Date of sighting: September 21, 2012
Location of sighting: Draa, Syria
UFOs are seen in all parts of the world and Syria is no exception. These glowing orbs were seen over the city of Draa on Sept 21 at 11:30 pm and caused many of the people to panic. The orbs are not in a perfect triangle which makes me think this is not a single craft but each orb is a separate craft.
Date of sighting: September 14, 2012
Location of sighting: Syria
This colourful UFO was seen over Syria this week. Now don't complain about the focusing or zooming in and out. I have caught two similar UFOs like this myself a year ago and focusing on the UFO from such a distance and its constant strobe like effect really plays tricks on the camera. The colours, the strobe effect and the tiny black orbiting balls are all the same as the two that I too have seen. This is real, that I promise you. Why aren't these things showing up on military radar? SCW
Date of sighting: June 11, 2012
Location of sighting: Syria
This is an unusual UFO that was seen flying slowly over Syria sky this week during broad daylight. The UFO looks like a comet, but no reports of comets near earth have been reported by NASA, therefore its not a comet and its much to large to be a meteor. Its flight pattern is that of an intelligently controlled aircraft. Great capture of this UFO. Hey, this guy on Youtube got many "dislikes," it would be cool if you could take a second and like his video so more people will view it in the future. Thanks, SCW
Date of sighting: January 2012
Location of sighting: Dier Simbel, Syria
Now don't be fooled by the video special effects making it look more professional. This UFO in the video does exist. I have seen it last summer here in Taiwan when I myself was recording the clouds. What I saw was only for about 3 seconds and it was 70-80% transparent, but it looked like a starfish. I didn't see it until I went to put it on the computer. I tried to upload it but when transferred to Youtube it lost its quality so was not so visible. What I'm saying is its real, I saw it once and I believe this is a legit video of it close up. didn't look like a ship to me, because it rotated (slowly) like a wheel on end. Perhaps a probe or some undiscovered life form in the clouds. I can't find the video but this photo below from an old sighting I reported is close to what it looked like, but rotating. SCW

Eyewitness states: "The Assad Regime Reports to see in the village of Dier Simbel in Syria about 25 miles from Idib, Jericho and Ma'Arrat Naman a U.F.O. Sighting that entered the atmosphere."