
Alien Base Discovered In Hubble Telescope Photo Of Crab Nebula, Dec 2012. UFO Sighting News.

I was looking over Hubble Telescope photos when I came across this round, helmet like structure. The structure looks to be a space station that is sitting inside of the Crab Nebula but there seems to be more. I looked over the Nebula carefully and it seems that it is not left overs of a supernova but actually seems to be solid not gas. Think of it as a massive moss-like structure floating around in space. I know this sounds strange...new things always do but check out the close ups of the photo. There actually seems to be trees, streams and rock like mountains. SCW

Credit: ESA/NASA
Link: http://hubblesite.org/gallery/album/entire/pr2005037a/

My name is Scott C. Waring and I am a UFOlogist. I wrote four books and numerous articles. I seek the truth.


UFO Caught Over Park In Thailand On Dec 27, 2012, On TV News.

Date of sighting: December 27, 2012
Location of sighting: Thailand

Recently a news cast about a UFO over a park area in Thailand was seen on TV. In it they talk about a disk the size of a car was seen flying low and close to the tree tops. Many people were eyewitness to the event and more videos and photos of the UFO are expected to be released in the coming days. Many girls in the news cast show their cell phones and photos of the UFO are on them (26 sec into video). Absolutely amazing sighting. SCW

My name is Scott C. Waring and I am a UFOlogist. I wrote four books and numerous articles. I seek the truth.


UFO Caught Entering Volcano In Mexico, Dec 28, 2012.

Date of sighting: December 28, 2012.
Location of sighting: Popocatepeti Volcano, Mexico

I was watching the live cam of the volcano in Mexico when I caught one screenshot of a metallic disk inside the mouth of the crater. I did not see it in the photo before or after, so I only have this one shot, but it is clearly a circular disk with another smaller disk at its top. This is the same cam that recorded the 1km long UFO that entered the crater last month. The live cam link is below. SCW

Link: http://www.cenapred.unam.mx/popo/UltimaImagenVolcanI.html

My name is Scott C. Waring and I am a UFOlogist. I wrote four books and numerous articles. I seek the truth.


Sparkling UFO Over Chester County, Pennsylvania On Dec 26, 2012.

Date of sighting: December 26, 2012
Location of sighting: Chester County, Pennsylvania, USA

Eyewitness states: 
This was seen between 2-3 pm in Chester county, PA. The black object was seen first and hovered in the same spot for at least 2 hours that we saw.


Fleet Of Three Giant UFOs Move Across Dark Side Of Moon, Dec 2012.

Date of sighting: December 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

I had to add light to the above screenshots for you to better see the three orbs. These UFOs change positions and look circular in shape, but know this is the view from looking down at them from above them. Many UFOs have been caught along the moons corona and only a very few have been recorded flying over the lighted side of the moon, but it is very rare to see them on the dark side of the moon. These are not stars and to prove it I drew the line where the moon is for you to see it more easily. A really rare catch of a small fleet of UFOs, but mind you they are large...probably several km across for them to be so visible on the telescope. SCW


UFO Follows Passenger Aircraft At Night From Houston Heading To Chicago, Dec 23, 2012.

Update: Eyewitness also stated "Yes. It was while I was en route from LA GUARDIA AIRPORT in NYC to HOUSTON,TX."

Date of sighting: December 23, 2012
Location of sighting: Between La Guardia Airport, New York and Houston, Texas, USA

This plane took off from Houston and was headed to Chicago when the person recorded this glowing object outside the window. The bad thing about windows is that it can cause a reflection of light from behind you, making me concerned about this sighting, yet the person waves his hand in front of it and you see the reflection of the hand without the UFO changing in any way. 

When I enlarge the object I see that its not a reflection from light...but appears to be a solid object with a very distinct shape. UFOs do follow planes all the time and probably more so at night, so in my opinion yes it is real and that is why I am posting it, but please tell us your thoughts on this. SCW

Eyewitness states:I removed the previous postings due to the fact that they showed passengers inside the plane. Also, the fight attendant was shown as well. Since I don't have their permission to post both passengers and flight attendant, I cut the footage short in order to show the main part. I have sent to the FAA the short footage for them to review it and give me some explanation as to what it could have been. I will keep you all posted on what they say. Granted, it could be anything from a distance. However the footage is real and it is now under the hands of the FAA . I do not want anyone else to handle this until the FAA returns their input. Please give me time. Many have requested interviews and the actual footage. UFOlogist please be patient.