to have any idea what the heck this could be other than an alien craft. 
Scott C. Waring

Astronaut Sees Glowing Lighting UFO From Space Station, Feb 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 2017
Location of sighting: Seen From Space Station

This blue light was seen from the space station this week and the photo was taken by a Danish astronaut to study weather phenomenon. This one looks extremely high up and close to the space station. Its a well known fact that UFOs are frequently seen around lightening storms, and its very possible that UFOs are at the heart of this one. The UFOs recharge from it, feed off of it and then get sudden bursts of incredible energy a child getting a sugar rush. Such things have been recorded many times in the past, once on CNN, but that video was deleted for some unknown reason. I want to include the video, but I cannot find much on Youtube, because so many fakes have been uploaded to the site that 70% of all UFO videos are now CGI and the other 30% seem buried for some unknown reason. Perhaps a NSA/CIA trick to hide the truth from the public. 
Scott C. Waring


Security Cam Footage, UFO Hovers On Road As Person Watches Just Meters Away, Jan 5, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 5, 2017
Location of sighting: Mexico

This ghostly object came down and wanted to stroll the streets of Mexico, accidentally getting caught on security cam. The object has a shape that looks like a number 4 from its shadow. Is it alien? Very possible. The object hovers, not landing or touching the road at all. Had this been a balloon, it would have scraped the surface of the road or been blown around, but its not. Its just sitting there, waiting to see the response of the person. I really wish the person had walked over and touched the UFO so we could see what would happen. Amazing and lucky video from Mexico from Ovnis Actuales of Youtube. 
Scott C. Waring