Above photo has added shadows only. You can even see the bottom of the ship, the dome top and the thin dome bottom.
Date of sighting: November 29, 2015
Location of sighting: Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
News source: http://myfox8.com/2015/11/29/ufo-cloud-spotted-in-greensboro/
I wanted to see the detail of the cloud so I added some shadow to it and I began to see a domed bottom area of the UFO. The UFO itself looks gold but is covered in thick layer of cloud. The shading cut through it about 80%. Its a well known fact among UFO researches that UFOs frequently create a thin layer of cloud around their ships in order to observe humans closer without frightening them.
Scott C. Waring
Myfox8.com News states:
GREENSBORO, N.C. – Has a “UFO cloud” been spotted in Greensboro? Check out this photo that was sent to FOX8’s Chad Tucker that features a cloud that bears a striking resemblance to a UFO. Joseph Stewart sent the photo on Sunday and said the “flying saucer-looking cloud” was spotted near Brassfield Shopping Center on Battleground Avenue in Greensboro. “It may not make the news, but I thought it would bring a smile,” Stewart said on Facebook. “Have a blessed Sunday.”
Above screenshot has added shadows only.