Showing posts with label sept. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sept. Show all posts


UFOs at night over Wittenberge, Germany on 09/18/2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 18, 2013
Location of sighting: Wittenberge, Germany


Bat Like UFO Seen During NASA Orbit Mission, Close Up photo, Sep 23, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 23, 2013
Location of discovery: Earths Orbit

While searching through NASA photos, I came across this Bat like UFO in the Mercury Mission MA-7 photos. This missions goals was to make 3 earths orbits before coming home. It was launched on May 22, 1962. We are looking at a very balanced looking craft from the top view. It stands out a lot from the clouds far below it. If you don't believe me, please check the NASA source in the link above. The coloration of the UFO is white to match the clouds for anyone looking up...but stands out because it so far above the clouds. SCW

I also found four photos with a blurred cross in the window...which makes me wonder if the astronaut hung up his necklace in the window for good luck, see photos below


Diamond-Shaped UFO Captured On Nebraska Live TV Towercam (VIDEO), UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 
Location of sighting: Lincoln, Nebraska, USA

Just yesterday I reported about a three glowing UFOs seen over Lincoln, Nebraska this week, now check out this new sighting from Lincoln. I also noticed there are some glowing tiny orbs around it, and at 21 sec into the video the red object shoots up into the triangle. (second photo down) SCW


Mysterious lights Over Lake In Ohio Excite On Lookers, Sept 7, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 7, 2013
Location of sighting: Sheffield Lake, Ohio, USA

These mysterious orbs were seen over a lake in Ohio this week. The seem to dim then light up again brightly. Also they seem to be in a triangle formation which would show they are intelligently controlled. If you or someone you know saw this glowing lights in Ohio that night, please let us know in comments. SCW


UFO Sighting Over Washington DC, Capital Building On Sept 3, 2013.

Date of sighting: September 3, 2013
Location of sighting: Washington DC, USA

While I was looking over a live cam I happened to come across a dark disk as soon as I turned it on. It was up for a few minutes and I tried to take a video, but later I found out my audio driver was messed up so there was no sound. The photo was gone in a few min and the next photo showed just empty sky. If you live in the Washington DC area and saw a UFO please let us know the details. Thanks, Scott C. Waring


Glowing White Disk Fails To Hide In Clouds, Mexico, Sept 2012 Video.

Date of sighting: Sept , 2012
Location of sighting: Guadalajara, Mexico

This sighting reminds me a lot of the white disk UFO over London, England last year. Its shape, glowing white effect and how it try is to hide next to the clouds to blend it are all part of its pattern. Keep your eye on it and you will see something even more rare…the UFO shooting away to the left. It shows us that they can travel at speeds of light any time they wish, even from a completely standing still position. Great video of a UFO. This is why so many UFOlogists scan the clouds to try to catch sight of them. SCW


UFO Orb Seen Over Gallup, New Mexico On Sept 29, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: September 29, 2012
Location of sighting: Gallup, New Mexico, USA

Eyewitness states: 
"stepped outside -looked up and saw this Silver ball flying from North to Southwest -it was plusating and moving slow-camera footage is shaky @ times -but so what ..."


UFOs Are Real, Should Be Studied, Says Ex-Project Blue Book Director Col. Robert Friend, Sept 2012, VIDEO.

Retired Col. Robert Friend, a former director of the Air Force's nearly 20-year UFO study, Project Blue Book, says that science should continue looking into the mystery of flying saucers.
Friend, assigned in 1958 to direct Blue Book, was charged with trying to determine if UFOs were a threat to national security and whether they could be of scientific interest.
"When I first took over the program, I wrote two staff studies, and in both instances, I recommended that [UFOs] be put into another agency which would give them full scientific investigations and analyses," Friend told The Huffington Post over the weekend at a special lecture titled "Military UFOs: Secrets Revealed."
The event, held at the Smithsonian-affiliated National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas, featured Friend, seen below, three other retired military colonels and a former United Kingdom Ministry of Defense UFO investigator.
These days, the retired 92-year-old colonel acknowledges that he's spoken to more Air Force pilots than most people will ever meet, and he's heard their stories about strange things they've encountered in the sky -- objects that have come very close to their aircraft.
Despite the roughly 700 UFO cases labeled as "unidentified" during the Air Force's investigation of more than 12,000 reports, Blue Book was closed down in 1969. The project's conclusion: UFOs posed no security threat to the nation, nor did they display any technological abilities "beyond the range of present-day scientific knowledge."
But Friend, who was Blue Book director until 1963, didn't totally agree with the official findings.
During his tenure, he unsuccessfully tried to get the UFO issue moved to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency as well as to the then-newly created space agency, NASA. He's had conversations with pilots and military officials who tossed the idea around that some UFOs might be alien in origin.
"Yes, there were some people who had those opinions. I, for one, also believe that the probability of there being life elsewhere in this big cosmos is just absolutely out of this world -- I think the probability is there."
Friend, the oldest surviving member of the famous Tuskegee Airmen of World War II, was joined on Saturday at the UFO lecture by the man who served as Friend's chief spokesman for Blue Book between 1961 and 1963, Col. William Coleman.

Below Col. Robert Friend Has Spoken About UFOs Way Back in 1988, check out this older video Below.

Glowing Orbs Seen Over Cincinnati, Ohio On Sept 2012, VIDEO.

Photos below by the mans daughter, separate camera. 

Date of sighting: September 29, 2012
Location of sighting: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

There are two videos, one taken by the father and one taken by the daughter. I can only put one here due to the daughter not allowing the video to be embedded. So I will put the photos above and a link here to the second video:

Eyewitness states: 

Springboro/Lebanon means you were looking nearly southeast. These were nearly due south from where we were. Middletown is approximately 2/3 the distance from your location to ours and northwest of us. The brightness was greater than a flare and there was no smoke trail involved, which is always visible with flares whether air deployed, flare gun or military pop flares and always illuminates the chute from which it is suspended. No. These were not flares or parachutists. Each of us is tasked with, accountable for and will be judged by our choices, decisions, behaviors and actions within the framework/circumstances within which we live or encounter. I am what I do when it counts- and we are mostly not cognizant of how much it counts. We are even accountable for every idle (in greek that translates to idle, non-productive) word spoken. I have only offered a possibility, not an irresponsible guarantee that it is so.


UFOs Seen A Second After Lightning Strikes SUV In Russia, Sept 2012 VIDEO.

Date of sighting: September 17, 2012
Location of sighting: Russia

This week a dashboard cam was lucky enough to catch a lighting strike as it hit an SUV driving down the street. As the lighting dissipates, three glowing UFOs are seen at the top of the screen for a split second. UFOs have been tied to lighting storms a lot this year and this video is no exception. I circled the UFOs in red so you can see them better.

Another curious theory by one viewer of the video commented, "Thor is now in the vehicle." This response got 20 thumbs up already, but by the time I was finished writing this it was 34, five min later. Although they were probably referring to the comic character…interesting enough Val Valiant Thor is the name of an alien that looks human and who landed his ship in Virginia in 1957 and was escorted by police to the Pentagon where he later talked to President Eisenhower. What I'm saying is the comment could be 100% correct. He could be back and among us once again.


UFO sighting *TRIANGLE UFO CAUSES PANIC* over Syria sept 2012

Date of sighting: September 21, 2012
Location of sighting: Draa, Syria

UFOs are seen in all parts of the world and Syria is no exception. These glowing orbs were seen over the city of Draa on Sept 21 at 11:30 pm and caused many of the people to panic. The orbs are not in a perfect triangle which makes me think this is not a single craft but each orb is a separate craft. 


UFO Orb With Long Tail Seen Over Alberta, Canada, Sept 23, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: September 23, 2012
Location of sighting: Alberta, Canada

Its very rare to see these UFOs during the daytime. Few videos of this style of craft exist except of night video shots over the last few years. Below is the actual video of the event and I want you to compare it to a sighting that happened in Hong Kong last year that flew in a formation that created the mathematical symbol for INFINITY. Many similarities over all in flight pattern, shape, tail and how they just fade and disappear. SCW

Two UFO Orbs Seen Over Albuquerque, New Mexico VIDEO, Sept 22, 2012.

Date of sighting: September 22, 2012
Location of sighting: Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

Look closely at the white orbs of light. They seem to have no definitive surface structure but instead have this electricity-like static coming from around their edges. Sadly the person stopped filming so they could get some binoculars, but this short footage of these two orbs helps us understand them more.  I am sure that most UFOs have programs that monitor human thoughts...or as I call it...scanning for panic emotions...yet when this little girl panics next to her father they remain instead of disappear. This is unlike most UFO orb sighting in that way. They usually move into a cloud or head for a hiding place far away when they sense they have been detected. These are alien orbs and they have been seen on almost a daily basis in the Arizona, New Mexico area. In WWII they called them Foo Fighters. SCW


UFOs flying into entrance on Moon, Confirmed, Sept 22, 2012.

Date of sighting: Sept 22, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

I SCW was amazed at the earlier post we made here about a fleet of UFOs leaving the moon. So I began to wonder about it. Perhaps these UFOs are not orbiting as I assumed earlier…it seems more likely that they are at the end of an incoming space highway and that the base entrance must be close to the location where they were seen last. Many telescopes have recorded UFOs emerging around the far right corona of the moon, so I want to try. Last night I went up to the roof using a Canon SX30 IS Power Shot which has a great zoom and I focused it on the moon for ten minutes. 

I saw some of these UFOs appear every 20-30 seconds on the lower right side of the moon. They came often in groups of 2-3 and were 1 second apart. I should have seen them when they got to the other side of the moon…covered by shadows, but they never went that far. Therefore its safe to say they entered the moon in a location near where I saw them. I will try to upload the video tonight. SCW

TV News In Otway, North Carolina Talk To Eyewitnesses of Giant UFO over Otway, Sept 21, 2012.

Date of sighting: September 21, 2012
Location of sighting: Otway, North Carolina, USA

Eyewitness states:
"The unidentified flying object was sighted Tuesday and Wednesday night over Otway, which is near Beaufort in Carteret County. Witnesses describe the object as six orange glowing lights that rotate into a V-shape, then slowly disappear. "It was six lights in a straight line (that were) above everything else," Otway resident Jonathon Willis said. Willis said his friends first spotted the object Tuesday. "I didn't really believe it at first, but last night proved me wrong," Willis said. "Something is out there."


Three UFO Orbs Glowing Over Niagara Falls, Canada Sept 11, 2012, Video.

Date of sighting: September 11, 2012
Location of sighting: Niagara Falls, Canada

This is a great capture of UFO orbs over Niagara Falls this week. The person that recorded the video said he was holding the night vision goggles in front of the camcorder to see the objects better. There appears to be three glowing orbs in this video but may be more and they assume the triangle formation several times. But we are left with a question...why are they there of all places? SCW

Sidenote: feel free to re-blog any of our sightings on your own site. Share the knowledge. 

Glowing UFO Over Melbourne, Australia Photo Up Close, Sept 18, 2012.

Date of sighting: September 18, 2012
Location of sighting: Melbourne, Australia 

News states: 

An eagle-eyed listener to the 3AW Afternoon program believes he may have filmed a UFO in the skies above Melbourne last week.
'Ivan' says his neighbour called out to him early last Tuesday evening telling him to look up at a strange light.
"It was this bright object flying around, quite a pace, doing unusual turns and what have you. I was looking at it for about 10 mins" Ivan told Denis Walter.
"It was behaving like no aircraft that I have seen, as I was recording I dismissing what it could be, what it could not be, it was really intriguing me" he said.
"I was bewildered by what I was observing," Ivan told reporters. "I looked up in the sky and saw this bright object maneuvering phenomenally. It was descending, and then was weird." Ivan described it as a ‘bright star’ which changed through a myriad of colours as it pulsated across the sky. "It was blue, then it changed to green, then to red, and bright was astounding to watch." Ivan recorded the rare phenomenon on his phone for about eight minutes, but says the spectacle hovered in the sky for about an hour.

He said there was talk among his neighbours that there was another reported sighting as far west as Bacchus Marsh. A self-described sceptic of super-natural events, Ivan said he is at a loss to explain the evidence. "I’ve reviewed the footage to try and determine what this thing is and what it isn’t, but I don’t know what it is. "I'm no expert...I'm not presuming it's something from another planet, but with the evidence in front of me, it's hard to dismiss."


UFO caught over Blackstone River MILFORD, Massachusetts. 9-13-2012 3PM

Date of sighting: September 13, 2012
Location of sighting: Milford, Massachusetts, USA

Eyewitness states: 
Shot the sky over the Blackstone River today. Before work. Clear sky. No clouds or chemtrails. 80 degrees. Didn't see anything, until I watched my clip after work. Another fastwalker. Getting more defined. Peace to all. More to come.


UFO Buzzes Past Passenger Jet Over Beirut, Sept 4, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: September 4, 2012
Location of sighting: Beirut 

Eyewitness states:
While filming from the window of the airplane, suddenly an unidentified object passed us by. It was really unbelievable when I received and viewed the film in slow motion. So I am going to share it with you.
It happened over Beirut 04 September 2012 


UFO Hiding In Cloud Formation Over Moscow, Russia On Sept 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: September 5, 2012
Location of sighting: Moscow, Russia

Watch as this guy get three videos of the cloaked UFO over Moscow each from different positions. MUFON report of the O'Hare Airport UFO many years ago confirms that UFOs can make holes in clouds when traveling through them. MUFON reports that after many eyewitnesses saw the grey UFO disk rise up, as it passed through the clouds, it left a hole behind in the cloud, and the hole remained for up to 15 minutes. Perhaps the UFO in this one is no longer there and is merely the hole left over from it once being inside. 

The government can lie to us, laugh at us and try to intimidate us with jokes...but we know aliens are real and we will continue to pursue the truth until we win. SCW