Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts


Alien Secret Service Agent Revealed At 2013 AIPAC Conference, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Feb 6, 2013
Location of sighting: Conference at Washington Convention Center
Source News video:

Aliens among us. Many of us have heard stories about abductions and even about many species of aliens that live among us. Some look like us with human form, others don't and they must use their technology to disguise themselves as one of us. Most aliens work in influential positions, but some prefer to work in the tech area thinking that it would be the best way to improve humanity...through technology. 

Here we see President Obama giving a speech from last year at the Washington Convention Center. As the TV camera pans across the crowd we see several Secret Service agents keeping of which looks to be an alien that many are calling a reptilian species. 

Digital cameras are known to see more than the human eye and can also reach far beyond into other spectrums of light allowing the camera to see the true image. For instance an infrared lens on a Sony camcorder allows you to see invisible orbs or UFOs very clearly in the sky during the day, but you will almost never see these objects with your eyes. Perhaps this is what happened to the alien working as a Secret Service agent for Obama. 

It really does make sense. Place an alien close to Obama at all times in order to help protect him and to manipulate his thoughts and actions through telepathy. The US Presidents...may just a puppets. SCW

Alien Secret Service Agent at AIPAC Conference Sparks Controversy: An Analysis and Historical Comparisons


On March 4, 2013, during the AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) Conference held at the Washington Convention Center, an unusual figure seen among President Obama's Secret Service detail sparked a wave of speculation and debate. As television cameras scanned the room, one agent caught the eye of viewers due to his distinctly odd appearance. His elongated, bald head and rigid demeanor led some to speculate that he might not be human, but rather an extraterrestrial being, possibly from the elusive reptilian species, using advanced technology to disguise itself as a Secret Service agent. This sighting has since become a focal point for discussions about the presence of aliens among us, particularly those occupying influential positions. In this article, we will dissect the details of this sighting, explore the various theories surrounding it, and compare it with other notable cases of alleged extraterrestrial infiltration.

The AIPAC Conference Incident: A Detailed Account

The AIPAC Conference is one of the most significant political events in the United States, attracting politicians, diplomats, and influential figures from around the world. In 2013, President Obama’s speech was being broadcast live, and as cameras panned across the audience, they briefly focused on a man standing among the Secret Service agents. This individual had a peculiar appearance: his head was smooth and bald, and his facial features were strikingly atypical, giving him an almost non-human look. His movements were described as stiff and deliberate, and his vigilant scanning of the room seemed more intense than that of the other agents.

These characteristics led to immediate speculation online, with some suggesting that this Secret Service agent was, in fact, a reptilian alien. Reptilian aliens, according to some theories, are a shape-shifting species capable of adopting human appearances through the use of advanced holographic technology. The sighting at the AIPAC Conference, therefore, was interpreted by some as a rare moment where this technology momentarily failed, revealing the true nature of the being.

Theories Behind the Sighting

  1. Reptilian Alien Hypothesis:

    The concept of reptilian aliens has been popularized by conspiracy theorists who claim that these beings have infiltrated human societies, assuming influential roles to manipulate global events. According to this theory, these shape-shifting aliens can project a human-like appearance to blend in with society. Proponents argue that the AIPAC incident could be an example of a reptilian struggling to maintain its disguise, either due to technological malfunction or interference from the camera equipment used at the event.

  2. Camera Distortion Theory:

    Modern digital cameras have the ability to capture a wider spectrum of light than the human eye, including infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths. This has led some to suggest that the camera might have captured an image of the Secret Service agent that was not visible to the naked eye. The theory posits that the agent’s unusual appearance could be a result of camera distortion or interference, which might have partially exposed an otherwise invisible holographic disguise or simply distorted the agent's features in a way that made them appear otherworldly.

  3. Psychological Interpretation:

    It is possible that the alleged alien appearance is a result of psychological phenomena such as pareidolia, where people perceive recognizable patterns, like faces or figures, in unrelated visual data. In this case, the agent’s distinctive features, combined with the heightened security environment and the intense atmosphere of the conference, may have led viewers to interpret his appearance as something extraordinary or non-human.

  4. Government Infiltration Theory:

    A more controversial theory suggests that extraterrestrials have been integrated into government positions to directly influence human affairs. This idea is not new and has been proposed in various forms, often suggesting that world leaders and officials are either aliens themselves or are being manipulated by them. The presence of an alleged alien Secret Service agent close to the President would fit into this narrative, raising questions about the extent of extraterrestrial involvement in global politics.

Comparisons with Historical Sightings and Reports

  1. The Men in Black Phenomenon:

    The Men in Black are legendary figures in UFO lore, described as mysterious, often inhuman-looking individuals who appear after UFO sightings to intimidate witnesses. They are frequently characterized by their strange physical appearances and robotic behavior, which some believe indicates that they are either extraterrestrial beings or human agents working for a secretive organization. The AIPAC sighting shares similarities with Men in Black encounters, particularly the strange, almost robotic demeanor of the alleged agent.

  2. The Valiant Thor Case (1957, USA):

    Valiant Thor was an alleged extraterrestrial who, according to Dr. Frank E. Stranges, worked within the U.S. government at the Pentagon for several years. Thor was described as humanoid in appearance but with certain otherworldly qualities that distinguished him from humans. The AIPAC sighting echoes the Valiant Thor narrative in suggesting that aliens may be occupying key governmental roles, possibly to guide or manipulate humanity’s development from within.

  3. Skinwalker Ranch (1990s, USA):

    Skinwalker Ranch, located in Utah, is known for its numerous reports of paranormal activity, including sightings of shape-shifting beings and invisible entities. Witnesses have described encounters with beings that could alter their appearance or become invisible at will. The idea that these entities can manipulate their appearance is reminiscent of the alleged abilities of the reptilian agent at the AIPAC Conference. Both incidents involve beings that seem capable of hiding their true nature through technological or supernatural means.

  4. The Bob Lazar Testimony (1989, USA):

    Bob Lazar, who claimed to have worked at a secretive facility near Area 51, spoke of extraterrestrials interacting with humans and described advanced technologies that allowed for manipulation of time and space. Lazar’s testimony, if true, suggests that the U.S. government is well aware of the presence of extraterrestrials and possibly working alongside them. The AIPAC sighting, with its implications of an alien agent working in close proximity to the President, fits into this broader narrative of covert extraterrestrial influence.

Scientific Perspective and Skepticism

While the theories surrounding the AIPAC sighting are fascinating, they must be approached with a critical, scientific mindset:

  1. Pareidolia and Cognitive Bias:

    Pareidolia, the tendency to perceive meaningful patterns in random stimuli, could explain why some viewers saw the Secret Service agent’s appearance as non-human. In a high-stress environment like a political conference, combined with pre-existing beliefs about extraterrestrials, it is easy to misinterpret unusual but mundane features as something otherworldly.

  2. Camera Artifacts and Digital Distortion:

    High-definition cameras, especially those used in professional broadcasting, can sometimes create visual distortions due to various technical factors, including lighting conditions, focal length, and camera angle. Such distortions could make ordinary human features appear exaggerated or distorted, leading to misinterpretations. This could explain the agent’s odd appearance without resorting to extraterrestrial explanations.

  3. Confirmation Bias:

    People who believe in the existence of extraterrestrials or have a predisposition towards conspiracy theories are more likely to interpret ambiguous or unclear evidence in ways that confirm their beliefs. This cognitive bias can lead to the misidentification of ordinary events as evidence of alien presence, especially when the observer is actively looking for such signs.

  4. Professional Behavior of Secret Service Agents:

    Secret Service agents are trained to maintain high levels of vigilance and control over their emotions, which can sometimes be perceived as unnatural or robotic. Their appearance and behavior, when taken out of context, can be easily misinterpreted as being non-human, especially by those not familiar with the nature of their training and duties.

Implications of the Sighting

If the AIPAC sighting were proven to be genuine evidence of extraterrestrial presence, the implications would be profound and far-reaching:

  1. Global Security and Governance:

    The idea that extraterrestrials could be embedded within human governments suggests a level of infiltration and influence that challenges our understanding of global security and sovereignty. It would imply that world leaders may not be fully in control of their own policies and decisions, potentially being influenced or guided by non-human entities.

  2. Technological Advancements:

    The alleged ability of these beings to disguise themselves and possibly influence human thought suggests a level of technological sophistication far beyond what we currently understand. If such technology exists, it could have transformative implications for fields such as medicine, communication, and defense.

  3. Human-Alien Interaction:

    The presence of extraterrestrials within government positions raises fundamental questions about the nature of human-alien interaction. Are these beings here to help humanity, as some contactees and researchers suggest, or are they manipulating events for their own purposes? Understanding their intentions would be crucial for interpreting their presence and influence.


The alleged sighting of an alien Secret Service agent at the AIPAC Conference in March 2013 remains one of the most intriguing and contentious incidents in recent ufology. While it has inspired a variety of theories and comparisons to past sightings, it also underscores the need for careful analysis and skepticism. When viewed alongside other reports of extraterrestrial infiltration, the AIPAC incident fits into a broader pattern of alleged alien influence on human affairs.

However, scientific skepticism and the search for concrete evidence must guide our interpretation of such incidents. Whether the sighting represents a genuine encounter with an extraterrestrial being or simply a case of misinterpretation, it continues to provoke debate and curiosity. As we continue to explore the mysteries of the universe and seek to understand our place within it, sightings like the one at the AIPAC Conference remind us that there is still much to learn and discover.


Mothership 3X The Size Of Earth Rises From Within Our Sun, March 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 8, 2017, but taken 12-14-2016
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Source photo:

I just found this mothership rising out of our sun. I thought it was recent, but the NASA site says its from Dec 2016. This ship is covered in the suns boiling surface and thats why I assume its rising from below the surface. The lines one the craft show that this UFO is more than 3X the length of earth. Thats big. It looks like a submarine rising up out of volcanic lava. Absolutely amazing. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Forms Giant Worm Hole Over Norway Turning Night Into Day, Dec 2016, Three Videos, UFO Sighting News.

The UFO is forming a black hole around you see? Its not exploding, its creating the hole first...the it will enter with a flash of light and the hole is gone. 

Date of sighting: December 2016
Location of sighting: Phaethon, Norway
Photo source:

What you see here is a UFO opening up a wormhole to just disappear. As proof I would like you to see the photo above. I added light and all around the UFO, you see blackness. Its not natural...its a black hole being formed by the UFO to shoot through time and space. Some alien was too lazy to leave Earths orbit and just took off in one hell of a hurry. 

This is not the only worm hole to form over Norway, back in Dec of 2009 when President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for things he had not done yet, just months after he became president. Aliens made the wormhole to come to the Nobel ceremony...a sign of their approval...since aliens controlled the Nobel Peace Prize judging board that year. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


UFO Orb Seen Over Brazil F1 Race Track During Trials, Oct 30, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  Oct 30, 2016
Location of sighting: Brazil
News source:

UFOs like to investigate human technology, and where better to see the newest and fastest cars than at a Formula 1 trials race. Its the perfect opportunity for aliens to observe and scan human emotions, feelings, and commitments to win. As well as some awesome cars. Don't be so surprised, like we can record a movie, they can record so much more. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
Mexico: UFO Over Speedway During Formula 1 Trials
By Alfonso Salazar

During the Formula 1 speed trials this afternoon (October 29, 2016) the time being 1:25 in the afternoon, an unidentified flying object flew over the Hnos. Rodriguez speedway from west to east at an altitude of approximately 10,000 meters. The UFO flew at a speed comparable to that of aircraft. It was highly visible, as the sky was completely blue. Witnesses to the UFO's transit were on the orange stands to the left of the main track, and the UFO went off toward the eastern part of the city until it vanished from sight. It is worth noting that UFOs have been seen flying over the same speedway during other events, at times remaining static overhead. On one occasion, such a report was even transmitted live over Brazilian television.

UFO Hiding In Cloud Flying Low Over City In California, Oct 29, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  Oct 29, 2016
Location of sighting:  California, USA

UFOs make clouds, thats just a fact. We have reported hundreds of UFOs hiding in or near clouds over the years. Here we have a giant UFO shaped cloud. The shape is disk like because the UFO is disk shaped, but much smaller...about 10% the size of the cloud. The layers are made because the disk decides to rise up or lower, but its making the cloud at the same time, so it appears a new layer is there. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I've never seen a cloud like this before, it was literally layered. Super WEIRD, UFO-looking cloud in California!


UFO Disguised As Meteor Has Flying Saucer Come Out Of It, Japan, Oct 31, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 31, 2016
Location of sighting: Japan
News source:

This UFO tried hard to disguise itself as a green glowing meteor over Japan yesterday, however it made some amateurish mistakes. First, its glowing a color most meteors don't Its rare. Second, its performing the horizontal mambo, and meteorites do not fly horizontal while that low to the planet. Gravity would have pulled it down and it would have a curve. Third and this was the stupidest mistake the aliens made. The main ship turned off its glow for only 1/10th a second, (watch in slow motion) and at that moment a silver disk came out and moved back slowly away from the main ship. This is a disk, with a domed upper portion and grey metallic hull. 

See, even aliens make mistakes, this pilot, he made a lot. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Over Hawaii Mountain Top Shocks Eyewitness, Possible Underground Base In Hawaii, UFO Sighting News.

 I added contrast above to make the UFO come into focus. 

Date of sighting: Oct 23, 2016
Location of sighting: Waikane, Hawaii, USA
Source: MUFON #79999

UFOs are often seen around mountain tops because their exits from the underground bases need to be in locations where few people ever venture. That cuts down on the likelihood of them being seen. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I was taking pictures at Kaneoha Bay at lunch time of the mountains. I had on the "multiple pictures" setting which means if I hold down the button of my camera then it will continuously snap photos with not even a second invetween shots. I had this option on and took multiple picture of the mountains. I went to go look back at my pictures when I noticed one of them was not like the others. At first I thought a wood hip was on my lense but I looked closer and I realized I had spotted a UFO! Now, I don't really believe in stereotypical UFOs but this creeped me out so much that I'm reporting it just in case it really is one! The U identified object I saw was a disk, football shape and it was yellow/orange. When I zoom up on my camera, there seems to be a dome on the top as well. As soon as I saw the picture and realized it wasn't a football or woodchip I got a very eerie feeling. I showed my brother and dad the photo right when I saw but they didn't seem to be worried much about it. I attached the photos in this report as well. The first one should be a plain picture of the mountains and the second one has the weird object in it. It seems to be hovering over the mountain in the middle right side of the photo.


White UFO Orb Over Marysville, Washington On September 10, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 10, 2016
Location of sighting: Marysville, Washington, USA
Source: MUFON #79072

These types of UFOs will mimic stars in the sky at night, but then after 10-30 minutes, they will move away. Thats what happened here, and they have been observed over all countries around the world, but usually not this early in the day. 

This particular orb seems to have been there to look at the contrail pollution, the jet trail is seen at the end of the video. We assume Earth has always been ours, but it may belong to a much older species and they may be constantly gathering data to assess the damage that humanity causes. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Wife and I were out back sitting in our yard. As I sat I just so happened to look up. The sky was blue and cloudless. As I looked up I saw what at first I thought might be a satelite but quickly realized it had lights of changing color and movement. I then thought it might be an approaching plane with its lights on. All this time my wife was also observing the object. I have video of it. We observed this for almost 15 minutes 10 of which the object did not move it's position in the sky...


Moon's North Pole: Possible Ancient Structure Dark Rectangular Shape, Telescope (Video 4K) Oct 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 2016
Location of sighting: Earths Moon, North Pole

This is a really nice close up of the moon using a telescope to see in 4k video. As you see, the person found a dark circular tower on the moons horizon. The edges of the moon are easiest to spot the buildings because of the angle of light, the viewer, and the structure itself. Amazing discovery by UFOvni2012 of Youtube. 100% proof that giant structures exist on Earths moon. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Seen At Space Station Glistening In The Sun, Oct 20, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 20, 2016
Location of sighting:  Earths Orbit, at ISS

This UFO was spotted by UFO researcher Streetcap1 of Youtube. The video shows a long armed UFO in the distance. As proof that the UFO is there, as the sun light comes around, the UFO begins to light up, but not before NASA goes to blue screen. I feel that the public is trusting NASA less and less when it comes to revealing life on other planets. Their true goal seems to be to gather important intelligence, and drip feed the public enough to satisfy their curiosity.
Scott C. Waring


Tiny 3 cm tall alien found in @NASA wheel in Photo, Will It Destroy The Rover? Oct 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 2016
Location of sighting: Mars, SOL 1119
Source NASA photo:

This just came in today. A Youtube user Mars Alive has found a tiny alien figure inside the front left wheel of the rover! Thats right, and it looks 100% legit. I checked it out, and made the gif above for you to compare for yourself. Its there, and its about 3 cm tall. That matches the other half dozen figures we have found on Mars. The figure is standing upright and on a slanted edge, so its feet are slanted with it, much how a human stands on a slanted steep incline. For it to get into the wheel wheel it had to have crawled in there, so it is alive, but it may be attempting to sabotage the rover in order to stop it from driving over its homes. After this, I would not be surprised if the rover suddenly stopped working altogether. 
Scott C. Waring

Mars Alive states:
Incredible mars anomaly found in NASA's Sol 1119 Curiosity Front Hazcam: Left B, captured what appears to be another cover-up by NASA, NASA has many tactics for covering up anomalies on Mars, for example in this image, they have made it darker than the usual images from NASA, when they do this i know it's because they are trying to hide something, NASA's image quality just keeps getting worse as people find incredible anomalies, in this image there appears to be what looks like a small being inside the Curiosity Rover's wheel, this could very well just be ROCK inside the wheel as the rover travels across the Martian Terrain , but to me it seem's to be staring straight into Curiosity Rover's Camera, ROCK or Little Alien Being? Let me know what you think in the comment section bellow.

Eyewitness describes conversation with Area 51 employee, Aug 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: Aug 14, 2016

This is an interesting conversation about the greys, and the more violent taller brown aliens. The brown alien he talks about is the same one you see in the movie Fire In The Sky. At least 90% of what he tells us is true. He tries his best to describe the propulsion of the UFOs, and describe how they move from place to place. Its not a worm hole he is describing. Its zero point energy. It may be powered by element 115, that is still uncertain, but how the craft moves as such a high rate of speed is zero point energy, which is evident from the tilt, and from Astronaut Edgar Mitchell's emails, and Bob Lazars thorough explanation of the UFOs movement. The UFO will actually tilt so that it can move like a child on a slide. Zero point energy is an area tag Astronaut Edgar Mitchell worked in and said was brought here by the alien so that we can get rid of fossil fuels...his words, not mine. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states:
A retired area 51 worker spills his guts when he was piss face drunk to me on what he saw.


Wikileaks Email To John Pedesta; Astronaut Edgar Mitchell States Reason America Hides UFOs From Public, Oct 2016, UFO Sightings Daily.

Date of email: 7-29-2014
Writer of email: Astronaut Edgar Mitchell
Email sent to: John Podesta
Wikileaks URL:

I found something interesting in the Podesta emails at Wikileaks today. Edgar Mitchell sent an email to John Podesta (below) so that he could meet with Obama about the future of space exploration. In it he states the real reason we have all wanted to know, about why the United States decided to hide all alien info from the public (highlighted in yellow below).  

The RAND Corporation traces its origins to a research and development project created inside the Douglas Aircraft Company to study UFOs secretly retrieved by the U.S. military after the February 1942 Battle of Los Angeles UFO incident.

Battelle, Brookings was a 1960 report commissioned by NASA and created by the Brookings Institution in collaboration with NASA's Committee on Long-Range Studies. It was submitted to the US gov on April 18, 1961.

These were the things that convinced the US gov to hide all UFO and alien intel from the public, but that was 60 years ago, and those rules need to be changed, the public must know the truth. 
Scott C. Waring

Email states: 
Dear John Pedestal: 

As we move into the last half of 2014, the need for extraterrestrial 
disclosure intensifies. Thank you for your kind consideration and response
to my email. 

This 4 July weekend I will meet with President Obama’s friend, Ambassador Hamamoto, at the US Mission in Geneva during their Independence Day Celebration. While in Geneva I will also speak at the UN and the European Space Agency regarding why we must move forward with disclosure and specific programs such as manned moon missions, since some scientists and others are calling for moon colonization due to what they perceive is happening on Earth. 

John, with this email I am requesting a conversation with you and President Obama regarding the next steps in extraterrestrial disclosure for the benefit of our country and our planet. 

Fifty years ago Battelle, Brookings and RAND studies on UFOs convinced the government to remove knowledge of the extraterrestrial presence from the citizens of our country. These organizations advised with their best information. However, today much, if not most, of the extraterrestrial reality they examined is known by our citizens. These organizations' resultant strategies and policies of 50 years ago no longer hold credibility or benefit. 

Five decades of UFO information have dramatically shifted the public awareness of an extraterrestrial presence. And yet, our government is still operating from outdated beliefs and policies. These are detrimental to trust in government transparency, science, religion, and responsible citizenry embracing the next step in our country’s space travel and research. 

Three disclosure issues are prominent: 1) planet sustainability via next generation energies such as zero point energy, 2) galactic travel and research undertaken as an advanced species aware of the extraterrestrial presence, not as uninformed explorers who revert to colonialism and destruction and 3) the example of a confident, engaged government who respectfully regards the wisdom and intellect of its citizens as we move into space. 

I respectfully receive your response to my request for conversation on disclosure. 

[image: Image removed by sender.] 

Warmest Regards, 

Edgar D. Mitchell, ScD 

Chief Science Officer & Founder, Quantrek 

Apollo 14 astronaut 

6th man to walk on the Moon


Giant Skull Seen On CNN Hurricane Warning! Oct 4, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 4, 2016
Location of sighting: Bahamas
News source:

This face may be a warning from aliens of the death to come and the death its caused. Hurricane Matthew has already killed over 10 people in several countries and now its headed toward the East US coast. Often UFOs are seen around thunder storms, tornados and even hurricanes, and this one seems to have been made by a UFO too. The shape of the skull and eye of the hurricane are amazingly scary. Clouds are the easiest substance to bend with thought control, this is an example of that. Trust me I know, we got hit here in Taiwan by 3 hurricanes (typhoons) in ten days. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
Just in time for Halloween. A spooky satellite image of Hurricane Matthew resembled a human skull, which, naturally, sent the internet into a frenzy.

The infrared image (captured by NASA) was shared on Twitter by the Weather Channel's senior director of weather communications, Stu Ostro, as the devastating storm made landfall in Haiti Tuesday, October 4.

The post has since been retweeted more than 1,500 times, with many users freaking out over the devilish sight. "Good grief! Thats creepy!" one user wrote. Another added, "Looks like he was smiling for the photo shoot.. Creepy."

NASA Earth Science Office's Paul Meyer, an atmospheric scientist, told CNN that the sinister picture looks like a skull because of the way the colors have been tweaked to focus on the eye of the hurricane. The skull's teeth are cold convective clouds, he told the news outlet Wednesday, October 5.

Hurricane Matthew is currently a category 3 storm and is bearing down on the Bahamas. A hurricane warning has been issued along the east coast of Florida, where evacuations are already under way.


White UFO Seen Over Abilene, Kansas In Aug 4, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  August 4, 2016
Location of sighting:  Abilene, Kansas, USA
Source: MUFON #78235

This UFO was seen over a small town of Abilene a few weeks ago. Abilene is a secluded town with a low population of only 6,600, so aliens probably thought the odds of being seen were much lower in this particular area. Lucky for us they were wrong. Aliens are not perfect, the do make mistakes and are seen from time to time daily around the globe. They may live thousands or even millions of years, but that doesn't make them gods, just immortals, who are more fortunate than us technologically, that they may have such long lifetimes. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I was on a walk in a local park when I notice an odd light in the sky moving over me. I was able to record the object for about minute. After the first object was out of sight two other objects appeared heading the same direction, but too far out of range for my camera to see them.


UFO Over London Has Many Similarities To A USAF TR3B, Feb 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Feb 2016
Location of sighting: London, England

I just found this, although its a few months old, its new to me and I though some of you would like to hear about it. I do believe its real, but I also believe this is alien technology used by the USAF. Its a new generation TR3B USAF craft. It has the three glowing orbs just as the TR3B has. The US military puts 98% of its top secret test flights outside of the US, so that no one will know who created them. Be we do, don't we? Just like in the 1980-90s, the US flew an alien craft over England called the Aurora Project. Its nothing new here, but I just wanted to shed some light on it, and I hope it helps. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
We videoed this from our flat in ponders end, Enfield, London, UK. At first glance you might think this object was a star if you didn't know what your looking for, but it's not, which I could see when I videoed with my tablet and was able to zoom in fully then I noticed what it is. I was taking pics of it before from my mobile zooming then screen shooting then zooming again to see it up close. I showed people and some of them trying to tell me maybe its a helicopter, I told them I never seen a helicopter dismantle itself and reattach itself in mid air before have you? But a lot of people are more stunned at what we have filmed. Our comments: No noise from a helicopter is detectable - so that idea can be ruled out, and going by the recording we initially see spheres, then what is perhaps a domed-top craft. Of course this may be an optical illusion, (such as caused when viewing something from an extreme distance , or even an unusual angle), but to our eyes it's as if 'windows' are sometimes visible on whatever this thing is! before it changes shape into something that's almost triangular. So, could this in fact be distorted views of the ISS - International Space Station? Well, we've done a bit of research about this and according to the astronomy sites that we have referred to, there were no visible passes of the ISS when this footage was taken, and it was in view for more than the usual 2-3 minutes which is the stated time that we can normally get a sighting opportunity of the ISS from the UK.

UFO Seen On Moon Live Stream, Dark Disk Near Earths Moon, Aug 10, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 2016
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

As luck would have it, this UFO was caught on live stream when they were checking out the moon. It was caught by SpaceImaging Kieth of Youtube. The UFO is not a satellite, which would travel in a straight line. This UFO zig zags as it moves forward. It is not a balloon, because a balloon does not zig zag as it travels and this was out to sea. Dark disks have been seen traveling over the moon many times before. This is not the first, nor will it be the last. 

The most memorable dark disk was a UFO that measured over 5 miles across and was caught by an amateur Italian astronomer while cleaning his optics on his telescope and had it on record at the time. I will place some links below and a video at the bottom of this post for you to compare. 
Scott C. Waring


Scientists BAFFLED! Strange Sounds Over Cali, New Moon Mysteries & More! 8/4/16, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sounds: Aug 
Location of sounds: Alhambra, California, USA

Secureteam10 states that in Alhambra, CA this week, strange noises are worrying the locals. This is the western side of Los Angeles and its not too far from the ocean. Its very possible that underground bases are being secretly built by the US military 2-3 miles below the surface that may cause cracking or even the use of explosives underground to make the tunnels. Do you remember that in Malibu, CA that an underwater alien base was discovered a few years ago? This might be the work of aliens making an enlarge base. 
Scott C. Waring


NASA Says No More Live Feed From ISS To Hide UFOs For The Public! Aug 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of announcement: July 30, 2016
Source of news:

I can see why NASA would want to shut the live feed down. It is teaching the public that aliens exist, and if the public learns that, then NASA is no longer needed. They want the jobs, they want the billions of dollars they are given each year and guess what? You learning about aliens is not what they want to happen. So, they are shutting down the live cams again. Last time was two years ago, and I organised a group of readers heard to tweet to @NASA until they decided to leave the cams up. It worked, but now they are doing it again. I guess the $20 monthly internet charge is to high for them? Or perhaps those two 7 million dollar HD cameras on the space station are really for spying on other countries instead of searching for life? NASA = Never A Straight Answer.
Scott C. Waring

SonofMabarker states:
Looks like NASA has seen enough from us down here on Earth! They have decided to end the live feed from the International Space Station. Many people monitor that feed and then post videos and photos of what they have found. The ending of this live feed is yet another example of why NASA is not to be trusted in telling us the truth. There is really no other reason to do this.


'Hey Bill Nye, If Humans Colonize Mars, How Will We Evolve?’ #TuesdaysWithBill UFO Sighting News.

Here is an interesting video by Bill Nye. It discusses how humanity will evolve once on other planets. I believe evolution will happen naturally as well as technologically. Meaning we will grow more intelligent, stronger bodies, and longer lifespans all due to technological advancements. 
Scott C. Waring 

Video states: 
Victor: Hey Bill. My name is Victor and I’m from Markham, Ontario. The question I have for you this Tuesday pertains to human evolution and space colonization. I understand that humans are constantly evolving to adapt to the environment around us. For instance astronauts who have gone on long expeditions need to be carried out of their spacecraft after returning back to Earth. So what kind of evolutions do you think we might see in humans if we colonize a planet with lower gravity like Mars? Thank you.

Bill Nye: Victor, Victor, Victor. This is an excellent question and I appreciate you asking it. Notice that it is my strong belief that we will not colonize Mars. It’s a very romantic notion. You live in Ontario. I don’t know but it looks like your ancestors came from the west, the left coast of Canada and a lot of people who first colonized Canada were from Europe. And we have this vision that you leave your native country because you’re getting religiously persecuted or someone is making you a good deal on going to a new world where you can start a new life. And the people that came to North America from Europe thought this was great. They were going across North America eating everything, foraging in the forest, cutting down trees, making farms, finding all these remarkable natural resources, especially in Canada all these wonderful mineral resources.