Showing posts with label nobel peace prize. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nobel peace prize. Show all posts


Statue Found In Center Of Crater On Mercury, NASA Source. UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: 2004
Location of discovery: Planet Mercury
NASA source:

Guys, I found this statue with a cat like face and ears way back in 2004, but the 1.5mb size high detail photo was soon taken down by NASA. NASA took the photo back in 2000 and when I found it in 2004, Youtube still didn't exist and I hadn't made my UFO website it was lost forever. However I found it again in a much smaller size photo on a NASA site. So, please check out my video below to learn its size. It will blow your mind! 
Scott C. Waring


Proof That NASA Is Still Editing The Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Aug 16, 2019
Location of discovery: Moon Neptune and Triton
Source Photo:

Guys this really makes me angry. Its one thing to see those Instagramers using photoshop for selfies, but its another to catch NASA using it for photo that they make public. 

I wanted to have a better look at this photo, so I downloaded it and added light to it. Suddenly I saw a mess all around the edges of the photo and across its surface. The photo looks grainy and sandy. Its got scratches and brush marks on it, as if someone used a paint brush to wipe off the dirt from a camera lens. I'm really not sure what NASA did. Did they paint this scene and pretend its a photo? Or did they turn this horrible photo into a HD perfection by using photoshop to fool the public? That original photo was literally garbage! And the used photoshop to make it acceptable by the public. Thats like feeding people recycled food when they thought they were eating freshly made food. It sickens me. 

One thing is certain, we cannot trust NASA to release unedited photo to the public. This is 100% proof they edit photos and if they do that, they also will edit out alien structures and ships. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Ancient Face Found On Mars, Looking Up At The Sky, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Aug 13, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
Photo source:
Stone face North Carolina:

I found some faces in a Mars photo today. I think the faces are literally the most important discovery a person can make next to actually finding a living alien life form. The faces tell us what they saw, what they looked like, what they feared. It shows us the character of the person, are they forgiving, kind, thoughtful, cruel, angry, mean, feared. A single face tells us so many things its unbelievable.

For some people its nothing, they fear that someone will label them as crazy. But when a stone ancient face was found on Earth in North Carolina last month...everyone could see it...even though its characteristics were less defining and less detailed than the faces I show you here today. Just because I found it on Mars...people are afraid...because if they say....yes...then they are literally changing everything they were ever taught and programed to think about life. a frightening thing for anyone to encounter. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


What Blocked Out The Sun? And NASA Didn't Talk About It Because It Was Caused By A UFO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 8, 2019 07:07 to 07:13
Location of sighting: Earths Sun and SOHO satellite\

Something big just blocked out the sun today and no one even seemed to notice it. I found these images on a SDO NASA site that observes the sun through different filters and I put them to together so you can see them in real time as it happened. The reason nobody noticed is that it wasn't visible on Earth, but was actually only visible from the location of the SOHO NASA satellite. So, the real question I have is, did a UFO pass between the satellite and the sun causing this? Whatever it was it was huge! I have reported earth size UFOs near the sun a lot over the last month found in SOHO sun images, so it really has me concerned? What is NASA not telling us? Why didn't they talk about this with the public? This is crazy important astronomy news and yet nothing from NASA? If they don't want to talk about it, you can bet that its something that would frighten the pubic. 

This may be astronomy history being made, the first ever eclipse recorded off world. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Jellyfish UFO Recorded Over Small Town By Forest Camera, May 31, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 31, 2019
Location of sighting: Berryville, Arkansas, USA
Source: MUFON #101417

This UFO was caught on a forest oudoor camera while it was in infrared mode at night. Nothing can escape infrared mode, not even a UFO if its cloaked. Lots of the recent black and white video of UFOs released by the government in the latest news is also infrared. Without it, the UFO would probably never have been seen. This UFO is the same. Its a glowing energy craft, almost jellyfish like, but probably invisible to the naked eye. Lucky for us this camera caught the little bugger as it passed. This is probably a drone, sent for gathering information. It may have been exploring nature or it may have been watching through windows or walls at the local homes. The population of Berryville, Arkansas is only about 5,000 so it is a low populated area. Perfect for doing intel gathering for aliens.

Why would aliens want to gather data? Easy, lets imagine the human species is 1,000,000 years old. Then its tech would also be very advanced and since about 100,000 years old all info was kept on computers. That data was destroyed a dozen times over by accidents or attacks, leaving the history of the race a bit of mystery. So...they watch other primitive races at various stages of evolution to learn about their own past. 
Scott C. Waring


White UFO Over Dayton, Ohio Over USAF Base! June 18, 2019, Videos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 18, 2019
Location of sighting: Dayton, Ohio, USA 

This white UFO was seen over the Wright Patterson military base area. The UFO is said to have hovered there for over three hours, then suddenly turns orange and disappears. This looks really big, about ten meters, so I imagine there are a lot of others who saw this UFO. The UFO doesn't resemble anything I can think of and makes me wonder why it was at the military base and not being confronted by jets?
Scott C. Waring

Video states: 
Got an alert from a client who "got a call" from a friend. As you know, Wright Patterson Airforce Base is in Dayton, Ohio. If they had a radar, they'd know if there was something odd. I filmed this personally. Here is the entire video. It goes from blurry to focused because on the small screen I could not tell whether it was focused right, so I kept going back and forth to make sure that I got at least some clear footage -- and I did. Pause it. Very odd. It stayed in place, or moved VERY slowly for about an hour. It did not seem to change in size. Then the clouds came. This is posted as of 8pm, day of, filmed about 30 minutes ago. Weather balloon? Why is it reflective on two or more sides, then?


Incredible Footage of UFO Shooting Out Of Volcano In Mexico, Live Cam, June 16, 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 16, 2019
Location of sighting: Volcano in Mexico

Here is a video recorded from the live cam of the famous Mexican volcano Popocatepetl. The video shows the UFO shooting up out of the side of the volcano almost as a rocket would. This is really extrodinary footage and important proof that an alien base does sit 5-6 miles below this volcano. 
Scott C. Waring


NASA Rover Finds Half-Buried Machine on Mars April 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 17, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: unknown

In this video Youtube TheRealJimmyRoberts1 shows us alien artifacts that no one knew was even there. He has a great eye for details hidden among the mars rocks and debris. This is just one incredible video that you don't want to miss. 

Scott Waring

Ancient Alien Artifacts On Martian Surface - NASA Curiosity Rover, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

Youtube WhatsUpInTheSky37 found some remarkable alien artifacts on Mars in a NASA photo. He has a great eye for detail and as you see in the photo above, there is an alien figure carved into the stone. The carvings appear to be a bit similar to those of the ancient Aztecs here on Earth. Very exciting discoveries and absolute proof that intelligent aliens once lived on Mars. 

Scott Waring


UFO Exits Door In Moon, Gets Deleted From NASA Image Archive After Reporting it! April 2019, UFO Sighting News

Date of discovery: 2013
Location of discovery: Earths moon, Apollo 
Deleted source: 

Still exist non nasa source:

I reported finding these two photos in the NASA Image Atlas back in 2013, but between then and now, they got deleted. It looks as if NASA is using the research I do at this site to help edit out the existence of aliens. 

These photos are much more important than you may think. The evidence that NASA deleted is not just a UFO, but is also 100% evidence that the moon is not real, but actually an alien space station. Thats right. The moons surface appears real, but as you see, the surface can open up huge doors that allow ships to exit and enter at any given time. How do you think the public would react if they knew the moon was not real, but an alien space station with its surface covered with debris to make it look like a moon? The public would panic, chaos would ensue and world governments would be in turmoil. All from two little photos, but they stopped all that from ever happening with a single stroke of a delete key. Thats why NASA exists. To control what the public knows. 
Scott C. Waring


News Journalist Witnesses UFO Entering Mexico Volcano, March 27, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 27, 2019
Location of sighting: Popocatepetl, Mexico
News source:

This volcano is famous for its UFO and alien sightings. Volcano Popocatepetl has had hundreds of UFOs recorded around it over the last seven years. I started this site eleven years ago, but started reporting UFOs at that volcano back in nine years ago. I will put my first live cam recording of it at the bottom of this post. 

The mouth of the volcano is about 600 meters across. It would take about 15 of these UFOs to make the full 600 meters. So this UFO is about 40 meters in diameter. And the eyewitness saw many of these craft near the volcano, but only reported photos of one. I think thats because the other UFOs were too far away or semi cloaked (transparent) so they were difficult to record. Volcano Popocatepetl is one of the most active alien bases in the world, with UFO sightings recorded there on a weekly basis. The base exists about 4-6km below the ground where they made a large cavern area that is so huge that it has its own weather climate. 

Scott C. Waring - UFO researcher

About me: I was born in East Los Angeles, California. Had my first NASA photo discovery in the 1st grade (1975) in Silicon Valley where I discovered the face at Cydonia, Mars in the school library. Stopped till high school, where I began searching for buildings in NASA moon photos and succeeded. Started UFO Sightings Daily site in March 2009 to share things I learned about UFOs. I wrote four books. I graduated with a BA in elementary education from ISU and a Masters in Counseling education from MSU. I met my Taiwanese wife in university and opened an English school in Taiwan where I have lived ever since. 

News states: 
SAN NICOLÁS DE LOS RANCHOS, Puebla.- An "unidentified flying object" was captured by the journalist Carlos Clemente, during the period of activity of the Popocatépetl volcano, on March 27. The images show the object flying near the fumaroles over 3 kilometers high. To make the shot, the journalist of the team of conductor Jaime Maussan, occupied a camera of 3000 mm. The journalist toured the area impacted by the volcanic activity of "Don Goyo", on March 27; material that would serve for the broadcasts of the "Third Millennium News" programs. "When we were doing a photographic survey in the area near this colossus of fire, in one of our images, the presence of an unidentified flying object was captured in an incidental way, when we were observing, we realized that they were passing by, at high speed, at a distance, objects that we could not identify, however, in this photograph we can clearly grasp how one of these objects moved near the volcano, "explained the journalist during the broadcast of the past 28 and 31 of March. The journalist also stressed: "Without doubt, this is one of the clearest pictures of this type of unidentified flying objects that have been taken in the volcano." The image shows a classic dish with a dome, which even reflects sunlight, flying very close to the height of the crater of this volcano, considered one of the most active in the country.

Below is the video of the same volcano back in 2010 with UFO orbs around it on live cam.