
Sydney, Australia Orbs Near Clouds, Daytime video Jan 16, 2012.

Date of sighting: January 16, 2012
Location of sighting: Sydney, Australia

An infrared lens was used in the day as this was done, can allow you to see UFOs that are normally cloaked to the human eye. Using this or infrared cameras will allow you to see them. Most of the time circular orbs or diamond orbs are seen, but sometimes you see other unusual shapes. Also it is possible to see these white orbs with a normal camera if your zoom is 30X or better and you most focus near the sun, but not at the sun. I did this last summer and it works. I caught a few white orbs moving fast.


UFO Fleet Over France, Jan 16, 2012, PHOTOS.

Date of sighting: January 16, 2012
Location of sighting: France

Look at these amazing photos taken in France this week when there was a foggy day. In the photos you can see not one but four long cigar shaped UFOs hovering over the neighborhood roofs. Some say that the fog is used as a cover so that the UFOs can scan the inhabitants on the ground without causing panic. 

Source: http://ovnislayrac.blogspot.com/

UFO Mothership Seen In SOHO NASA Video, Possibly Nibiru Jan 15, 2012 VIDEO.

Date of sighting: January 15, 2012
Location of sighting: Orbiting Sun

While looking at the SOHO Stereo Ahead EUVI 195 cam, a person recorded this video of multiple UFOs moving about in the suns corona. There are a few that really catch my attention though. Look closely at the dark triangle shaped mothership as it faces its nose toward the sun and then later is seen facing its nose away from the sun. Is this the famous Nibiru (Planet X) that we all heard about or is this just a mothership that is 7-10 times the size of Earth? Either way, if that UFO hit us, we would be like a bug on a windshield.


Date of sighting: January 14, 2012
Location of sighting: Freising, Germany

MUFON REPORT: I tested the new camera from a friend. I went to the roof of the house and photographed the night sky. I look the photos on the computer and i see on one picture this UFO. It can be seen only on one photo. With my own eyes I have not seen and not heard.


TWO EYEWITNESS VIDEOS: International Space Station Has UFO Disk Recorded On Live Cam, Jan 15, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: January 15, 2012
Location of sighting: International Space Station

Watch this video of a UFO he caught near the ISS on Jan 15th. He mentions that it could be a reflection and yes that is a possibility, however the UFO seems classic disk style and solid. I also recorded this video at the same time as this guy. His video seems more clear than mine, but its good a second person recorded this UFO. Its called getting confirmation from other eyewitnesses. I uploaded my video to compare...at bottom and sadly its not as much details as his. SCW

The other eyewitness states: "This was taken on Sunday 15th Jan 2012 around 10am GMT. There is a FADE after the first couple of seconds, it never actually moved. ISS then moved the camera before it came around again so I've haven't seen it again."

The below video is what I caught, lower resolution, not sure why. O_o I used ScreenRecordSTD on Macbook, I should have recorded it in full screen mode. 

Two Planes Following Triangle UFO Over Spain, Jan 15, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: January 15, 2012
Location of sighting: Spain

Watch closely as a triangle shaped UFO is being escorted over Spain by two single engine planes. An odd sighting indeed, because usually jets are sent out, but in a case of the UFO not leaving the area fast, then a slower escort would take place as you see in the video. I only wish they guy ran to the other side of the building to continue filming. Very amazing sight indeed. See another UFO escorted by two jets in Italy here.

Eyewitness states: "Two Slow moving airplanes folowiing / escorting a triangle shaped UFO."

UFO Orbs Over Budapest Jan 08th 2012, Amazing Video.

Date of sighting: January 8, 2012
Location of sighting: Budapest, Hungary

Eyewitness states: Uploaded by Consultant1974 on Jan 8, 2012
"Three shining flying balls above Budapest. The balls of light was the same from any aspects. After these three balls there was two following balls ten minutes later."